Aubrey Update “doesn’t look good right now” | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Aubrey Update “doesn’t look good right now”

Feb 11, 2021
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I have several friends who were back pain sufferers and were "cured" by reading Sarno's book after listening to cousin who was quite the skeptic called Sarno to discuss his ongoing back issues....,.....after asking like 50 questions Sarno said my cousin was so suspicious/negative that it would never work for him.......... 30 years later my cousin just had another pain killing shot in his back to no prevail while these guys are still perfectly fine
Exactly! And to Linart's observation of Aubrey moving stiffly during a huddle with the anxiety look on her face mirrored my own experience.
Jan 26, 2016
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Are we pretend-doctors diagnosing someone’s affliction - and prognosis! - based on her facial expression?

Oh boy.
I have no idea what AG's back problem stems from, but Sarno's concepts are proven to work and involve zero medical treatments, simply a change in mind couldn't hurt to consider it for anybody who has back issues before going the more serious medical route involving injections and or surgery......


Creeker in fact
Aug 26, 2011
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Let's try it this way. Having read various posts re back injuries, as a longstanding back pain sufferer I posted a new thread on back pain. Using my own and other fellow sufferers including Shock Jock Howard Stern and Legal Zoom/OJ lawyer Robert Shapiro's experiences as related on Larry King, I related how our experiences were stress related, and the remarkable doctor John Sarno of the NYU Rusk institute who treated non-injury back pain by de-stressing patients. His cure was to get us to relax by whatever way works for us - Scotch, exercise, a nap, whatever works for us.

In Aubrey's case the medical team has been unable thus far to cure the back pains. I suggested addressing her possible stress-inducing issues, as it is not unreasonable to believe she is likely under a fair amount of stress. I hope her medical team keeps an open mind and checks this out this avenue! [ ]
i think aubrey perhaps should consult Dr. Maryjane.
Feb 11, 2021
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Are we pretend-doctors diagnosing someone’s affliction - and prognosis! - based on her facial expression?

Oh boy.
Husky Nan, no-one is being a pretend doctor. I for one am relating a personal experience which appears on the surface to be similar with Aubrey's. Given that her medical team has per Geno been unable to come up with solutions, what's the issue with offering a constructive suggestion? As for her facial expression, yes, and when combined with moving stiffly, it is very similar to my own experience. I'm for Aubrey getting better asap. What is the issue with offering a constructive suggestion not based on speculation but on real life experience?
Mar 5, 2015
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I can remember driving my mower on a slope that was decidedly too steep for it and leaning into the slope to kind of become a human Outrigger.

So, what is the best way to mow a steep hill with a zero turn? Our back yard has such a section. So far, I go straight up & then do next pass going down, but the up travel is making me nervous. I do have ROPS but it’s usually down as I cut under trees too- I’ll put that up next year when doing that hill. Or, go diagonally with front slanted up all the time?
Mar 5, 2015
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Also, my wife swears by Sarno’s book. It’s called “Healing back pain: the Mind-Body Connection”
Apr 6, 2016
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Buy my book: "Healing The Common Cold: The Mind-Body Connection."
I present my 7 day plan of attitudinal exercises.
At the end of the treatment, 99% of readers state that they are cured.
Dec 1, 2016
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Buy my book: "Healing The Common Cold: The Mind-Body Connection."
I present my 7 day plan of attitudinal exercises.
At the end of the treatment, 99% of readers state that they are cured.
If your cured after 7 days it probably wasn’t the common cold treatment or not
Jul 19, 2014
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As someone who has had back issues I can say this: moving stiffly can mean she's feeling immediate pain & is trying to ease it by moving carefully OR she is anticipating pain (whether she actually experiences it or not) so she's moving carefully to avoid it. In the latter instance it really is a mind issue. Been there, done that. Time is the best cure IMO along with whatever medical treatment she may be receiving.
Mar 6, 2017
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I have no idea what AG's back problem stems from, but Sarno's concepts are proven to work and involve zero medical treatments, simply a change in mind couldn't hurt to consider it for anybody who has back issues before going the more serious medical route involving injections and or surgery......
I could be mistaken and haven't stayed at a Holiday Inn Express recently, but every back doctor that I have met with only prescribed injections or surgery when there was a medical issue, not as a last resort or a book didn't to the job. But maybe I should have read the book while I was laying along my driveway with a broken back waiting for my wife to get home and call an ambulance. Maybe the Audible version. :):rolleyes:
BTW, when I broke my back, I was able to get up and walk for a while, until the steep hill, heat and humidity got the better of me.
Jan 26, 2016
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Actually, Sarno proved that even those with various kinds of back issues found in x-rays, MRIs etc could still live pain free with his techniques..........that said I doubt he could help if you had a broken back....

