A famous American once said, "The time for half measures and talk is over"...actually, that was probably a famous Australian and he was playing an ancient Roman or something like that, but the point still stands.
I'm past recruiting pitches and flowery promises. Hear me now...by God, I will wallpaper someone's dorm room with cash. That ain't what it looks like, Mr. NCAA Man, those are just teeny lil posters of Benjamin Franklin.
We're in the conference wilderness and it's time to start bringing a gun to the knife fight. If other schools have a river of dirty money, we need a tsunami. I'm gonna need a payroll company to keep track of this operation - someone call ADP because I've gone rogue.
I'm World Wide Fishy and every high school senior or junior 6'9" and over is my nephew. If you can rebound the basketball, you and me got a pre-existing relationship. I'm your mother's brother on your dad's side, I'm Aunt Ethel's boyfriend, I'm your dad's mom, I'm the midwife who tugged you into this world - whatever gets the job done.