Jalen Adams will become the Alpha Dog for his team, but it might not happen this year.
Don't get me wrong, we're sorely lacking in that department, but with two 5th-year seniors, a 4th-year junior, a junior captain, and a stud sophomore ahead of him, it's not going to be easy for him to seize the reins without upsetting the chemistry.
To be an Alpha Dog, you need to be (1) tough, (2) vocal, and (3) a high-IQ player.
Gibbs doesn't appear to have it.
Miller has the IQ, he has the toughness, but I'm not sure as a new guy he's going to step in and be vocal.
Purvis can be tough and vocal, but he's not an intelligent player and therefore not a credible leader.
Brimah strikes me as a vocal rah-rah guy, but is a zero in toughness and BBIQ.
Hamilton has the IQ, but he's not a vocal leader.
Adams has the chops, with all 3, and I fully expect him to be that guy as a sophomore. This year's team could be in trouble though.