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Legitimate question... how much of the "gates open" time is a function of a "UConn decision" versus a State property/East Hartford P & Z agreement (similar to decibel level restriction)? I'm still looking for details when approved but figured an East Harford denizen might now.
its the state and the management of the facility. not uconn. which is my point. i would love to rant about how we should buy the rent etc etc. BUT on a serious note, the state just committed 2 billion to uconn for x y and z. how is it that we can not as a school get the gates open earlier? is it a phone call some 1 is to lazy to make? is it a law in the town that you can't tailgate or what is it. find out the reason and tell the media so the fans know why. if its a pushable thing then let the fans put pressure do it from there. if its some crazy thing like tailgating more than 4 hours before a game will kill all the baby seals in the world then at least the fans know and we can focus on something else. is the management cheap? is the state cheap? what is it? the lots should be open from friday at 5pm to sunday at noon. end of dam story.
the bottom line is u need to pressure ppl. bitching doesn't get it done. so im not tailgating this year at all because im not going to games. if others did this then eventually uconn will wonder why its lots are empty.