BD Worse than PP? | Page 2 | The Boneyard

BD Worse than PP?

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Aug 26, 2011
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Your opinion of Diaco's job status does not make it so. He's getting year 4 and there's nothing, outside of ponying up the buyout, you can do about it.

Regardless of your certainty, the question of "at what cost" needs to be answered. How does a program function without the support of it's fanbase, all local media and certainly zero confidence from it's AD? At that point a majority of die-hards will either be home, hanging out in the parking lot until halftime or making it their business to ride this coach out of town from the empty chairbacks behind the bench. The UConn fans at BC were quiet out of respect for the players families and not to further humiliate ourselves at an away venue. Home games won't be so kind. If we keep Bob Diaco it only means we haven't seen rock bottom yet and that's not fair to anyone.
Aug 26, 2011
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Another way to measure which tenure was worse was PF and PA.

We used to dominate at the Rent.
Sep 1, 2011
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I echo the sentiments written on here about the weather (beautiful), game (terrible), coach (needs to go at the end of the season), and BC fans (nice). The two highlights for me were how well UCONN fans represented and how the last whistle of the game was the death knell for BD's tenure as our head coach. He won't be here next season.

The question that we debated at Mary Ann's Bar after the game: Is BD worse than PP? I'm too hung-over to remember the thoughts of my friends, but I know where I stand on the issue. Yes, BD is worse.
PP had better players and he was a pretty good game coach, that being said he could not recruit well and stunk at player development. His biggest fault was not being able to recognize talent or to foster it. He never took a chance on anything which hurt him and the team when nothing was working he was afraid to try anything new. His stubbornness at continuing to play McEntee while the offense continued to struggle, while refusing to go with a much more talented (but green) QB in Mike Nebrich still bothers me to this day.

Bob Diaco was a decent DC at ND, but came to us with no experience at HC, and it's clear he does not have what it takes to be a head coach. He was just in over his head at UCONN and lost control of the team on several levels. It's kind of sad, I feel bad for the guy because on the job training was not written into his contract (Lol), the ones who I blame are Warde Manuel, Susan Herbst, and the idiotic search panel.

PP and Diaco were equally destructive to the program, just in totally opposite ways. I only hope that Herbst and Benedict can learn from this and will know better at what to look for in a coach.
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Lost patience with the garden variety UConn fan
Aug 26, 2011
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PP had better players and he was a pretty good game coach, that being said he could not recruit well and stunk at player development. His biggest fault was not being able to recognize talent or to foster it. He never took a chance on anything which hurt him and the team when nothing was working he was afraid to try anything new. His stubbornness at continuing to play McEntee while the offense continued to struggle, while refusing to go with a much more talented (but green) QB in Mike Nebrich still bothers me to this day.

Bob Diaco was a decent DC at ND, but came to us with no experience at HC, and it's clear he does not have what it takes to be a head coach. He was just in over his head at UCONN and lost control of the team on several levels. It's kind of sad, I feel bad for the guy because on the job training was not written into his contract (Lol), the ones who I blame are Warde Manuel, Susan Herbst, and the idiotic search panel.

PP and Diaco were equally destructive to the program, just in totally opposite ways. I only hope that Herbst and Benedict can learn from this and will know better at what to look for in a coach.
I beg to differ on the recruiting. Andrew Adams was a Pasqualoni recruit. Joe Williams and Richard Lagow were P recruits. Noel Thomas was a P recruit. As well as our starting D line, Matt Walsh and the rest of the seniors. P knew talent- he couldn't motivate it and was too tied to GDL.

I don't feel for BD at all. He came in arrogant, acted like we(UCONN staff, fans and admin) did not know anything about football. He trashed PP which was classless. Told us how the players were now stronger, leaner and cared more. Then he told the paying fans that during Year 1, don't look at the scoreboard.Year 2 he caught lightening in a bottle but still ended up with a losing record. Conf realignment was still in the picture so to show continuity, UCONN gives him a raise and a killer buy out. Meanwhile, the snake oil salesman is cashing huge checks while lying to the fanbase, media and himself as he talks fishcakes and fake field goals. He has become the energy vampire he told us he hated when he came here. Some idiot will give him a D coordinator job when he is let go, reducing the buyout.

