Based on production at QB, our best one is... | The Boneyard

Based on production at QB, our best one is...

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Aug 28, 2011
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Casey Cochran... efficient numbers.. points on the board in a period of time as QB, mainly in the form of TDs... He's been the best... I know it's game one for him as the starter, but he seems to be getting it with the lights on...

So far, a good example of how practice play doesn't necessarily mean much...


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Well, today is a good example of why we should probably wait four quarters before we anoint someone. To me, I would say that Whitmer is still slightly better, if you factor in the turnovers for Casey. If Casey doesn't turn the ball over today, I'm much happier with a "ball control" QB. But if they are both going to turn it over, there's really not much difference between the two...
Aug 30, 2011
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Considering it was his first start he did a good job. I want to see more. Pretty impressive that he didn't get sacked with Friend out.

All aboard the Casey train! (for now anyway)
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A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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As a big Boyle fan I think without a doubt UCONN should stay with Cochran for the rest of the year


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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As a big Boyle fan I think without a doubt UCONN should stay with Cochran for the rest of the year

I think we have to - it would be absolutely pointless for an 0-9 team to make yet another change.

We've benched the first two quarterbacks and there's no reason to bench a third.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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The best QB is Whitmer. Not even close.

I agree that Whitmer is the best QB. It's hard to say how close it is, but it's clear to me that he's the best one.

One of the things that has been somewhat glossed over this season when comparing the three QB's is the fact that the running game was non-existent for Whitmer (GDL schemes). Both Boyle and now Cochran have had superior run support when compared to what Whitmer had. Everyone knew we absolutely had to throw when Whitmer was out there. Here are the running numbers during each quarterback outing, corrected by removing sacks:

Towson - 88 yards
Maryland - 70 yards
Michigan - 83 yards
Buffalo - 84 yards

USF - 207 yards (not surprising that this was probably the game we were closest to winning, with the exception of Michigan)
Cincy - 103 yards
UCF - 104 yards
Ville - 83 yards

SMU - 164 yards

I really wish we got a chance to see Whitmer under center with the Foley-led schemes, especially now that DeLorenzo has really started to get involved in the offensive calls. There's no doubt in my mind that Chandler at this point in time gives us the best chance to win. Here's hoping that Cochran proves me wrong against Temple...
Aug 30, 2011
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The best QB is Whitmer. Not even close.

Talent wise - Yes. Intangibles/leadership/Pocket Awareness - No. Ability to avoid the sack - No.

It's definitely close.

Part of a QB's job is to be a team leader during the week. I thought today was our best effort day outside of Michigan. I do not know if Casey had anything to do with that, but I can't help but think he did.

I want to see Casey the last three games.
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Aug 26, 2011
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Whitmer is the most ready to lead the offense with Casey probably number 2. That said, Whitmer has his limitations. and talent-wise that order may be flipped with Boyle at the top. As a QB you need to have that polish and quick decision-making which favors Chandler and his experience. He also throw a perfectly acceptable short and mid-level route but has some of the same issues created by poor pass-blocking and desperate throws. Notice how they all do? That's what happens when QB is not the main issue. Next year will be a total reset anyway.
Aug 26, 2011
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Whitmer is the most ready and polished. Casey looks the best in the pocket as defenders close in which was definitely where Whitmer struggled. Boyle probably has the best physical gifts of the three. That said in this lost season, let Casey put the same number of games on film. If whitmer is up for it, there will be a new coach here next year to wipe the slate clean and he will have as good a chance as anyone to win the job.

Thought Casey did a good job on his throws today giving the receivers a chance to battle for the ball in the air.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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All three live on the edge of disaster, make a few good throws, throw too many bad balls, and routinely miss easy throws. But, one will be the starter next season. I just hope that person improves enough to make up for the other holes on this team.

As we've learned at the QB spot, backups are not necessarily better than the underperforming starters. Which in our case is some pretty depressing news. Only hope an upgraded coaching staff can elevate everyone back to FBS level.


Did they burn down the ROTC Hangar?
Oct 13, 2012
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CC so far, of the 3.
And weren't we migrating to a sort of run and shoot had FCRE stayed?
Then Blue brought us back to the '30s. Will KT be the mext McCummings?
Aug 28, 2011
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good stuff here guys... agreed on Whitmer being the best, as for giving us a chance to win, but we're not building a future with him, which negates him being in the running. And, btw, we need a few more WRs to fight for the #3 and #4 spots on the depth chart. AGAIN, catchable passes not caught when they should've been.
Aug 26, 2011
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The best QB is Whitmer. Not even close.

Might be the best because of experience but to say it's not close is foolish. The other 2 are much more talented (maybe not ready) and that's not close! For now Cochran is the best for the program.
Aug 27, 2011
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I worry that I am about to become the lone deranged poster who wants Boyle to start. This is a position I'm not normally in!

I think Boyle would have looked very good against SMU, as well, much like he looked good against USF.

