Its was absolutely asinine that they even tried to play.
Its asinine that other sports leagues think they can get away with it too,
Just like its asinine that southern states "opened" up when they had a 2 month heads up about Covid prevention from the ground zero northeast but now are spiking because of it.
We couldn’t trust information from China. However Italy was a better canary in the coal mine. Lot’s of people in the northeast and in this forum focused on the difference between Italy and our country. Furthermore the prevailing opinion early on about Covid-19 was no different than the flu.
You would think we’re well past the “fool me once shame on you stage”. Sadly cynicism, misinformation (some unintentional, some deliberate) and this being a totally new type of virus has lead to the world wide disaster we are experiencing.
I’ve been an alarmist from the beginning of this pandemic. Almost everything I’ve predicted has unfortunately come to fruition. Ultimately we will have solutions to this virus that will reduce its catastrophic impact on the world.
I am praying that my biggest concerns will not happen. The prevailing opinion currently is that we need to do things to prevent the spread to protect the vulnerable. The current understanding is that children and young adults get primarily a mild reaction or no reaction and therefore precautions for these groups are unnecessary.
Problem is we still lack some vital information. For instance we don’t know if simultaneous exposure to the flu and Covid-19 viruses will result in a similar innocuous reaction in these groups as currently observed. If not, having kids go back to school can be a horrible disaster.
Additionally it has been demonstrated that this virus can disguise itself and literally create “sleeper cells”. The good news is the mechanism is understood and the protein the virus creates to prevent immune detection could be a point of vulnerability. The bad news is we don’t know if this is the virus’ only defense, we don’t know when a medicine can be developed for this, nor do we know the cost if a large percentage of the population requires continuous treatment to attack this mechanism.
This is pure speculation on my part. But when it comes to children I’m overly cautious. I deliberated a long time before expressing these concerns in this forum. Up until now I’ve only relayed these concerns to my wife. She advised me not to communicate my concerns to others because if I’m wrong it will make already stressed individuals even more stressed particularly if they do not have any options to keep their children home a little longer.
I’ve weighed that against the possibility I might be correct and that one individual who was debating a choice of how to approach this issue would consider the information and approach their pediatricians or doctors to ask more questions.