BCU | The Boneyard


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Aug 24, 2011
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as you guys know i hate the school just as much as the next guy and its my position that if both of us get left out i want us to stay away from them etc....

but i am worried about them believe it or not. gene and spaz have for about a month now gone quiet which is the exact oposite of what they have done in the past. as this push for 16 and big 4 continues to look lieks its happening, nd gets closer and closer to having to join the b10 or the b12 and the rumors are everywhere. its hard to judge how much nd values its games with bc and its trips to new england. since the b12 and nd rumors have started, pitt names has been flying aroung about going to the b12 as they would be some 1 nd would like to have with them. i have seen several times where bc is actually thown in there also. yes i know its all just talk, but i can't deny it does make some sense.

nd is doing all this fluff to the b12 so that they get exactly what they want form the b10. my fear is that nd will bring bcu to the b10 with them. b10 schools like to recruit new england and the whole region would be virgin tvs for there network. so bcu even with its crappy on field product would still have value to them.

to further this, bcu has great puck. no way to knock it and they should be proud of it. considering all the hate we send back and forth don't you find it a bit wierd that they didn't try to block or atleast talk smack about uconn puck possibly going to the HE? its not like them to just let us join in any way. could they be on the b10's list and in being so there puck is going b10 as well which would make sense in the b10 trying to be the monster puck league. could this explain why they could care less about uconn puck upgrading?

i know this is out there, but i am getting a little uneasy wondering why everyone up there has gone so quiet recently. its almost like they have a landing spot and are just waiting for the phone call. this would make me thow up to no end. the only way i wouldn't crash my car is if we went with and the b10 went for md/bc/uconn/cuse or ruty. but my point is, is bcu all set and thats why they have had nothing to say? if so this could really suck. i'm going to have a hard time sleeping 2night after writing this.
May 21, 2012
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Oh yeah, I'm sure that the Big 10 is really dying to get BC. They almost seem to be trying to be as bad as they can in both football and basketball. Anyway, BC would never be considered for the Big 10 even if they were doing well. They aren't a big public university and they aren't AAU. No chance.
Aug 26, 2011
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BCU doesn't fit the Big 10's research university model. BC is barely in the top 200 for research expenditures, trailing schools like Jackson State, Florida Atlantic and even Memphis. While ND isn't a big time research university either, at least they are in the top 125 or so.
May 21, 2012
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Notre Dame would be the only exception to the Big 10's rules.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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As I have said before, if the ACC dissolves and we are adding schools from that league, I think we should kick Miami and BCU to the curb. First of all, that kind of treachery must be punished. Miami and BCU's behavior in 2002-2003 was worse than anything any school has ever done in realignment. They were working with the ACC to destroy our conference and our athletic program. Secondly, Miami could become an NCAA wasteland at any moment, and UMass is a much better option in Massachusetts anyway.
Aug 26, 2011
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Screw the Thunder chickens & gale winds. UConn wants to be associated with like minded institutions that strive for excellence. If you look at the big picture in that vein, those two snakeholes don't fit the definition.
Aug 24, 2011
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The last time GDF opened his mouth on this issue he put his foot so far in it came out his *ss. Pretty sure the BC BOT and the ACC leaderships said, "Gene, just keep you duck'n mouth shut!"
Sep 18, 2011
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In my opinion, BC has no chance of going to the Big 1G. It doesn't fit the academic profile at all and, it's pretty clear, BC does not add the Boston market to any league that they have been a member.

Private colleges are at risk of being left behind or not being able to spend to keep up with the exception of the Notre Dame's and USC's of the world. If the ACC blows up, BC is in a tough spot.

DeFillippo is being quiet because he has no control of what will happen to the ACC. I would think he has been spending his time in church praying that the rumors of the ACC's demise are false.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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As I have said before, if the ACC dissolves and we are adding schools from that league, I think we should kick Miami and BCU to the curb. First of all, that kind of treachery must be punished. Miami and BCU's behavior in 2002-2003 was worse than anything any school has ever done in realignment. They were working with the ACC to destroy our conference and our athletic program. Secondly, Miami could become an NCAA wasteland at any moment, and UMass is a much better option in Massachusetts anyway.

Yeah there three schools left they screwed and one of those is Temple. Good luck on that vote.
Aug 28, 2011
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i think HFD finally snapped from a conference alignment information overload. BC to the B1G? really? i think it's time to turn off the computer and get some fresh air


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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It is so duck*ing annoying to have these boards cluttered by pure duck*ing nonsense.