I do agree with most that the best QB at this point in time is likely still Whitmer, but there is no point in all in going that route. The choice is Boyle v Cochran.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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I think the guy that gives you the best chance to win each week should start. The practice field is the place to get better. Otherwise why are we paying for tickets? The freshman and underclassmen starting around the country are playing because they are the better players.
Feb 28, 2012
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I think the guy that gives you the best chance to win each week should start. The practice field is the place to get better. Otherwise why are we paying for tickets? The freshman and underclassmen starting around the country are playing because they are the better players.
Agree, the the guy that gives you the best chance to win each week should start. Trying to position players for the future, with so many variables that can affect the outcome, makes no sense to me. Biggest mistake was making sweeping changes after GDL/PP were canned. Clearly it was not just a QB issue. With GDL gone the first variable that changed was the OL. See the results of that change before making any other changes. We did not do this.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I think the guy that gives you the best chance to win each week should start. The practice field is the place to get better. Otherwise why are we paying for tickets? The freshman and underclassmen starting around the country are playing because they are the better players.

This ^^^

It is amazing to me (and maybe even a little concerning) how many people feel like Whitmer is the better quarterback but they also prefer him not to play, under the impression that three more games this year will drastically improve the growth of either Cochran or Boyle. To me, that's folly. The best player should play, if for no other reason than the fact that going 0-12 scares the living hell out of me...


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I could see not playing Whitmer if he was a senior.

Cochran played well enough to get the nod at Temple I guess - at least he showed he has a little confidence.

The constant churn at QB certainly isn't helping matters.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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I could see not playing Whitmer if he was a senior.

Cochran played well enough to get the nod at Temple I guess - at least he showed he has a little confidence.

The constant churn at QB certainly isn't helping matters.

Agreed. Wasn't wild about the switch after Buffalo, but as it stands, he played well enough to start the next game and absent horrible play the rest.

However, anyone thinking these games mean anything for next season is mistaken. The next coach has a ground up rebuilding job.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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No matter what next year there will be an open competition at quarterback which will be interesting to say the least not knowing who the coach will be
Sep 3, 2011
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I could see not playing Whitmer if he was a senior.

Cochran played well enough to get the nod at Temple I guess - at least he showed he has a little confidence.

The constant churn at QB certainly isn't helping matters.

Completely disagree. Under normal circumstances what you are saying would be true, no question. But these are not normal circumstances on two very important counts:

1. UConn hasn't had consistently good quarterbacking since Dan O left in 2004. This is a deplorable situation.
2. UConn hasn't had an effective offense since the 2009 season (the Andre Dixon, Jordan Todman, Marcus Easley year). Even in the Fiesta Bowl year that offense was touchdown challenged. It has gotten far worse since that time.

This season is a train wreck, 3-9 or 0-12 who cares? Let's find out whether these kids can play. We already know Whitmer's ceiling after 12 games last season and 4 this year . . . . . . and it's pretty low. Boyle looks to be the best thrower of the bunch, but needs to learn this position (not forcing passes, making reads, looking to options 2 or 4, not locking on to his intended receiver, getting rid of the ball quicker). Cochran? Not a strong passing arm, overthrew wide open WR's, underthrew wide open WR's, and ball seems to come out of his hands funny (small hands?). He does have moxy though. Is he the answer . . . . don't think so, but let's see what he can do over the next few games.

If after 4 games apiece, they can't separate themselves, then let's start bringing in 2 or 3 QBs a year until this thing gets fixed. Also (and I'm starting to do a 180 on this), maybe the time has come to abandon the search for a Pro Style passer (the next Dan O) and opt for a mobile QB who can run like Tyler Lorenzen and throw the ball effectively too.
Aug 29, 2011
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Completely disagree. Under normal circumstances what you are saying would be true, no question. But these are not normal circumstances on two very important counts:

1. UConn hasn't had consistently good quarterbacking since Dan O left in 2004. This is a deplorable situation.
2. UConn hasn't had an effective offense since the 2009 season (the Andre Dixon, Jordan Todman, Marcus Easley year). Even in the Fiesta Bowl year that offense was touchdown challenged. It has gotten far worse since that time.

This season is a train wreck, 3-9 or 0-12 who cares? Let's find out whether these kids can play. We already know Whitmer's ceiling after 12 games last season and 4 this year . . . . . . and it's pretty low. Boyle looks to be the best thrower of the bunch, but needs to learn this position (not forcing passes, making reads, looking to options 2 or 4, not locking on to his intended receiver, getting rid of the ball quicker). Cochran? Not a strong passing arm, overthrew wide open WR's, underthrew wide open WR's, and ball seems to come out of his hands funny (small hands?). He does have moxy though. Is he the answer . . . . don't think so, but let's see what he can do over the next few games.

If after 4 games apiece, they can't separate themselves, then let's start bringing in 2 or 3 QBs a year until this thing gets fixed. Also (and I'm starting to do a 180 on this), maybe the time has come to abandon the search for a Pro Style passer (the next Dan O) and opt for a mobile QB who can run like Tyler Lorenzen and throw the ball effectively too.
I don't completely disagree with you. Though I'm not sure about your analysis of Boyle. He was high with an awful lot of balls and I think that is one of the toughest problems to cure. Not to mention that it sometimes gets receivers clobbered. I am not convinced that he's the future. I also think Whitmer with a semblance of a running game and a little better line could be at least adequate to get us through next year. I really agree that maybe its time to forget about the pro style approach and look for a guy who can run and throw. When t comes right down to it, both Central Florida and Louisville, even Cincy and SMU have guys that while the pass first can also run in designed plays effectively.
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