<<To me every recruit/transfer is a new commit. It just takes longer for some to realize were (sic) they should/deserve to be.>>
I wouldn't term Batouly a transfer... more like a "fulfillment".
When Il Maestro is recruiting, he sees more than the ballplayer. He fits not only their game and their team potential in his assessment... He projects a sense of how they can evolve into complete, developed, human. (He's rarely proven wrong & strongly follows his instinct.) He is very adept at finding the right clay to form an artful project.
In days of yore, he locked onto the potential of one... Brittany Hunter... and even when other programs dismissed her as damaged goods and drains to their (personal) efforts....
Geno relied on HIS original assessment and projection. He welcomed her; he played her wisely; he fulfilled his projection, her potential, and our lives.
The Maestro observed, analyzed, and projected fulfilling Batouly with the same, finely-tuned instinct. It's just taken her a year longer to get "home". And now the process begins...
If'n they don't fix the Gambel roof...
We'll definitely have Bats in our belfry...