A few thoughts | The Boneyard

A few thoughts

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Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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The vitriol on this board is ridiculous. The team sucks, and I think everyone, including the team, is aware of that. Luckily, Weist has enough sense to not spend all his time screaming at the players, unlike about 1/3 of this board.

The offensive line is terrible, which is completely predictable given Deleone's coaching. It was obvious to everyone but Pasqualoni and Deleone that Deleone was way over the hill and was making the line worse every day he held the title of offensive line coach. Boyle should not have been started. He is completely lost out there.

The problems on defense are much more fundamental than blitzing or not blitzing. I think fundamentals are terrible. The team over-pursues on some plays, and then seems paralyzed by fear of making a mistake on other plays. The players don't know what they are supposed to be doing on the field, and that is the coach's fault.

I am not a fan of playing for next year. In college, the most important thing a team can learn is how to win. 3-9 is a lot better than 0-12 from a player development perspective. I hope that Weist puts the best team on the field every day, because I think it is very important to get a few wins before the end of the season.
Aug 26, 2011
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I agree with the first part. I've been too critical of what I perceive to be a real lack of effort. I can point to particular plays and players where they start jogging as soon as the play goes by them but whatever. I'm just going to watch the remaining games and stfu. Season is over. Just hoping for a win or two.
Aug 26, 2011
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The vitriol on this board is ridiculous. The team sucks, and I think everyone, including the team, is aware of that. Luckily, Weist has enough sense to not spend all his time screaming at the players, unlike about 1/3 of this board.

The offensive line is terrible, which is completely predictable given Deleone's coaching. It was obvious to everyone but Pasqualoni and Deleone that Deleone was way over the hill and was making the line worse every day he held the title of offensive line coach. Boyle should not have been started. He is completely lost out there.

The problems on defense are much more fundamental than blitzing or not blitzing. I think fundamentals are terrible. The team over-pursues on some plays, and then seems paralyzed by fear of making a mistake on other plays. The players don't know what they are supposed to be doing on the field, and that is the coach's fault.

I am not a fan of playing for next year. In college, the most important thing a team can learn is how to win. 3-9 is a lot better than 0-12 from a player development perspective. I hope that Weist puts the best team on the field every day, because I think it is very important to get a few wins before the end of the season.
So were they terrible before George, or just after he got here? And why are they still terrible? He's been gone for a few weeks now. Maybe, just maybe, they weren't very good to start with. Going back to the system before George, the one they were recruited for is looking better each week. "Baby steps" as someone likes to say.

Given what we heard about Boyle, it was a chance they had to take... doesn't look very good now, but his support system is virtually non-existent. I don't think I'd risk any more injuries to him. I don't think there is much difference between any of the 3 right now now anyway.

Defense... yeah, they are pretty bad. Poor Adams was frozen on 1 TD play. Literally didn't move in or out as the receiver went past for the pass. They don't have the speed they used to.
Aug 30, 2011
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In the interests of giving us the best chance to win vs Ville I want to see either Cochran or Whitmer behind center. Boyle will benefit from watching the next game.

No matter who is the QB going forward Weist really needs to emphasize the short passing game. Boyle is always looking long when he goes back to pass, guys are coming open underneath but he is not focused there. Our line can't hold off the frequent blitzers long enough to complete a pass downfield.

Cochran showed how it should be done with the quicker hitters. No rushers got even close to Cochran because the ball was out too fast. The only way to stop the constant barrage of blitzing is to beat the opposition with the quick passes.
Aug 29, 2011
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I agree with the first part. I've been too critical of what I perceive to be a real lack of effort. I can point to particular plays and players where they start jogging as soon as the play goes by them but whatever. I'm just going to watch the remaining games and stfu. Season is over. Just hoping for a win or two.

I wonder if you would be reconsidering your stance on evaluation of the partial effort, lack of discipline, commitment of stupid penalties, showboating by players on a winless team, lack of leadership...etc...

Would you reconsider your stance on that if these players were getting $2,500 a pop cash on top of their scholarships?
Aug 29, 2011
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The vitriol on this board is ridiculous. The team sucks, and I think everyone, including the team, is aware of that. Luckily, Weist has enough sense to not spend all his time screaming at the players, unlike about 1/3 of this board.

The offensive line is terrible, which is completely predictable given Deleone's coaching. It was obvious to everyone but Pasqualoni and Deleone that Deleone was way over the hill and was making the line worse every day he held the title of offensive line coach. Boyle should not have been started. He is completely lost out there.

The problems on defense are much more fundamental than blitzing or not blitzing. I think fundamentals are terrible. The team over-pursues on some plays, and then seems paralyzed by fear of making a mistake on other plays. The players don't know what they are supposed to be doing on the field, and that is the coach's fault.

I am not a fan of playing for next year. In college, the most important thing a team can learn is how to win. 3-9 is a lot better than 0-12 from a player development perspective. I hope that Weist puts the best team on the field every day, because I think it is very important to get a few wins before the end of the season.
Nelson, you are so right on on this post it is hard to believe. Every single thing you said is accurate. I especially like the idea that in college you don't play for next year. Once the players get the sense that it about next year, there is no reason for them to put in any effort this year. And that is exactly the message that leaving Boyle in will send. There are at least a couple of winnable games left, so let's go try and win them needs to be the message.
Oct 1, 2011
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First, I respectfully disagree with the broad-brush use of the "vitriol". When it comes to P, GDL, Hathaway, McHugh, yes, it certainly is the right word (and well-deserved, I might add). Never forget that 99.9 percent of this is their fault. The overall talent is no better or no worse than it was from 2007-10. Horrendously uninspired, unimaginative, uninformed, unvetted hire. RE & staff coached kids up; P/GDL coached them down. Way down.

