Any of these names sound promising for Diaco's replacement? | The Boneyard

Any of these names sound promising for Diaco's replacement?

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Jan 21, 2016
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Any of these names sound promising for Diaco's replacement?

T.J. Weist, USF

Jeff Brohm, Western Kentucky

Tim Drevno, Michigan

P.J. Fleck, Western Michigan

Scott Satterfield, Appalachian State

Matt Wells, Utah State

Lincoln Riley, Oklahoma

Sonny Cumbie and Doug Meacham, TCU

Mike Sanford, Notre Dame

Billy Gonzales - Mississippi State

Butch Davis - former Miami, North Carolina head coach
Aug 29, 2011
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Bonegano(?) from Central Michigan
Lembo assistan hc at Maryland
James Franklin if he is out at Penn State
Charlie Strong if he is out at Texas
Aug 26, 2011
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I will preface this by saying that there's still a lot of football to play & I'm hoping for improvement & bowl eligibility. I'm not for firing a coach midseason. Coach Diaco has made major improvements over the previous regime, has donated generously back to the University, & Houston aside, UConn has been in every game this season.
That said, my 3 choices that I hope are on Benedict's short list:
1. Major Applewhite-a rising star who is rapidly developing a reputation as an offensive genius. Starred at qb for Bevo U. Familiar with Northeast culture from his tenure on the staff at Syracuse. This is a longshot due to his Texas roots. He probably has higher aspirations in his own back yard (see U.T.) If being a head coach at a current G-5 school is a stepping stone to a P-5 head coaching position, UConn is a perfect storm for him.
2. Bring Todd Orlando home- Spent 12 seasons in Storrs, he's one of us. I would put his ability as a defensive strategist up against Coach Diaco's 7/365. I would further trust his ability to hire an innovative offensive coordinator & give him free reign after serving on Herman's staff & watching Applewhite's wizardry with Herman's input.
3. Joe Moorhead-FHCRE hired him under false pretenses & shackled his ability. Once he became head coach at Fordham, his offensive acumen was there for everyone to witness. Pluses are former member of UConn staff, head coaching experience, obvious offensive innovator.


Mora excited than before.
Sep 6, 2011
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Any of these names sound promising for Diaco's replacement?

T.J. Weist, USF

Jeff Brohm, Western Kentucky

Tim Drevno, Michigan

P.J. Fleck, Western Michigan

Scott Satterfield, Appalachian State

Matt Wells, Utah State

Lincoln Riley, Oklahoma

Sonny Cumbie and Doug Meacham, TCU

Mike Sanford, Notre Dame

Billy Gonzales - Mississippi State

Butch Davis - former Miami, North Carolina head coach

Sonny Bono
Richard Kiel
Leonard Nimoy
My Grandfather
His Grandfather
Yadda Yadda.
They're all dead. Just like this post. Move along. Not going to happen anytime soon.
We play Cincy on Saturday.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I keep hoping beyond reason that Diaco can still be the guy. The players seem to like and respect him. He seems to recruit well. If he can just stop doing and saying head-scratching things! Maybe my hoping for change is the definition of insanity...:confused:
Jul 10, 2016
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I will preface this by saying that there's still a lot of football to play & I'm hoping for improvement & bowl eligibility. I'm not for firing a coach midseason. Coach Diaco has made major improvements over the previous regime, has donated generously back to the University, & Houston aside, UConn has been in every game this season.
That said, my 3 choices that I hope are on Benedict's short list:
1. Major Applewhite-a rising star who is rapidly developing a reputation as an offensive genius. Starred at qb for Bevo U. Familiar with Northeast culture from his tenure on the staff at Syracuse. This is a longshot due to his Texas roots. He probably has higher aspirations in his own back yard (see U.T.) If being a head coach at a current G-5 school is a stepping stone to a P-5 head coaching position, UConn is a perfect storm for him.
2. Bring Todd Orlando home- Spent 12 seasons in Storrs, he's one of us. I would put his ability as a defensive strategist up against Coach Diaco's 7/365. I would further trust his ability to hire an innovative offensive coordinator & give him free reign after serving on Herman's staff & watching Applewhite's wizardry with Herman's input.
3. Joe Moorhead-FHCRE hired him under false pretenses & shackled his ability. Once he became head coach at Fordham, his offensive acumen was there for everyone to witness. Pluses are former member of UConn staff, head coaching experience, obvious offensive innovator.

I like Joe Moorhead, but I'm not sure he's shown enough at PSU to get promoted. Their offense has been sluggish
Aug 29, 2015
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I keep hoping beyond reason that Diaco can still be the guy. The players seem to like and respect him. He seems to recruit well. If he can just stop doing and saying head-scratching things! Maybe my hoping for change is the definition of insanity...:confused:

If Diaco is the CEO we need a COO. Those are where the problems seem to come from. Do we have an associate head coach? I don't think we do.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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If Diaco is the CEO we need a COO. Those are where the problems seem to come from. Do we have an associate head coach? I don't think we do.

