aresco-c7 | The Boneyard


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Aug 24, 2011
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this guy was hired to commish the whole league right? i dont know much about some of the other theorys around espn and cuse grads and w/e else. but were the c7 in his pocket the whole time? we heard he was a major tv guy and all this stuff. since he came he got the league(fball schools) a crappy tv deal and lost some members. he added questionable adds way more questionable than memphis ever was. meanwhile the c7 timeline has been sped up, they got a great tv offer already and are expanding with the right teams pretty much.

something is fishy(for lack of a better term).


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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I don't think this is hard to figure out - he's a terrible commissioner and has done a terrible job.

The C7 has done better without a commissioner than we have with Aresco.

Remember the unguarded chair Ater Majok dominated in workouts? That was actually Aresco in his natural state.
Sep 16, 2011
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I normally don't believe in conspiracies but it sure does seem like there is a conspiracy against UConn and it does seem like Aresco is a mole that was brought in to completely destroy what was left of the Big East. Nobody could possibly be that bad at their job.
Sep 16, 2011
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Here's a legitimate question: Should the league split, which side is Aresco the commissioner of?
Maybe that's the hangup in negotiations. Neither side wants to pay his salary.
Aug 26, 2011
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He is supposedly working for us. If he were working for them we'd be better off I guess.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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To me, it is absolutely unthinkable that a UConn grad would knowingly screw UConn. But conference realignment has my head spinning so much that I'm going to allow for the possibility...


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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I don't think this is hard to figure out - he's a terrible commissioner and has done a terrible job.

The C7 has done better without a commissioner than we have with Aresco.

Remember the unguarded chair Ater Majok dominated in workouts? That was actually Aresco in his natural state.
Not for anything but what could he have done? It sounds more like the cart pulling the horse in these matters.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Not for anything but what could he have done? It sounds more like the cart pulling the horse in these matters.

Quick - give me one example of something that has happened on his watch that wasn't a complete disaster? I'm not asking for an example of a success, (there aren't any), but give me something that wasn't a disaster.

He makes a million dollars a year and even in his area of supposed expertise, he's been an unmitigated failure - in a world where football is supposedly king, the Catholic 7 somehow secured a better contract without football and more telling, without him, than he managed to secure for us.

That is breathtaking. This guy couldn't sell ice water in the desert.
Feb 2, 2012
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Quick - give me one example of something that has happened on his watch that wasn't a complete disaster? I'm not asking for an example of a success, (there aren't any), but give me something that wasn't a disaster.

He makes a million dollars a year and even in his area of supposed expertise, he's been an unmitigated failure - in a world where football is supposedly king, the Catholic 7 somehow secured a better contract without football and more telling, without him, and than he managed to secure for us.

That is breathtaking. This guy couldn't sell ice water in the desert.
Well at the very least he fought for UConn to get us in the final BET.....oh right.

I did hear the catering at the BE headquarters has improved.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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To me, it is absolutely unthinkable that a UConn grad would knowingly screw UConn. But conference realignment has my head spinning so much that I'm going to allow for the possibility...

For a million a year? Many would screw their mother.

Sent from my Lumia 920 via Windows 8. Now bite me Apple Droids.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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For a million a year? Many would screw their mother.

I just want to point out that I would probably screw all of your mothers for a lot less than a million dollars.

I will, however, need to see some pictures before I commit.
Aug 26, 2011
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It is a valid question asking what could he have done differently.

Tell Louisville you can't go to the ACC? Tell Boise we will give you $100 mill if you come to the BE? Tell SDSU we will sink your battleships if you don't come?

Tell Pitt and SU we will let you play all 12 games at home?

Tell ESPN you WILL pay us $100 mill per year or else?

Seriously what could he have done differently? He was promised Jennifer Lawrence and then given a hooker.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I just want to point out that I would probably screw all of your mothers for a lot less than a million dollars.

I will, however, need to see some pictures before I commit.

