I just watched a bit of last night's FSU-Miami game, and at one point Bejedi gets tangled up with Dwyer. They both get T'd up. For those of you who didn't see it, Bejedi is the flopper who tried to simulate an intentional foul against Nika last week -- replay exposed her fraud.
In this instance, Bejedi suffered a genuine foul, got a foul call against Dwyer, but wasn't satisfied and tried to provoke something more. When this doesn't work, and double technicals are called, she turns to "the crowd" and tries to whip up sympathy from the home crowd. But when the camera pans the arena, it's immediately clear that it's mainly empty. There's no audience for her mock outrage, which really highlights the absurdity of her behavior.
Now in sympathy, I should observe that Bejedi had given up 7 turnovers that evening, several to Dwyer, so I can see how she might have been in a foul mood. But I can't help wondering what the rest of the FSU team thinks of this behavior. Timpson, Massengill, Latson are all very talented, focused players who don't need this sort of distraction. Bejedi herself is a significant talent who doesn't improve her own game with these antics. Whoever encouraged Bejedi in this sort of game didn't do her any favors.