It would be best for all if he resigned, because then he could show his 'love" for UCONN by not holding us over a barrel financially. Instead, we will get him throwing everyone under the bus while attendance sinks to 11k a game next year because the money is too substantial for him to be fired.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I beg to differ on the recruiting. Andrew Adams was a Pasqualoni recruit. Joe Williams and Richard Lagow were P recruits. Noel Thomas was a P recruit. As well as our starting D line, Matt Walsh and the rest of the seniors. P knew talent- he couldn't motivate it and was too tied to GDL.

I don't feel for BD at all. He came in arrogant, acted like we(UCONN staff, fans and admin) did not know anything about football. He trashed PP which was classless. Told us how the players were now stronger, leaner and cared more. Then he told the paying fans that during Year 1, don't look at the scoreboard.Year 2 he caught lightening in a bottle but still ended up with a losing record. Conf realignment was still in the picture so to show continuity, UCONN gives him a raise and a killer buy out. Meanwhile, the snake oil salesman is cashing huge checks while lying to the fanbase, media and himself as he talks fishcakes and fake field goals. He has become the energy vampire he told us he hated when he came here. Some idiot will give him a D coordinator job when he is let go, reducing the buyout.

It would be best for all if he resigned, because then he could show his 'love" for UCONN by not holding us over a barrel financially. Instead, we will get him throwing everyone under the bus while attendance sinks to 11k a game next year because the money is too substantial for him to be fired.

For the record, I'm 90% sure that Adams was Edsall's recruit. But the rest are correct, and you can throw in Newsome, Obi, Campenni, etc.

I've always said that PP could recruit. He just put the offense in the wrong hands and didn't maximize talent.

But compared to Diaco? The guy was friggin Lombardi...
Aug 27, 2011
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Radical idea - maybe a guy like Klieman from North Dakota State would a potential answer. The guy is putting together teams of 1AA talent and beating 1A schools year over year. He's a cold weather coach with very explosive offenses. They have the championship 5 years in a row.
Aug 29, 2011
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Pasqualoni won 151 games as a head coach and was 6-3 in bowl games.

His defensive line at Boston College just held our offense to negative rushing yards for the game.

What makes me even more sick - is Deleone's offensive line at Temple - steamrolled our defense the week before.

If Diaco is on the sidelines on Saturday - I'm not a happy camper. Don't fire him yet if it's not cost effective. Put him on administrative leave for gross dereliction of duty.


Aug 26, 2011
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I think we want a guy with head coaching experience, a recognizable name to show we are serious, experience with prolific offenses, aggressive defense, and will come here at a price we can afford... that about it? Does such a unicorn exist?
Feb 7, 2016
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"regarding the loss KHALAIL MACK was on the Buffalo team. The NFLs BEST DEFENDER!!! Know your football before your so easy to throw out results. Johhny Mac vs KHALIL MACK! Edsall left abruptly. PP had no QBs. Didn't throw RE under the bus or dish out blame like BD!
Aug 26, 2011
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"regarding the loss KHALAIL MACK was on the Buffalo team. The NFLs BEST DEFENDER!!! Know your football before your so easy to throw out results. Johhny Mac vs KHALIL MACK! Edsall left abruptly. PP had no QBs. Didn't throw RE under the bus or dish out blame like BD!
Yeah except it was Whitmer in that game that PP brought in via Juco and handed the reigns to.

Also fb is an 11 on 11 game so who cares they had Khalil Mack? we had Byron Jones, Geremy Davis, and Andrew Adam's on that roster. All 3 are cashing nfl game checks.
Aug 26, 2011
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Radical idea - maybe a guy like Klieman from North Dakota State would a potential answer. The guy is putting together teams of 1AA talent and beating 1A schools year over year. He's a cold weather coach with very explosive offenses. They have the championship 5 years in a row.
I like it. their previous Coach and the guy who got the ball rolling there Craig Bohls is doing a fine job at Wyoming. Clearly this can't be a more difficult job than Wyoming.
Sep 1, 2011
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I beg to differ on the recruiting. Andrew Adams was a Pasqualoni recruit. Joe Williams and Richard Lagow were P recruits. Noel Thomas was a P recruit. As well as our starting D line, Matt Walsh and the rest of the seniors. P knew talent- he couldn't motivate it and was too tied to GDL.

