Most posters are talking about the issues as they relate to the students and that is certainly extremely important - they are our future

, but when you look at a university environment, or just limit it to a collegiate athlete environment the age range of contacts is greatly expanded. I doubt there are any age stats available, but it expands from 18-22 yr olds, to coaches who occupy some space between 22-75 yrs old, trainers, team doctors, referees, facilities staff, cleaning staff, broadcasting staff, sports administration, travel personnel, etc all will have both wide age ranges and general health statuses. And the university environment adds in professors, tutors, administrators, custodial staff, security staff, housing staff, etc. will have a whole new set of ranges. So the process of fielding a university team is not just about 18-22 yr olds in good health.
It becomes about the whole community, and with sports teams it is not even just the local community but a intermingling of the communities of every location where the team plays, and every location where the opponent has played. And those various communities will all have very different rules in place and very different profiles for how this virus has behaved within that locale. And those parameters will be in a constant state of flux. Look around the country, region, and even different counties within a state, and you see a wide range of current conditions and a constantly evolving situation in every locale, as well as widely different demographics. Tolland County (Storrs) is a very different situation from Hartford County (Civic Center), is a very different situation from New London county (Mohegan Sun), is a very different situation from Fairfax county (Bridgeport) all location Uconn has played games in CT.
I live in Storrs myself and am actually pretty terrified about what the community will look like when there are 20,000 students returning for classes in August and added into the currently pretty sparsely populated town. And I am retire and venture into public only once or twice a week at this point - couldn't imagine if I had to work on campus or in town 8 hours a day 5 days a week with a bunch of young adults who feel pretty invincible because it only affects 'old sick folks.'