All ten toes are in for Kevin Ollie! | Page 2 | The Boneyard

All ten toes are in for Kevin Ollie!

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Feb 16, 2012
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Nice: A lot more in the avant guard:

uconnfan68, mauconnfan, huskyharry, aceboon, FfldCntyFan, 8893, imn1, patrick, tcf15, dante, Glaston Tim, RichA, Dove, Sportsman5,huskiesnyc, GemParty, DogBreath2u and counting. I hope I have to keep adding folks.

I think a name should be considered for this group: Ten Toe Boneyarders or TTB for short.

You can add me fleud. I've been in since he was brought in as an assistant.
Feb 16, 2012
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A thread was started by Palatine questioning how fans will respond about KO if the team goes through a bad stretch.

Well I'm declaring right now I'm all in with KO. I have no problem with people wanting to wait. I thought I would start a thread in which those of us who are currently excited about KO can proclaim we are satisfied and have proof all season about our declaration. If things turn out good, bad or indifferent we have staked our claim, are unafraid to show it, and will not jump off the bandwagon if things turn badly.

I'm declaring all ten toes are in for Kevin. Come on husky fans. Join me if you have the courage to do so. And remember it's about the front of the shirt and not the number or name on the back!

One person we know won't be in: freescooter.
Sep 9, 2011
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Aug 25, 2011
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Ten toes here and I'll even throw in my wife's 10 toes just because she doesn't know who he is.


Co~host of the Sliders & Curveballs Podcast
Aug 26, 2011
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Ten Kevin Ollies for all ten of my toes. I'm in!

Incredible pic!!! I would add in a UConn uniform pic & then Ollie on the sidelines coaching. Keep it as your Sig pic!
Aug 29, 2011
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I am all in. I believe that Palatine is all in also. His thread was just for discussion. Here hoping we will have a great game vs Vermont.


We are UConn!! 6 >>>1!
Aug 24, 2011
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We are a small group at this stage!! Most people are taking the AO route and going to Mizzou. They are a show me group!

Like all of you I've been excited about KO from the moment he was hired. But more than that I've been dreading the departure of JC for several years now and that had always been in the back of my mine. With that event finally happening I've renewed my vigor for the team.

I'm hoping lightening strikes twice. I followed UConn for quite some time. Every year a buddy and I would discuss the recruits, the returning team and talk about our chances. And although the prospects were not really good we always saw the few drops of milk at the bottom of the glass.:) This was a pre Bonyard period for me.

One season I told my wife that I was planning on listening or watching every game that season so we had to plan things around the schedule. G-d bless her for not having me committed. Most games were radio only. I lived in the NW part of CT so WTIC's signal was poor. I put on all the radios in the house and would go from room to room trying to follow the game as signals went in and out. Most times I'd bundle up and go to the car where the signal was best. Nothing like listening to a game in the middle of winter at night. But it was worth it.

The season turned out to be the "Dream Season". In the NCAA game against Clemson, my wife couldn't take the pressure the last couple of seconds so she went down to the basement to do laundry. I almost joined her moments later, I was jumping up and down so much. She knew immediately the difference between my excitement and my cursing so she was in my arms in less time than the Burrell to Tate pass and we were hugging each other still jumping up and down together for a good part of 20 minutes.

Most people feel its irrational to get excited about KO after one game. And most of us are uncomfortable with being labeled silly, ridiculous, crazy, or irrational. Still others of us struggle with disappointment and prefer to let things play out before becoming excited. Well to me its irrational to be worried about what others think. It's even more so when most of our identities aren't known. As far as handling disappointment to each their own.

I'm happy a small group of you are joining me in this exuberance. Every game, win or lose, this thread gets bumped. I can handle ridicule if things don't turn out as I expect. But I doubt I will be eating crow by the end of the season. I will be gracious to those who join us after each victory. But you guys will be the avant guard.

Are we lucky guessers. NO WAY! We are astute fans!!!!!!!!


We are UConn!! 6 >>>1!
Aug 24, 2011
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Actually, I was just trying to be clever. As a fan, I want Coach Ollie (stop calling him Kevin - he's Coach now and if you have all 10 in, that's his title), to succeed and would love to see him top JC's records (duh!)
Coach Ollie it is.

Be pragmatic all you want. I'm taking the ride from the beginning on this one. I'm going with my gut and it tells me none of us in this thread will have any worries about ending up in a wreck.

Would you be so kind and please delete your posts. Start a different thread with a pragmatic voice. I'm sure the majority of Boneyarders agree with your point of view. Obviously out of over 1000 views only 26 voted" ten toes in". I want this thread dedicated to those of us who are willing to let it be known about their excitement with Coach Ollie, are not afraid of this assertion, and therefore are giving him this endorsement from the start.


Aug 24, 2011
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u guys know where i stand. been all in ok KO and KH since 2 years ago seeing them on the trail before it was official. im all in. i truly hope the next 30 years of my life are spent watching him lead us.


For Your Health
Aug 24, 2011
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I know a lot of people out there wanted to go a Stevens/Miller/Smart route, and there were certainly merits to that sentiment.

But I just don't know how you could have followed Kevin's career in the NBA and as an assistant and not think he was meant for this job. Can't wait for that extension!


We are UConn!! 6 >>>1!
Aug 24, 2011
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These 33 people are all in with their endorsement of Coach Ollie! Anyone choosing to go all in before the Vermont game are charter members of the Bonyarders who have "Ten Toes In For Coach Ollie"! Congrats Charter Members!

fleudslipcon, uconnfan68, mauconnfan, huskyharry, aceboon, FfldCntyFan, 8893, imn1, patrick, tcf15, dante, Glaston Tim, RichZ, Dove, Sportsman5, huskiesnyc, GemParty, DogBreath2u, joober jones, Clockshop, Huskies4ever, 61cygni, ChrisSmithsPart, Kitaman, warbler13, Rockymtnroads, HuskyfanDan, OkaForPrez, tykurez, CL82, Brachacho, ibleedhuskblue, RodeickSpode
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