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Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Why would anyone wanna stay past halftime? It was 10:30, cold, and the on field product was abysmal. Namee one program in the country where this scenario would not play out if the situation was similar. What is embarrassing is the team and the players who are all smiles on the sidelines while getting their @ss handed to them.....again

I understand every reason to leave the game early (or not even come). But it's getting to " or get off the pot" time for UCONN fans. If we, as a fanbase, want out of the AAC and an invite into a P5 conference, we, collectively, need to do MUCH better than what we all showed last night. The Barclay's Center was 75% MD fans (not good for a program that stakes claim in the NYC market) and the mass exodus at halftime was disturbing. I'm not dumb, I expected SOME people to leave at halftime for all of the reasons you mentioned. But I certainly never expected 3/4 of the already small crowd to leave at halftime. That had to be so deflating to our players to see 5K left in the stadium for the 2nd half kickoff. I feel so terrible for our players and the guys who have put so much effort into our program only to be completely dismissed by the people who claim to support them. If we're going to use the "it was cold" excuse for leaving a game early, then all of those negative perceptions of our fanbase are solidified. UCONN fans don't care and football doesn't work in the northeast. There are plenty of cold weathered stadiums across the country and I can't think of a single time watching a game where 3/4 of the existing crowd left at HALFTIME. To each is own I guess, I just guess that I have to lower my expectations of our fanbase and our future CR. ALOT.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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There are more Alabama fans at GameDay then total fans left in the Rent at the 2nd half kickoff. I know Bama >>>>>>>>>> UCONN, but sheesh.
Sep 17, 2011
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Stayed till the end, was glad to see us get a TD. Can see the missus and I in the first pic. Only one's left in 216. I wanted to see Casey earlier like after the first series after halftime. I disagree about getting the crowd back. The right hire will get folks out to the early good weather games. The opponents themselves should help there, interesting start to next year and with the new coach getting home games to make a statement. The ride out around the empty blue lot did look like a new low point. Reminds me of Springsteens "Death to My Hometown".
PP and GDL destroyed our families, factories
and they took our homes
they left our bodies on the plains
the vultures picked our bones...

they brought death to our hometown boys, death to our hometown


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Still there in 203... Wife said she even saw us in a TV cameo. At least I didn't have snot dripping on my lips.

HAHA! The AAA winner on the scoreboard last night was a running nose faucet. Felt bad for the kid, I wish his friend would have told him to wipe his nose.
Aug 27, 2011
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We as fans got what we wanted when Manuel fired P. Now we have to support the program...that's why as my wife puts it simply "we stay till the end". We can argue about whether P should have been asked to come back for a 3rd season all day till the cows come home. Fact of the matter is he and his trusty side kick are gone NEVER to return unless it is as a ticket holding fan! CR has sucked for us..kicked us collectively in the nuts, gut, and teeth...but now we have to make a stand. Last night during the tailgate we were reminiscing about going to ND, Michigan. the bowl trips...and how now that seems to be ages ago. A new coach/staff will breath some life into this program..we have to help it by doing our part.


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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Look, I get the chest thumping on how we need to show support but 27k showed up on a Friday night for a 8:30 kickoff to support an 0-7 team that had no shot of winning. Plus it was opening night for bball, which has a hope this year. How about start with being happy we even had that many in the stands.

This program is in deeper crap than worrying about CR right now. At this point I think mang of us are just wondering how many years it'll take to even be competitive again.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Look, I get the chest thumping on how we need to show support but 27k showed up on a Friday night for a 8:30 kickoff to support an 0-7 team that had no shot of winning. Plus it was opening night for bball, which has a hope this year. How about start with being happy we even had that many in the stands.

This program is in deeper crap than worrying about CR right now. At this point I think mang of us are just wondering how many years it'll take to even be competitive again.

I thought the number of people there early was pretty good. The way they evacuated was crazy - but I don't blame anyone. It felt colder than the 35-38 the thermometer said.
Aug 27, 2011
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Look, I get the chest thumping on how we need to show support but 27k showed up on a Friday night for a 8:30 kickoff to support an 0-7 team that had no shot of winning. Plus it was opening night for bball, which has a hope this year. How about start with being happy we even had that many in the stands.

This program is in deeper crap than worrying about CR right now. At this point I think mang of us are just wondering how many years it'll take to even be competitive again.
Who said I wasn't happy at the showing in the stands or i'm worrying about CR...I merely stated the reasons I hear about why people don't want to go to games. If you sat in my row you would have seen me turn around to the guy who sots behind me and have a conversation about the crowd size and how good it was. I also know that a new HC/staff isn't turning this group into a 19 win team next year as well.


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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Who said I wasn't happy at the showing in the stands or i'm worrying about CR...I merely stated the reasons I hear about why people don't want to go to games. If you sat in my row you would have seen me turn around to the guy who sots behind me and have a conversation about the crowd size and how good it was. I also know that a new HC/staff isn't turning this group into a 19 win team next year as well.
Wasn't directed at you. Just a general comment. Sorry if you thought that I was referring to you.
Sep 21, 2011
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I left after 3 quarters as my group was ready to go but I gladly would have stayed til the end if I could simply because I felt so bad for the players and coaches to see such an empty stadium, not to mention how pathetic it must have looked on TV.

I know we suck but it's not like Weist and the players are trying to suck. I do have compassion for them. Im not someone who says hey UConn is 0 for the season, I'm going to show my disgust with whats going on and leave to make a point. The players deserve better than that.

