Three years in a row Jeremy Allen White wins the Golden Globe for best actor in a comedic series when the show isn't a comedy and there's nothing remotely funny about his character...
I get that he's the focus of the show but his character is a drag. We get it...he went away, his brother killed himself, and he's hurt and stressed but I've lost interest in his character. He's checked out, he's boring, he doesn't listen to any of his family and friends and treats them badly. They're going for the tortured genius angle, he's a friggin' cook.
I would much rather more time spent on Richie. He feels totally authentic to me and he's likable. They're all going through it, Richie is family and Mikey was his best friend since he was a small child. His wife who he still loves also left him and she's marrying another guy. Carm's sister also lost her brother and has been dealing with her mentally ill mom the whole time. Focus more on Richie and chef Jess from Ever, there's real chemistry there. Focus more on Oliver Platt's character, he steals every scene he's in. Let us know how he became the shady money guy. Focus more on Pete, he's the most likable guy on the show and they barely give him any screen time. Less of the Fak brothers, they provided a little comedic relief but they're just over the top bozos, the whole haunting thing for two episodes was stupid.
The show revolves around the most boring person on the show.