I don't even need the pictures. $20 and a trip to the package store, and we'll get to one million by the end of the night...


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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Quick - give me one example of something that has happened on his watch that wasn't a complete disaster? I'm not asking for an example of a success, (there aren't any), but give me something that wasn't a disaster.

He makes a million dollars a year and even in his area of supposed expertise, he's been an unmitigated failure - in a world where football is supposedly king, the Catholic 7 somehow secured a better contract without football and more telling, without him, and than he managed to secure for us.

That is breathtaking. This guy couldn't sell ice water in the desert.
I'll stick to recent events. People have explained the deal making fiascos in the past as one after another team reneged.

The NBE is every bit as good bb wise as the C7 as long as UConn, Cincy, Memphis, and Temple are in the conference and one other member elevates their game. Football is certainly a bonus that the C7 can't offer. So either Aresco is a lousy negotiator or none of the media bidders believe CR is over and UConn and/or Cincy will be around. The contract was lowballed because those programs have a very high likelihood of leaving and the conference was desperate for exposure on some media outlet.

But let's say Aresco should have played hardball with the networks. And the media says GOR the conference. Aresco goes to UConn and Cincy and they say no. He can't go to the other incoming teams and point this out(even though they already know it) because they will decide to remain where they are. So he gets a tty deal just to maintain a home for Cincy and UConn until the next round of CR. The incoming schools are placated because the contract is better than they would have had if they remained in their respective conferences and therefore won't be upset with UConn and Cincy leaving. The contract was back ended to get the conference, as bad as it is, off the ground.

UConn and Cincy get lousy $'s next year from the media contract, but large numbers from the NCAA credits and departing teams so the loss is offset. If they leave in 2-5 years they still get carryover from those sources up until they leave and the new teams aren't penalized by their departure. Their risk in choosing this option is that they won't go somewhere else. I agree with both universities that the likelihood of that happening is small.

The other choice was to play hardball all the way. The danger with that is UConn may have been forced to be out of any conference for football. BB would have found a decent landing somewhere. Aresco was not the problem. The problem was there were too many areas of hemorrhaging for the doctor to do anything better than create a Frankenstein.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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That is a very long way of saying that you cannot answer my question.

By any metric, he's been a failure.


Aug 26, 2011
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I'll steal a post from a Houston guy on csnbbs who seems somewhat connected:

Aresco has achieved nothing in his tenure. Nothing! As a good friend of mine likes to say, Aresco has proven he is "all hat, no cattle." In the 30 years I have been in and around academia/university athletics, never, ever have I seen someone so completely and utterly out-maneuvered at every single turn.

I have absolutely no doubt ESPiN's hand is in this deal up to its elbow.

* FOX is overpaying the C7 for their basketball rights to offset the cost of buying the Big East name;
* ESPN, in turn, will agree to sublicense C7 basketball to offset some of FOX's costs;
* ESPN, in turn, will then turn around and sublicense early-season (insert new conference name here) home games against non-conference SEC, BIG, and ACC opponents to FOX-1, CBS Sports, etc. to offset its actual purchase of the media rights for the (insert new name here) football schools, and ESPN essentially pays nothing for the (insert new name here) media rights;
* FOX and others buy only the games they want from the (insert name here) football, with no loyalty to the (insert new conference name here) conference;
* ESPN and FOX cut NBC out as a significant competitor in college football/basketball for at least another 5-10 years; and
* ESPN will drop the media rights for the (insert new name conference here) in 7 years, or offer something in line with the MAC, Sunbelt, etc. on the pretext that the conference just doesn't have any national brand value.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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It is a valid question asking what could he have done differently.

One success.

That is all I am asking for - just one.

A million dollars a year...give me one outcome that he achieved that you couldn't have. I just want to know one thing the great visionary has done for us.

