I definitely miss this team and the games more than at any time in my 30 years as a diehard.
They just played with such intelligence & skill. Was always in the ‘99 was the toughest , ‘04 most talented (my fave team), but to me this was the greatest team, because all 5 guys could get 20 anytime And the way the pieces were so interchangeable.
Plus, they had FUN. I may be misremembering, but felt like TNewt smiled so much more this year, he was always having a blast out there. Clingan kept everyone loose - it felt like and then Cam & Alex were those whatever it takes, refuse to lose types (with much diff personalities).
And Castle - what 5-star comes to UConn over garbage cheating southern schools one, and two comes in less entitled and willing to do the dirty work. Just amazing mentality and obv so talented/versatile. Hass just had such a diff vibe this year - so comfortable and confident. We lost nothing when he came in. Samson & JStew had their moments too and everyone cheered for everyone.
Miss this group so much, they had & accomplished “Everything“!!!