I agree, as long as your definition of "readable" is not too strict.I would argue that making your posts readable is about having proper respect for your fellow board members.
Isn't our presence enough?I like presents? Don't you like presents?
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I feel like a Magi. (with pants)Gifts? Now we have to bring gifts to the board. Gee whiz. It is getting pretty demanding around here.
This just irritates me, and I think many others.
Let's spell our heroines' names right.
This season, Stef is the most abused. Which is expecially disappointing since she been very prominet here for 3 years -- plus before she got here.
Easy to make mistakes and typos, but a lot of it is just carelessness. Why not plant in your head that you should give a second look whenever you write about Dolson ..
Waht mekas sthonemig radebale? Is it gmarmar? Slepnilg? The cecorrt oerdr of lterets in a wrod?
Tihs is a lot heradr tahn I etpecxed. But it wlil be itenisrentg how mnay of you urandnetsd waht I hvae wteritn wotuiht mcuh dlfitcufiy.
I aywals wtenad to try tihs.
liekWaht mekas sthonemig radebale? Is it gmarmar? Slepnilg? The cecorrt oerdr of lterets in a wrod?
Tihs is a lot heradr tahn I etpecxed. But it wlil be itenisrentg how mnay of you urandnetsd waht I hvae wteritn wotuiht mcuh dlfitcufiy.
I aywals wtenad to try tihs.
Waht mekas sthonemig radebale? Is it gmarmar? Slepnilg? The cecorrt oerdr of lterets in a wrod?
Tihs is a lot heradr tahn I etpecxed. But it wlil be itenisrentg how mnay of you urandnetsd waht I hvae wteritn wotuiht mcuh dlfitcufiy.
I aywals wtenad to try tihs.
That's fine.
Now, should I conclude that no one else has a problem with repeatedly getting a kid's name wrong? I mean, I expect it from Tony... though he has improved markedly, and I don't recall that he has had a Stefanie issue.
I agree that we should use the correct words and spell them correctly. But must we now "Harley-vous francais?" (drive a French motorcycle) to participate in this forum?You meant to write exemplary, n'est-ce pas?
Waht mekas sthonemig radebale? Is it gmarmar? Slepnilg? The cecorrt oerdr of lterets in a wrod?
Tihs is a lot heradr tahn I etpecxed. But it wlil be itenisrentg how mnay of you urandnetsd waht I hvae wteritn wotuiht mcuh dlfitcufiy.
I aywals wtenad to try tihs.
I think it's desirable that we shoot Christian Slater first.I agree that we should use the correct words and spell them correctly. But must we now "Harley-vous francais?" (drive a French motorcycle) to participate in this forum?
And, while we're on the subject, we should know what we're talking about before posting. Too many people here shoot first and ask Christian Slater.