Dec 8, 2019
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Not familiar with Sarno at all but curious, it seems from the posts and a cursory look at the “10 lessons” attachment this mental stress treatment is confined to reducing back pain specifically? Seems odd, but I certainly don’t knock anything that has worked.
Feb 11, 2021
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If this view or various versions of it are trending higher, I respectfully submit, particularly to the skeptics, that via a cost/benefit ratio the Sarno approach has little to no cost and a huge upside potential for Aubrey. It mystifies me why Aubrey well-wishers are willing to take shots at possibilities that have proven successful elsewhere and attested to by other BYers. But then I'm new to social media (the BY being my first) and if this is SOP on the BY, I'm surprised but wll be guided accordingly.
Feb 11, 2021
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Not familiar with Sarno at all but curious, it seems from the posts and a cursory look at the “10 lessons” attachment this mental stress treatment is confined to reducing back pain specifically? Seems odd, but I certainly don’t knock anything that has worked.
Again from personal experience, at the start of her career, my wife was in a stressful training program where it was announced 2 out of 3 in the class would wash out. Notwithstanding her high ranking, she developed debilitating back issues. She too went to Dr. Sarno and eventually it worked (as did her success in the program).

Years later her work also became stressful experiencing burning and debilitating burning pain in her hands and arm. Requiring use of word processing, she had to learn a cumbersome voice program. She went back to Dr. Sarno, who reassured her this too would pass with the reduction of stress. And it worked - that was approx. 20 years ago.

I can't emphasize enough how big a role stress impacts health, but that traditional medicine/practitioners don't buy into it.


Santa Cruz. CA
Jun 4, 2014
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Also, my wife swears by Sarno’s book. It’s called “Healing back pain: the Mind-Body Connection”
Melanie Thernstrom - - a chronic pain sufferer has a very good book on the subject and explores the history of chronic pain as well as more recent thinking and treatments on the subject. She does discuss Sarno's book and also exposes some if his shortcomings.
Aug 8, 2013
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Poor kid. Not knowing what the issue is must be a big concern for her and her family.

I'm hoping the "doesn't look good" tweet has more to do with "unsure of the time table for healing" as opposed to "she will never heal"... Wishing her the best!!
Not trying to be a downer but I somehow hurt my back in 2001, have been under treatment since, and they still cannot tell me (beyond vague descriptions of “degenerative disc disease, arthritis, slightly bulging disc, etc”) exactly what is causing my pain. I’ve had literally dozens of shots, procedures, therapy, medications and it is as bad or worse than ever. Backs are very troublesome things! I pray they can find the source of this young lady’s pain/problems and be able to help her. Believe me, at this point the most important thing is to allow her to live a pain free life! Basketball is wayyyy secondary to that.


That's big-boo-TAY
Dec 16, 2016
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This post is not intended to be relevant to Aubrey, just something I found interesting and relevant to the last several posts.

This article appeared in the Washington Post recently, with results of two recent peer-reviewed studies of techniques that build on Sarno's work, including something called pain reprocessing treatment, an entirely psychological approach. I looked up both papers, and one thing jumped out at me. In one of the studies on back pain, there was the test group that got the pain-reprocessing treatment, a placebo group, and a control group that kept up their normal treatment. The trial was small (50 people in each group), but at the end twice as many in the placebo group were largely pain free as in the group getting the usual treatment. The pain-reprocessing treatment was an order of magnitude more effective than conventional treatment.
Aug 8, 2013
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Don’t you see?
That’s the way to hold Geno harmless from his failure to develop down bench players, or at least apportion them a crumb of playing time in case the unforeseen occurs.
The unforeseen has occurred.
I’d wager that a couple of minutes for Mir or Saylor would have kept them hungry and at least delayed their decisions to depart. I do not doubt that they would have anyway.
Timing was terrible.
Would have provided better options than soliciting walk ins.
Not suggesting he is searching for walk-ins, but that is the “solution” for some here.
As previously stated:
Foul trouble=big problem.
Another injury=fatal problem.
( and increasing the court time for so few players increases the chance of another injury)
Need to make it 2-3 games like this, then the situation may begin to improve.
Here we go again! I was hoping we could wait until the end of the season. However, after yet another reminder of his gross incompetence it’s becoming clear that we cannot wait any longer! Geno must go!:rolleyes:

Let the search begin! (This may take awhile!)
Let's try it this way. Having read various posts re back injuries, as a longstanding back pain sufferer I posted a new thread on back pain. Using my own and other fellow sufferers including Shock Jock Howard Stern and Legal Zoom/OJ lawyer Robert Shapiro's experiences as related on Larry King, I related how our experiences were stress related, and the remarkable doctor John Sarno of the NYU Rusk institute who treated non-injury back pain by de-stressing patients. His cure was to get us to relax by whatever way works for us - Scotch, exercise, a nap, whatever works for us.

In Aubrey's case the medical team has been unable thus far to cure the back pains. I suggested addressing her possible stress-inducing issues, as it is not unreasonable to believe she is likely under a fair amount of stress. I hope her medical team keeps an open mind and checks this out this avenue!
If this view or various versions of it are trending higher, I respectfully submit, particularly to the skeptics, that via a cost/benefit ratio the Sarno approach has little to no cost and a huge upside potential for Aubrey. It mystifies me why Aubrey well-wishers are willing to take shots at possibilities that have proven successful elsewhere and attested to by other BYers. But then I'm new to social media (the BY being my first) and if this is SOP on the BY, I'm surprised but wll be guided accordingly.
These kinds of posts are very puzzling to me. I don’t think anyone on the Boneyard questions your sincerity or good intentions. Some are likely pushing back against their (perhaps mistaken) perception that you are coming across as the “knowledgeable outsider” who holds the secret to curing a beloved player who (presumably) is getting the best treatment possible already.

