I need Sherlock Holmes's powers of deduction to understand this thread.
Evidently Meg (Culmo, nee Pattyson?) said someone "went up" like a freshman. A move that was typical for a freshman. Aha! Now we know whoever it was could only be Moriah, Morgan or Breanna.
Subsequently, this freshman "went up" again, but not like a typical freshman. She had instantaeously erased her typical-for-freshmen reliance on superior skill over inferior HS competition and suddenly became aware that she had to be more aggressive here and now against this higher level collegiate comptition. (Gee, that's a lot to think about in a very short passage of time, presumably with bodies banging about competitively, but at least we are getting somewhere.)
So, now we know that, according to Geno, there are no freshmen this far into the season, a hypothesis that would be overruled by the registrar. We may deduce (Holmes again) that it would be unlike little Moriah to "go up" repetitively and quickly. Further analysis persuades us that Morgan did not have sufficient PT wo "go up" often, let alone once as a freshman and once more immediately thereafter as an upperclass member.
The stat line is conclusive, as only Breanna scored sufficient OR's and FG's to qualify.
So it was Breanna! Elementary, my dear friend, Watson!
And if you deduce that I have too much time on my hands on a lazy morning, you are spot-on with your analysis!
Now playing on my Bose juke box: Waylon Jennings doing Kris Kristofferson's "Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down."