I could have failed to land Air Force or BYU or anyone else to bolster the 'team in every time zone' concept he laid out. I could have lost Boise and San Diego State. I could have offended the C7 and gotten backdoored by Fox. I could have failed to attract any serious interest from any of the "six entities" that were supposedly interested in the Big East. I could have brought the table a contract so horrific that it will pay the entire conference an amount roughly equaled by the revenue paid yearly to Wake Forest. (Or $10,000,000 less than what TCU makes.) I could have invited Tulane because a president of a UCF sent me a text and apparently setting in motion the complete destruction of the conference. I could ignored the Notre Dame issue to the point where they may be able to latch onto the C7 and avoid paying us anything for leaving. I can deliver non-sensical, rambling answers to media questions.

Going forward, I can lose most of our bowl tie-ins and lose Navy.

(Actually, I never would have thought of inviting Tulane.)


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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That is a very long way of saying that you cannot answer my question.

By any metric, he's been a failure.
Can't get ticked at him. The media was holding a straight flush and he didn't even have a pair of deuces. No one could have won that dealt hand. If he had two pair and was bluffed out by someone who had crud then I would be all over him. That wasn't the case. So he failed. And anyone and everyone criticizing him would have come out with the same losses. But if it makes you happy put him in the wood chipper.


Aug 24, 2011
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there is no reason why he picked tulane. they are not worth 1 penny acording to the tv contract we got. temple, usf, uconn and cincy alone make that contract a joke even if those 4 schools only play 1 year in the NBE.

with that being said, i can come up with a lot better schools who have long term potential even in tulanes own state. any pick was better than tulane. heck northern illinois look what they did last year. do yourself a favor and look at the location of that school. now check the stadium size. now look up the alums local within a hour of the schools and the untaped potential. thats just 1 good example.

he didn't have to pick tulane and they are literally worth negative dollars. no pick would have done better than a pick in his case. so as some of u say he has a bad delt hand what can he do different. thats #1.

hell i think within 2 hours u could put me, nelson, whaler and blwa in a room to fight it out to death and we could still come out with something from this:
Aug 26, 2011
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One success.

That is all I am asking for - just one

He's increased traffic on the boneyard by 1,000,000% so someone made $50 off him from ads.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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He's increased traffic on the boneyard by 1,000,000% so someone made $50 off him from ads.

I am dead certain that the ad revenue from Aresco-generated posts is far, far, far higher than $50.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Living in the evidence based world, Aresco is an unmitigated failure. I don't care about anything but the TV contract. With a decent TV contract, UConn can survive. Without it, we are dead. This was the only thing I really wanted out of Aresco, and he completely choked.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Aresco has been a disaster for UConn but a God send for Tulane. I don't know about you guys, but I am really looking forward to flying down to Bradenton, FL to watch the UConn vs. Tulane game (moved due to Hurricane). I hear that if you buy a ticket to UConn vs Tulane, you can go to the Bradenton HS vs. Plant City HS for half price.
Feb 10, 2012
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One success.

That is all I am asking for - just one.

A million dollars a year...give me one outcome that he achieved that you couldn't have. I just want to know one thing the great visionary has done for us.

I could have failed to land Air Force or BYU or anyone else to bolster the 'team in every time zone' concept he laid out. I could have lost Boise and San Diego State. I could have offended the C7 and gotten backdoored by Fox. I could have failed to attract any serious interest from any of the "six entities" that were supposedly interested in the Big East. I could have brought the table a contract so horrific that it will pay the entire conference an amount roughly equaled by the revenue paid yearly to Wake Forest. (Or $10,000,000 less than what TCU makes.) I could have invited Tulane because a president of a UCF sent me a text and apparently setting in motion the complete destruction of the conference. I could ignored the Notre Dame issue to the point where they may be able to latch onto the C7 and avoid paying us anything for leaving. I can deliver non-sensical, rambling answers to media questions.

Going forward, I can lose most of our bowl tie-ins and lose Navy.

(Actually, I never would have thought of inviting Tulane.)
smu and houston are still coming.
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