Men can love their families and be horndogs. These are not mutually exclusive qualities, I'm afraid. I agree that if Geno did anything inappropriate, it would have been colossally stupid on his part, really mindbogglingly so, but Lord knows he would not have been the first (or the last) ostensibly intelligent, successful man to put himself in harm's way in the name of carnal desire.
What makes me more skeptical is how important he takes his role as an ambassador for women's sports specifically. Other men who have enjoyed power and success may stray from their marriages (and in fact may believe power and success entitles them to do so), but it is such a sensitive line Geno has to walk as a man in a woman's world, and at the time one of the most visible faces in that world (now arguably the single most visible). He seems to hold that duty so sacrosanct that I really have a hard time believing he would betray that responsibility.
Anyway, I'm glad to see Geno continues to have an ally in Ally.
Whatever happens, he's clearly been a terrific father to his daughter, as well as a terrific mentor to many generations of young women trusted to his care.