I don't feel for BD at all. He came in arrogant, acted like we(UCONN staff, fans and admin) did not know anything about football. He trashed PP which was classless. Told us how the players were now stronger, leaner and cared more. Then he told the paying fans that during Year 1, don't look at the scoreboard.Year 2 he caught lightening in a bottle but still ended up with a losing record. Conf realignment was still in the picture so to show continuity, UCONN gives him a raise and a killer buy out. Meanwhile, the snake oil salesman is cashing huge checks while lying to the fanbase, media and himself as he talks fishcakes and fake field goals. He has become the energy vampire he told us he hated when he came here. Some idiot will give him a D coordinator job when he is let go, reducing the buyout.

It would be best for all if he resigned, because then he could show his 'love" for UCONN by not holding us over a barrel financially. Instead, we will get him throwing everyone under the bus while attendance sinks to 11k a game next year because the money is too substantial for him to be fired.
If you're really angry at Diaco, have at it, a lot of people are. Me, I'll just say get rid of him. He's a clown, plain and simple. He should be on ESPN2 weekday mornings leading a ladies workout video, red pants and all. So I'll give you the that on Diaco. However I think you are as far off base on PP at knowing talent as you possibly could be, especially with quarterbacks. First of all, PP did not recruit Richard Lagow, Joe Moorehead did the real recruiting of Lagow before he got the Fordham job, but Lagow committed anyway to PP a month after Moorehead left. Now maybe GDL was pissing in PP's ear about which QB to play, but PP was the coach and was ultimately responsible for playing Tim Boyle, ad nauseum. In the meantime Lagow saw the writing on the wall and left UCONN a month before PP was canned. OK, so you can say PP mishandled Lagow, OK one mistake. WRONG...he did the same damn thing with Mike Nebrich (another Moorehead recruit) stubbornly refusing to play him and go with HIS idea of a QB in Johnny McEntee. I mean how blind can a head coach be???? To say that "P knew talent" is a joke IMHO. I would love to hear Joe Moorehead's opinion of PP.
Sep 3, 2011
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Both of them contributed mightly to the destruction of UConn football. PP for going with a walk on QB when he could have developed some younger guys. BD for being a defensive guy when UConn needed offense, offense, offense. The next coach shouldn't recruit a defensive player for two years u til the offense can behave like, oh . . . . let's say every other team in college football.
Sep 1, 2011
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"regarding the loss KHALAIL MACK was on the Buffalo team. The NFLs BEST DEFENDER!!! Know your football before your so easy to throw out results. Johhny Mac vs KHALIL MACK! Edsall left abruptly. PP had no QBs. Didn't throw RE under the bus or dish out blame like BD!
PP had talented quarterbacks, he was just too stupid to play them.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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How bad is Diaco?

Dinosaur Pasqualoni recruited CIRCLES around him.

Dwell on that for more than a few seconds and your head explodes.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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If you're really angry at Diaco, have at it, a lot of people are. Me, I'll just say get rid of him. He's a clown, plain and simple. He should be on ESPN2 weekday mornings leading a ladies workout video, red pants and all. So I'll give you the that on Diaco. However I think you are as far off base on PP at knowing talent as you possibly could be, especially with quarterbacks. First of all, PP did not recruit Richard Lagow, Joe Moorehead did the real recruiting of Lagow before he got the Fordham job, but Lagow committed anyway to PP a month after Moorehead left. Now maybe GDL was pissing in PP's ear about which QB to play, but PP was the coach and was ultimately responsible for playing Tim Boyle, ad nauseum. In the meantime Lagow saw the writing on the wall and left UCONN a month before PP was canned. OK, so you can say PP mishandled Lagow, OK one mistake. WRONG...he did the same damn thing with Mike Nebrich (another Moorehead recruit) stubbornly refusing to play him and go with HIS idea of a QB in Johnny McEntee. I mean how blind can a head coach be???? To say that "P knew talent" is a joke IMHO. I would love to hear Joe Moorehead's opinion of PP.

You might need a history refresher course.

P never played Boyle in a game and Lagow left before the season even started. Lagow overreacted to Taylor - that was silly to worry about him.

I know people want to talk about Nebrich - but it was at Fordham... it doesn't mean he would have been good at the FBS level. Do you think T Jones Jr was a big loss?
Aug 24, 2011
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In terms of offers, the 2016 class is better than any that P put together. The others have been absolutely brutal. The 2015 class is Terry Shea at Rutgers bad.
Aug 26, 2011
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Lagow committed anyway to PP a month after Moorehead left.

