Most D-I athletes get up well before 7:15 am to lift and run. Then they have to go to classes that fit into a specific window, usually for a select group of majors. Then they practice, all to prepare for games where fat old people live or die through their performances. Of course, playing is an option. People working jobs they hate is an option. Ben Simmons made a lot of money for a lot of people in his one year. He didn't see a dime and didn't have access to the same academic opportunities as his peers. Again, that was his choice. As it is our choice to watch and financially support a system that creates the forced false dynamic known as the Student-Athlete. If they really cared, they wouldn't have a system that stops checking academic progress half way trough the year. They would check grades right up to the day March Madness begins. Of course, the schools would either stop posting grades until April or simply pull a UNC. The NCAA is a fraud, and we are all co-conspirators. But Ben Simmons is a jerk for pointing out the obvious. #Merica
And to the kids who gradate with loads of debt. I am not crying for them either. They chose to attend expensive schools, often private or out-of-state. They chose to forgo taking more affordable community college courses that would have been happily accepted by the school from which they are graduating. They often choose to take light academic loads that lengthen their time in school, when they could have decided to bear down and take heavier semester loads.......or heaven forbid, work during college.
Ben Simmons wasn't any more valuable on draft day of 2016 than he would have been on draft day 2015.