Others, like me, may wonder what makes you so sure they have not already tried your solution. Unfortunately, some back issues may never be resolved! I also think (perhaps wrongly) that many people have suspicions/doubts about medical cures/solutions that are pushed in books. They wonder why, if all is true, the medical establishment is not jumping on this “miracle cure” and spreading it across the country.

Again, not doubting or putting down in any way your belief in this or your good intentions in posting about it. I just think our society tends to trust the “degreed professional in an office/hospital over individuals who come up with these “miracle cures” and write a bestselling book about it. They may actually work but it takes a little time for people to accept it. So, don’t take it personal. Finally, I doubt money is a consideration at all.
Jun 22, 2012
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Everyone's pain is different. And, we all think our pain is the worst.

Hopefully they can sort Aubrey out.
Feb 11, 2021
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Here we go again! I was hoping we could wait until the end of the season. However, after yet another reminder of his gross incompetence it’s becoming clear that we cannot wait any longer! Geno must go!:rolleyes:

Let the search begin! (This may take awhile!)

These kinds of posts are very puzzling to me. I don’t think anyone on the Boneyard questions your sincerity or good intentions. Some are likely pushing back against their (perhaps mistaken) perception that you are coming across as the “knowledgeable outsider” who holds the secret to curing a beloved player who (presumably) is getting the best treatment possible already.

Others, like me, may wonder what makes you so sure they have not already tried your solution. Unfortunately, some back issues may never be resolved! I also think (perhaps wrongly) that many people have suspicions/doubts about medical cures/solutions that are pushed in books. They wonder why, if all is true, the medical establishment is not jumping on this “miracle cure” and spreading it across the country.

Again, not doubting or putting down in any way your belief in this or your good intentions in posting about it. I just think our society tends to trust the “degreed professional in an office/hospital over individuals who come up with these “miracle cures” and write a bestselling book about it. They may actually work but it takes a little time for people to accept it. So, don’t take it personal. Finally, I doubt money is a consideration at all.
Respectfully, you make it sound as though I'm a know-it-all trying to push a pet solution. I provided examples of others with similar experiences, and some on the BY have related same. Do I know if Aubrey's medical team have tried the Dr. Sarno approach with her? No; but if I had to bet, I'd bet no. But seeing that it has lingered for some time and not knowing the cause makes one wonder.

Dr. Sarno did not come up with a "miracle cure"; he and a Scandinavian colleague studied thousands of cases and analyzed their results. That's where they got their 4% - 96% findings. He didn't sell any magic tonic or medicine. He simply pointed out that modern life is stressful, and whereas in the past it manifested itself via ulcers, in current life ulcers have given way to back pain. If you prefer, his magic cure is "Relax " by whatever way works for you.
Dec 8, 2019
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Respectfully, you make it sound as though I'm a know-it-all trying to push a pet solution. I provided examples of others with similar experiences, and some on the BY have related same. Do I know if Aubrey's medical team have tried the Dr. Sarno approach with her? No; but if I had to bet, I'd bet no. But seeing that it has lingered for some time and not knowing the cause makes one wonder.

Dr. Sarno did not come up with a "miracle cure"; he and a Scandinavian colleague studied thousands of cases and analyzed their results. That's where they got their 4% - 96% findings. He didn't sell any magic tonic or medicine. He simply pointed out that modern life is stressful, and whereas in the past it manifested itself via ulcers, in current life ulcers have given way to back pain. If you prefer, his magic cure is "Relax " by whatever way works for you.
FWIW, I did not take your post as a know-it-all one at all. I found it interesting enough to spend several hours researching the approach and after spending that time am even more curious.
Not the same thing except for the skepticism some will have at the concept, but my sister years ago had a close friend of hers rushed to the hospital with a heart attack. He died on the operating table but was revived and saved; he lived 25 years more after the incident.
Anyway, he described traveling outside his body and asked her to investigate three mundane conversations he heard around the hospital and an incident in an ambulance outside the emergency room and she confirmed two of the conversations and the ambulance event. To this day my sister has an unshakable belief that there is life after death, to people she has shared the story with through the years, not so much to say the least.
Feb 11, 2021
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FWIW, I did not take your post as a know-it-all one at all. I found it interesting enough to spend several hours researching the approach and after spending that time am even more curious.
Not the same thing except for the skepticism some will have at the concept, but my sister years ago had a close friend of hers rushed to the hospital with a heart attack. He died on the operating table but was revived and saved; he lived 25 years more after the incident.
Anyway, he described traveling outside his body and asked her to investigate three mundane conversations he heard around the hospital and an incident in an ambulance outside the emergency room and she confirmed two of the conversations and the ambulance event. To this day my sister has an unshakable belief that there is life after death, to people she has shared the story with through the years, not so much to say the least.
Don't know what to say about the outer-body experience other than "wow"; but I salute your curiosity!

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