Maybe Cochran or Boyle can have a nice game between now and the rest of the year and the fans keep coming out to tailgate and eventually find a reason to leave their cars and watch something special to carry over into next year.

God I can't wait til the season ends and we hire a strong candidate for this football program.
Aug 27, 2011
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I made the decision before the game with my friends that we would all leave if the team was down 3 scores at halftime or any time thereafter. Quite frankly, it just was miserable coming into the game thinking that we were going to be there until 12:30 watching our team get destroyed.

I thought our "deal" was very reasonable. Go ahead and attack people like us for leaving early if it makes you feel better, Dooley, but I think that the larger thing that is hurting us in conference re-alignment is that we have players who can't block, haven't executed properly on special teams more than twice all year, and haven't won in a year.

It's a sunk season and we just have to hope next year is better.
Aug 26, 2011
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I skipped the game, my first in years, to mack a work chick. No regrets.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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My group of 12 season ticket holders only had 4 show up - I didn't even make it to the Rent due to work and went to the basketball game instead.

The fact that 27k showed up initially isn't bad all things considered, but my dad was sending me pictures of the stadium in the 4th and it was just sad honestly.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Florida had about 20k tickets unsold for the game today and the stadium is barely half full in the fourth quarter.
Losing sucks and few programs can pack their stadium three years in to a stink fest.
Aug 27, 2011
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My group of 12 season ticket holders only had 4 show up - I didn't even make it to the Rent due to work and went to the basketball game instead.

The fact that 27k showed up initially isn't bad all things considered, but my dad was sending me pictures of the stadium in the 4th and it was just sad honestly.
what did you think of the turnout in Brooklyn for the basketball game? There was no way you would have made it to the Rent unless you took a 1/2 day off at a minimum.
Aug 27, 2011
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Florida had about 20k tickets unsold for the game today and the stadium is barely half full in the fourth quarter.
Losing sucks and few programs can pack their stadium three years in to a stink fest.
Muschamp has 1 foot out the door and the other seriously slipping on a bananna peel after today's loss to Vandy.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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[quote="Sean, post: 744460, member: 847" Go ahead and attack people like us for leaving early if it makes you feel better, Dooley, but I think that the larger thing that is hurting us in conference re-alignment is that we have players who can't block, haven't executed properly on special teams more than twice all year, and haven't won in a year.[/quote]

Oh please don't misunderstand me, it does not make me feel better. Not even in the slightest. This is a God awful season that I can't wait to end. I was just hoping for something/anything positive to build on for 2014 whether it is on the field or in the stands. We're not just running a PR campaign to get out of the AAC, we're also running one to lure a top coach for 2014. If the rest of our games look like last night, we're going to have a difficult time doing either for a very, very long time. Sorry, but that's how I feel.
Aug 29, 2011
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Why would anyone wanna stay past halftime? It was 10:30, cold, and the on field product was abysmal. Namee one program in the country where this scenario would not play out if the situation was similar. What is embarrassing is the team and the players who are all smiles on the sidelines while getting their @ss handed to them.....again
TV did show several shots of UConn players laughing it up...One was Whitmer and Boyle laughing.. The next shot showed Boyle sitting down with the smile wiped off his face as the team was celebrating Cochran's TD pass...
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Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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what did you think of the turnout in Brooklyn for the basketball game? There was no way you would have made it to the Rent unless you took a 1/2 day off at a minimum.

I had scheduled the day off, but then had to do an all day training. Barely made 6:30 tip at Barclays.

The lower bowl seemed to have a lot more Maryland fans and it stood out due to the red. The upper decks seemed to be split more. On a Friday at 6:30 in BK on the same night as football it wasn't too bad.

The only glaring omission was that I didn't see big red!
Sep 19, 2011
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Our group (10) have been season ticketholders since day 1 at the RENT. Some of us had seasons at Memorial for several years before.

Last night was the only time that I (we ) left early-at the end of the 3rd qtr.

Our group has thrown around the of not buying tickets next year and waiting for UCONN to offer the discounted tickets again.

It seems that UCONN likes to take the seasonticket holder money for both football and basketball and then allow anyone to buy a seat for lesss with no commitment. Maybe we'll start doing this too.
Aug 28, 2011
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Our group (10) have been season ticketholders since day 1 at the RENT. Some of us had seasons at Memorial for several years before.

Last night was the only time that I (we ) left early-at the end of the 3rd qtr.

Our group has thrown around the of not buying tickets next year and waiting for UCONN to offer the discounted tickets again.

It seems that UCONN likes to take the seasonticket holder money for both football and basketball and then allow anyone to buy a seat for lesss with no commitment. Maybe we'll start doing this too.

We gave up our season tickets a couple of years ago. I usually went with a group of 6, but new marriages/kids and distance has cause our group to dwindle. So we buy tickets each game we can make. It definitely backfired this year as the Michigan game cost a pretty penny!

I am buying season tickets next year though. At least two seats. I feel an overwhelming sense of guilt that I have been buying them off stub hub or through ticket master. I have no idea why.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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It seems that UCONN likes to take the seasonticket holder money for both football and basketball and then allow anyone to buy a seat for lesss with no commitment. Maybe we'll start doing this too.

This is by far and away the dumbest thing they do. It's long term suicide and that chicken is going to come home to roost next year if they don't slash season ticket prices.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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My brother and I actually talked about this last night at the tailgate. Since 4 of our group of 6 are MIA this season, would it behoove us to piece together a season next year on our own or get our own season tickets in a new name and lose all of the established points we have accrued under my friend's name?
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