The amount of belly aching about college players being able to get paid for using their likeness is incredible to me.
“Do ThEy StIlL nEeD tO Go To ClAsS?”
If they want to remain eligible or graduate, obviously.
“pEoPlE wIlL tAkE aDvAnTaGe Of ThEm.”
Lots of people already do, including the coaches who get paid seven figures and the NCAA. What is the worst thing that happens? They blow all their money and end up broke like most other college graduates?
“WoRk FoR a LiViNg? LoL”
What? You would take money to do some photo shoots and promote someone else’s product if you could? Sounds more like jealousy to me.
“WeLl I wOn’T wAtCh BeCaUsE tHeY aReN’t AmAtUrEs.”
Okay. Yeah. It’s pure. There’s a “for the love of the game” element to it that is nice, but you’re not into it now that these young dreamers can actually get a check? What, were you hoping they would flame out before their payday? For a lot of athletes, this will be the only chance they ever have to get paid for their sport.
Does this disadvantage colleges that aren’t already powerhouses? Yes. I expect this to ossify the current hierarchy lead by P5 schools, but with money off the minds of many athletes, maybe they’ll be able to better focus on school and their sport. Some will get distracted sure, but you probably won’t notice a big difference at the end of the day.