Another one of my weird and probably inaccurate comparisons | The Boneyard

Another one of my weird and probably inaccurate comparisons

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joober jones

Finally Non-Fat Guy
Nov 2, 2011
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Is anyone else at all reminded of Rudy Johnson when watching Terrence Samuel play? RJ was a much better shooter and obviously wasn't a point guard, but they both have that intangible "game changer" personality. The toughness and intensity TSam brings when coming off the bench and his never back down attitude remind me a lot of Rudy Johnson.
Aug 27, 2011
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umm, don't see that one at all.. they are not even remotely similar as players and I don't think of either Rudy or TSam as "game changers." To me TSam is a better version of Dion Carson. Tough guys who cannot shoot who play hard nose D and for the most part do not make many mistakes because they are reluctant to do so.

TSam had two or three outstanding games in the tourney last year and people remember that as opposed to the 30+ games where he was mostly ineffective. TSam has been ok at best this year. He's shooting under 35% from the floor, has more turnovers than assists, and his reluctance and inability to shoot the ball has often bogged down the offense. Sadly, he's our 2nd or 3rd best ballhandler so we are reliant on him to give us some minutes as a decision maker; a skill that he is still a bit inconsistent with.

Rudy was a big time recruit; before Donyell committed he was the jewel of that class, but injuries prevented himfrom reaching his true potential. His senior year he was a steadying glue guy beside Ray and Doron and every once in a while he'd do something to remind you that he was once a top 20-30 recruit.
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Aug 31, 2011
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umm, don't see that one at all.. they are not even remotely similar as players and I don't think of either Rudy or TSam as "game changers." To me TSam is a better version of Dion Carson. Tough guys who cannot shoot who play hard nose D and for the most part do not make many mistakes because they are reluctant to do so.

I agree that the OP's comparison is ridiculous and can achieve little beyond a 30 post thread criticizing TSam's jumpshot. But it's equally absurd to compare TSam to Dion Carson.

Far from not making mistakes, Dion set the all time UConn record for stepping out of bounds when it seemed utterly ridiculous to step out of bounds. TSam, whatever else he may achieve in his UConn career (and I think the kid is tough enough to achieve a decent amount) has in fact been a game changer from time to time, most notably in a Round of 32 game on the march to a national championship. He also changed the game in the second half against Duke before he left with injury.

It's true that TSam has killed our O this year when he's been hesitant to shoot, but his running of the offense in money time against Columbia was a solid step forward.

As for Rudy J, if only the gods had granted him his high school body back for the Miss St game we might be talking about winning #6.


UConn Class of 2013
Aug 26, 2011
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Rudy was a 6'8 pogo stick and relatively highly ranked player (Mr. Basketball in Florida I believe) and Tsam is a 6'4 PG without a jumpshot. Can't fathom a similarity between the two other than they both played at UCONN
Aug 26, 2011
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Is anyone else at all reminded of Rudy Johnson when watching Terrence Samuel play? RJ was a much better shooter and obviously wasn't a point guard, but they both have that intangible "game changer" personality. The toughness and intensity TSam brings when coming off the bench and his never back down attitude remind me a lot of Rudy Johnson.
I am guessing that 3/4 of this board doesn't know who Rudy Johnson is.

They have a similar build but Rudy was strictly in there for his defense. TSam is expected to produce some offense and be the backup PG. Rudy played as a forward. I also remember Rudy spending a lot of time on the injured list. Hopefully, TSam does not follow this same path.


UConn Class of 2013
Aug 26, 2011
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Far from not making mistakes, Dion set the all time UConn record for stepping out of bounds when it seemed utterly ridiculous to step out of bounds.

He is clearly a distant second on that list. Apparently someone forgot about Johnny Selvie.
Aug 25, 2011
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He is clearly a distant second on that list. Apparently someone forgot about Johnny Selvie.
Funny how looking back, I still was able to blame Selvie's feet.
Aug 26, 2011
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The Taliek/ Samuel comparison is a good one. Very similar skill set although TB was a bit quicker I think. Both tough on the defensive end but Taliek had that real toughness getting through screens, although TSam is very good on D also. Both real ugly shots, TSam looks like he may be improving form a bit but a long way to go.
Dec 13, 2013
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Hell "yeah remember Rudy" but Dion Carson that's great we always remember the greats and the more recent guy's but it's cool when a name from the past pops up. Wes Covington . Sorry Rudy and Tsam not working.
Aug 26, 2011
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I get and don't get the Taliek comparisons. Both strong PGs from NY without jumpshots, but Taliek was miles ahead as a ballhandler and a better passer. TSam's passing ability and vision is one area that I haven't really seen carry with him from HS. He's had some nice setups here and there but not quite at the level I expected. Maybe reluctance to take risks, who knows.
Aug 27, 2011
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Perhaps but Taliek didn't seem to run on his tippy toes. LOL

TSam is still defining himself. As of now he reminds me more of Donnel Beverly.
Donnel Beverly - Nailed it,;) (That is for now, I hope and truly believe he will continue to improve). He can shake that DB comparison as soon as this year, it's up to him to capitalize on this PT.
Aug 27, 2011
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Funny how looking back, I still was able to blame Selvie's feet.
Ol' Lefty Selvie, he was the best. Of course he could only go left NOT because he was left handed but the good lord blessed him with two left feet too! I still liked him though...
Aug 26, 2011
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Injuries derailed Rudy. He was supposed to be a star but lost his insane athleticism before we ever saw it. He's a guy I'm surprised to see around so much. He must of been really close with KO. He has been very visible at charity events etc. over the last few years.
Aug 27, 2011
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None of TSam's skills when you look at them are game changing, but when you look at what he did for us in our run last year that's exactly what he did. I'm looking for him to come on big second half, also he and Boat are the best ball handlers we have so he has to be in the equation.

joober jones

Finally Non-Fat Guy
Nov 2, 2011
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Personality-wise Samuel and Beverly are quite different
Sep 21, 2011
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Perhaps but Taliek didn't seem to run on his tippy toes. LOL

TSam is still defining himself. As of now he reminds me more of Donnel Beverly.
Please I Know Donnel is a sacred cow to the BY ,but he had no business what so over on the Floor until his senior year. Great teamate ,good leader as a senior ,and actually contributed,however TSam, contributed more to last year NC as a freshman than DB did as a senior. DB actually got in the MSU FF loss as a sophomore. We were that shorthanded
go back and watch that deer-in-the-headlights player and compare him to TSam
Not even close.
Players develop ,TSam will be viewed much more like Ricky Moore than Beverly.
A guy you could trust with the most important position on the team for long stretches.
A lock down defender and a leader by example ,who will even knock down a few J's if you don't play him honestly. That ain't a bad legacy.


UConn Class of 2013
Aug 26, 2011
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Please I Know Donnel is a sacred cow to the BY ,but he had no business what so over on the Floor until his senior year. Great teamate ,good leader as a senior ,and actually contributed,however TSam, contributed more to last year NC as a freshman than DB did as a senior. DB actually got in the MSU FF loss as a sophomore. We were that shorthanded
go back and watch that deer-in-the-headlights player and compare him to TSam
Not even close.
Players develop ,TSam will be viewed much more like Ricky Moore than Beverly.
A guy you could trust with the most important position on the team for long stretches.
A lock down defender and a leader by example ,who will even knock down a few J's if you don't play him honestly. That ain't a bad legacy.

I don't think players need to be of equal skill levels to have similar games. Donnell and Tsam have similar games. Tsam is better at it.
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