Since Don Patterson's retirement, I think the AHC spot is vacant.
Aug 26, 2011
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Because it's not happening and only creates more negative energy around the program. It's stupid. Should we also debate what supermodel he's going to sleep with tonight?

He's a troll or a moron, probably both.

The post didn't create the negative energy. It's a symptom of the negative energy emanating from our offensive philosophy. For some this speculation gives them a little hope to grasp on to in year 3 of our re-re-rebuilding campaign.

Actually it's more like year six.


BEast mode
Aug 26, 2011
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If Diaco is the CEO we need a COO. Those are where the problems seem to come from. Do we have an associate head coach? I don't think we do.

If we do it's probably in name only, but I don't think there is. This actually makes a lot of sense


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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First, I am sure that Diaco brings a different energy than PP which was needed
Second, there's still some football to be played before we chase the guy out of town
Is this seemingly downhill spiral going to reverse? It will be hard, especially with the next few games
UConn got beat by a far superior team in both the skills area and the talent overall - Oklahoma can attest to that
That being said, Diaco needs to change his decision making - I feel he is playing to close to hurting the players psyche when he doesn't take chances - does he not trust them or is he trying to not get blown out and therefore lose his job immediately? I don't know
One thing I do know - he came in as a defensive genius and right now his secondary couldn't stop a weekend flag football/beer drinking team and his D line is slow and plodding. The linebackers are playing OK - are there any Defensive ends????
IF the season ends at 5 wins or less- then we can talk about replacements - there will be plenty by then
BUT the payout will be painful


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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Skip Holtz.
Is Randy E still available? - at least he won - might be a DB BUT the players produced for him
Not my choice but asking!!!!!!!
Aug 28, 2011
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I wanted Scott Frost when we hired Diaco, we'll see how that turns out.


#TheCut #HuskyRevolution
Aug 22, 2013
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Any of these names sound promising for Diaco's replacement?

T.J. Weist, USF

Jeff Brohm, Western Kentucky

Tim Drevno, Michigan

P.J. Fleck, Western Michigan

Scott Satterfield, Appalachian State

Matt Wells, Utah State

Lincoln Riley, Oklahoma

Sonny Cumbie and Doug Meacham, TCU

Mike Sanford, Notre Dame

Billy Gonzales - Mississippi State

Butch Davis - former Miami, North Carolina head coach

Here's my take on each of these names:

TJ Weist- eh, why go backwards?

Jeff Brohm- could be an interesting choice. Would be nice to have a offensive-minded HC for once.

Tim Drevno- just his 2nd year as an OC. And not to dis-credit the guy but that's Harbargh's offense.

PJ Fleck is going to get taken by a P5 program next up.

Scott Satterfield- Has done well at a southern school with deep football roots- don't know how he'd do up north?

Matt Wells- he spent some time 95-01 at Navy as QB coach... that's his only close to northeast tie. Seems like a stretch being a western team guy.

Lincoln Riley- would be a HUGE win IMO, but I doubt he even realizes UConn is a FBS program. Think he'd probably hold out for bigger jobs in P5 programs in the future.

Sonny Cumbie- no question it would be cool to have a former starting QB at Texas Tech as our HC but the guy makes $1.4 million now- we'd have to have a serious pay scale jump.

Doug Meacham- a finalist for the Broyles Award back in 2014 (won by UofH HC Tom Herman while at Ohio State)... Not sure how such a midwestern/southwestern focus coach all of his career would work out here at UConn?

Mike Sanford- The guy is young and has a pretty nasty resume- Boise State, Stanford, Yale?, UNLV, Western Ky... All on offense and was a QB at Boise until 2004. But we've been to the ND well once. Twice a mistake?

Billy Gonzales- nice resume- Florida, Utah, LSU, Illinois, Miss. State... And hey- he did craft the game that put up 47 against UMass!

Butch Davis has always been an intriguing name- but hasn't been in the college game in over 6 years... Could be another desperate PP-like move.


Bryan Harsin- Boise State HC (if we got into the Big XII or ACC would something like this make sense?)

Gene Chizik- North Carolina DC
(could a place like UConn be just the right fit to get Chizik back winning as a head man?)

Troy Calhoun- Air Force HC
(his name has been thrown around a lot for head coaching jobs... probably a tough move from a service academy to anywhere else though)
Feb 4, 2012
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Any of these names sound promising for Diaco's replacement?

T.J. Weist, USF

Jeff Brohm, Western Kentucky

Tim Drevno, Michigan

P.J. Fleck, Western Michigan

Scott Satterfield, Appalachian State

Matt Wells, Utah State

Lincoln Riley, Oklahoma

Sonny Cumbie and Doug Meacham, TCU

Mike Sanford, Notre Dame

Billy Gonzales - Mississippi State

Butch Davis - former Miami, North Carolina head coach

Sep 17, 2011
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The only head coach that will be here next year is Bob Diaco. He likely has some sort of implicit promise in his extension that he will be allowed the full 5 years to complete the rebuild and to have success.
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