Honestly, threads like this should never exist. Boards like this are designed to be a waste of time, but this thread is actually wasting time that was already designated to be wasted. That is an accomplishment.

Think more, post less.
Nov 29, 2011
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as this push for 16 and big 4 continues to look lieks its happening, nd gets closer and closer to having to join the b10 or the b12 and the rumors are everywhere.

The fact that people keep repeating this narrative does not make it so. No conference has gone to 16. In fact, no conference has made any official moves. The mere fact the Big 12 is discussing expansion seems to make people make several leaps of logic to this 4x16 model. I think you've gotten way ahead of yourself.

The Funster

Aug 27, 2011
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The only way BC gets into the B1G is if ND goes and insists that BC goes with them. Let's face it on their own the only thing BC brings to the B1G is hockey. All of their other sports draw flies. The BC market sucks.
Aug 24, 2011
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BC may end up in the Ivy League, they add no value in football or basketball, the ACC now has Duke and BC at the bottom of their football conference. I wonder if Swofford ever saw that coming.
Aug 24, 2011
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Rutgers fans firmly believe that they are tied to the hip with ND if ND jumps to the B10.
Aug 26, 2011
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The only way BC gets into the B1G is if ND goes and insists that BC goes with them. Let's face it on their own the only thing BC brings to the B1G is hockey. All of their other sports draw flies. The BC market sucks.

Never. We have a much better shot and that ain't saying much. BC is destined for a lesser place. They can't possibly fool anybody with this "Boston market" garbage again.
Aug 24, 2011
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BC may end up in the Ivy League, they add no value in football or basketball, the ACC now has Duke and BC at the bottom of their football conference. I wonder if Swofford ever saw that coming.

Not sure if you are kidding around. But, BC has a better chance of ending up in the B1G than being Ivy, and they have no chance of ending up in the B1G.
Aug 26, 2011
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The fact that people keep repeating this narrative does not make it so. No conference has gone to 16. In fact, no conference has made any official moves. The mere fact the Big 12 is discussing expansion seems to make people make several leaps of logic to this 4x16 model. I think you've gotten way ahead of yourself.

The reason why there is speculation is that the SEC and B10 don't see why they should allow the B12 to have first dibs. All these schools are talking to all 3 conferences.
Nov 29, 2011
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The reason why there is speculation is that the SEC and B10 don't see why they should allow the B12 to have first dibs. All these schools are talking to all 3 conferences.

First dibs? Let's think about this logically. If the SEC or Big 10 really wanted any of these schools, why didn't they invite them in the last year when they were expanding? The SEC just add two schools less than a year ago. And if the Big 12 somehow got one of these schools, there's nothing to state the Big 10 or SEC could not swoop in later (both conferences plucked members from the big 12 recently, although the new grant of rights make the timeline a longer wait).

I still think there's still a significant question as to the structurial and financial viability of such a large conference. The Big 10 is paying out huge sums of money per school. Any new school would have to be able to equal that one their own just to stay even. And that's while diluting some of the core match-ups already in the conference.
Dec 13, 2011
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BCU doesn't fit the Big 10's research university model. BC is barely in the top 200 for research expenditures, trailing schools like Jackson State, Florida Atlantic and even Memphis. While ND isn't a big time research university either, at least they are in the top 125 or so.

BTW, where is UCONN ranked among research universities?

Seems like UCONN is much more focused on research than ever before as evidenced by the Jackson Labs project and the upcoming Storrs Research Park. Improved relations / partnerships with business seems to be a focus and I am very glad to see this. Reminds me of the fiasco / lost opportunity with Pfizer years ago.
Aug 26, 2011
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First dibs? Let's think about this logically. If the SEC or Big 10 really wanted any of these schools, why didn't they invite them in the last year when they were expanding? The SEC just add two schools less than a year ago. And if the Big 12 somehow got one of these schools, there's nothing to state the Big 10 or SEC could not swoop in later (both conferences plucked members from the big 12 recently, although the new grant of rights make the timeline a longer wait).

I still think there's still a significant question as to the structurial and financial viability of such a large conference. The Big 10 is paying out huge sums of money per school. Any new school would have to be able to equal that one their own just to stay even. And that's while diluting some of the core match-ups already in the conference.

Because those schools would not want to move. North Carolina was going to move to the B10 2 or 3 years ago?
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