No personal experience, but my mom has been dealing with Lyme complications for 15 years with it reaching an apex after causing open-heart surgery.
Unfortunately, Lyme in addition to her mental health needs has made her obsessive about Lyme prevention: almost never walking on grass and talking nearly daily about it to the point where any symptom of Lyme is automatically Lyme (like if I am achy from a cold she'll suspect Lyme).
It's really hard to see and also hard to know how much of her behavior is caused by Lyme or caused by her anxiety.
Sorry your mom has had to suffer with Lyme for so long. It can be so life-altering. Lyme & the coinfections ( Babesia & Bartonella) can cause many neuropsychiatric symptoms including OCD, bipolar, depression, rage & anxiety. These are not emotional responses to the illness but rather organic symptoms caused by these organisms. Remember Lyme is a spirochete as is syphilis & we know syphilis can cause mental illness. The Lyme spirochete is far more sophisticated than is the syphilis spirochete. It can change forms & evade the immune system as well as antibiotics. It can bore into your cells. It can get into the brain & wreak havoc. It is easy to misread symptoms as emotional or separate from Lyme when in fact they are often directly caused by Lyme (and/or coinfections) and totally outside the control of the patient.
That being said, some people do become overly obsessed about Lyme & ticks. I counsel people to stay off the Lyme facebook groups where patients refer to themselves as Lymeys & talk Lyme disease 24/7. It's worse than the boneyard,lol. I get it. Lyme can be very isolating because of the misunderstanding it can cause with friends & family. Many long-time sufferers lose all friends & family & suffer alone. These groups may be the only place they can get understanding & contact with other human beings. So I get why patients go there. Still, its not good to get so immersed in Lyme that it's all you think & talk about. As I like to say to those that want to talk Lyme 24/7 (especially the Lyme politics) & refer to themselves as a Lymey, Lyme is an illness not a hobby.