Your timing/history is indeed a tad off... Moorhead was named head coach @ Fordham in December 2011 - Lagow committed to UConn in June 2012.
Sep 1, 2011
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You might need a history refresher course.

P never played Boyle in a game and Lagow left before the season even started. Lagow overreacted to Taylor - that was silly to worry about him.

I know people want to talk about Nebrich - but it was at Fordham... it doesn't mean he would have been good at the FBS level. Do you think T Jones Jr was a big loss?
My mistake, Boyle played but only right after PP got the axe. I still recall PP talking up Boyle over Lagow as far back as spring practice. Joe Moorehead knows quarterbacks and he recruited both those kids (Nebrich and Lagow). We'll never know how good Nebrich could have become, tore his knee up and was not the same after that as far as any pro offers we're concerned. Fordham had a great team, didn't they beat Temple that year?
Sep 1, 2011
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Your timing/history is indeed a tad off... Moorhead was named head coach @ Fordham in December 2011 - Lagow committed to UConn in June 2012.

Not according to NBC, maybe it was misprint.

After several weeks of practice and facing a crowded depth chart, freshman quarterback Richard Lagow announced on Twitter that he's leaving UConn.

"I want to thank the University of Connecticut for the opportunity to attend an outstanding university on a spectacular campus with great people," Lagow wrote Tuesday. "I wanted to make certain I honored my commitment to the University and supporters and competed through the summer and camp.

"My position on the football team is adequately stocked and I know that I can leave and not feel I have let down the team. I am headed back home and wish the players I have met the absolute best and look forward to seeing some of my new friends again someday.

"I appreciate all the support, especially from the Myers family, I believe this is what is best for everyone."
Lagow, a 6-6 quarterback from Plano, Tex., first committed to the Huskies in Jan. 2012. Twelve months later, he seemed less certain about his decision, partly because UConn had late commitments from two other QBs: Kivon Taylor and Timmy Boyle.

"Right now I am confused and I need to talk things over and figure out what I want to do with my family," Lagow told the Hartford Courant in Feb. 2013. "That's where my head is." But days later, Lagow signed his letter of intent, and he was practicing with the team this month in preparation for the season opener against Towson.'s John Silver writes that while Lagow has "size and a good arm," Boyle has been impressive during training camp and is the likely No. 3 on the depth chart behind Chandler Whitmer and Casey Cochran.
Aug 26, 2011
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Not according to NBC, maybe it was misprint.

After several weeks of practice and facing a crowded depth chart, freshman quarterback Richard Lagow announced on Twitter that he's leaving UConn.

"I want to thank the University of Connecticut for the opportunity to attend an outstanding university on a spectacular campus with great people," Lagow wrote Tuesday. "I wanted to make certain I honored my commitment to the University and supporters and competed through the summer and camp.

"My position on the football team is adequately stocked and I know that I can leave and not feel I have let down the team. I am headed back home and wish the players I have met the absolute best and look forward to seeing some of my new friends again someday.

"I appreciate all the support, especially from the Myers family, I believe this is what is best for everyone."
Lagow, a 6-6 quarterback from Plano, Tex., first committed to the Huskies in Jan. 2012. Twelve months later, he seemed less certain about his decision, partly because UConn had late commitments from two other QBs: Kivon Taylor and Timmy Boyle.

"Right now I am confused and I need to talk things over and figure out what I want to do with my family," Lagow told the Hartford Courant in Feb. 2013. "That's where my head is." But days later, Lagow signed his letter of intent, and he was practicing with the team this month in preparation for the season opener against Towson.'s John Silver writes that while Lagow has "size and a good arm," Boyle has been impressive during training camp and is the likely No. 3 on the depth chart behind Chandler Whitmer and Casey Cochran.

Ok - that's when he announced when he was leaving (Aug 2013) - not when Moorhead left/Lagow originally committed which is what I was saying your timing was off on.
Sep 3, 2011
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"regarding the loss KHALAIL MACK was on the Buffalo team. The NFLs BEST DEFENDER!!! Know your football before your so easy to throw out results. Johhny Mac vs KHALIL MACK! Edsall left abruptly. PP had no QBs. Didn't throw RE under the bus or dish out blame like BD!

PP had scholarship QB's. He should have used and developed them. JMac was a walk on - at UConn, where they haven't had a QB since Orlovsky left - don't waste his/your time. There was a reason he didn't have a scholarship offer, and yet . . . .
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