As far as the comments about players, "vitriol" applies in some cases, but I think "frustration" is a better word. Most of us were glad for them when P got canned. But instead of capitalizing on that opportunity, some, especially in 'skill' positions, have not unlearned the bad habits allowed to grow since 2011. Dropped passes vs. USF; blown coverages, bad tackling, dumb penalties (personal fouls, false stars) the last two games. Obvious lack of playing at full speed and going through in the motions in some cases.

Don't have a problem playing Boyle but we're seeing the growing pains. Still would start him v. Louisville but with very short leash.

So now there's a whole new dynamic going into this bye week and start of the "third" season. The "make football fun again" approach didn't work. Not that it's Junction Boys time, but a sterner approach is needed.

First, defense should focus for a full week (if not more) on tackling properly. (BTW while Hughes defense is way too static pre-snap he should get a little credit in that players were in position to make plays).

Second, make it crystal clear that dumb penalties and other brain farts will no longer be tolerated. Don't care if youre going to be a high draft pick (and UConn has very few of those his year), you are coming out.'

Third, very obvious by now that TJ won't be the head coach and Hughes won't be the DC if not gone totally. So some very frank talk is needed. "Listen guys, no one knows where any of us will be this time next year. But those who want to stay should know there's going to be video of everything you do in practice and games the next six weeks. The people in charge in January are going to see that video, and they're going to be asking about your attitude when times were tough. No one wants quitters or players who make selfish mistakes. If you want to stay and get this thing turned around, the best way to show it is with full-speed, smart effort."


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I am in the camp of evaluating talent for next year. Put as many guys as possible on actual game film so that our next coaching staff has something other than taped practices to go by to evaluate. For example, we've yet to see Knappe on the field (I think) and I'd love to see how he looks on our DL given his immense size. He's already RS so we don't have to worry about burning it.

I don't think we have to commit to playing younger classmen like Boyle for an entire game. But I do think we need to see a rotation of players. Play Boyle 1st Q, Cochran 2Q, Whitmer 3Q, and the best QB in the 4thQ unless one QB gets hot and the team is rolling. This year is the year to begin weeding out the depth chart for 2014. If we wait until next year to do it, guess what? We're going to get off to a terrible start again. We need to find the best QB to get Davis and Shak the ball in 2014 this season. We're not beating UL no matter who we play so that game is another great opportunity to tell the guys "everybody prepare to see the field at some point".
Jun 17, 2013
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If anything the post PGDL portion of the season confirms how much damage they had inflicted.

This is just an abomination of a season. I can't really blame the players all that much or at all.

Shows you how much damage a bad hire can inflict on an organization/team. This is especially true when you have a young program in an unstable conference situation. UConn was a fledgling, fairly successful program before we were consigned to the trash heap by Hathaway and PP. While we are in a big hurt now, we need to support who ever is on the field and just get through this. A couple of wins right now would feel like the BCS title - let's see if we can get at least that.
Aug 29, 2011
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In the interests of giving us the best chance to win vs Ville I want to see either Cochran or Whitmer behind center. Boyle will benefit from watching the next game.

No matter who is the QB going forward Weist really needs to emphasize the short passing game. Boyle is always looking long when he goes back to pass, guys are coming open underneath but he is not focused there. Our line can't hold off the frequent blitzers long enough to complete a pass downfield.

Cochran showed how it should be done with the quicker hitters. No rushers got even close to Cochran because the ball was out too fast. The only way to stop the constant barrage of blitzing is to beat the opposition with the quick passes.
I agree with this, too and it points to a lack of something in the offensive game plan. When your offensive line is struggling, I don't quite get why all our passes are long balls. the game plan doesn't seem to be well matched to the talent, which was a problem under P and continues to be one now. I realize that Cochran was playing against the B team, and the blitzes were turned way down and such but we seldom saw that kind of passing attack with either Whitmer or Boyle.
Aug 30, 2011
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I agree with this, too and it points to a lack of something in the offensive game plan. When your offensive line is struggling, I don't quite get why all our passes are long balls. the game plan doesn't seem to be well matched to the talent, which was a problem under P and continues to be one now. I realize that Cochran was playing against the B team, and the blitzes were turned way down and such but we seldom saw that kind of passing attack with either Whitmer or Boyle.

They actually blitzed Cochran quite a bit and he beat them on several occasions. The Lemelle TD was on a Blitz. Cochran was really smart out there, you can see why he had a Yale offer.
Oct 1, 2011
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Yeah it was kind of odd Cochran ran more quick hitting passes that TB. Should be default pass play rest of season
Aug 27, 2011
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Yeah it was kind of odd Cochran ran more quick hitting passes that TB. Should be default pass play rest of season

You should consider changing your avatar. This team looks more disorganized and lacks more energy under TJW. I didn't think that was possible coming off the disaster that was P.
Aug 30, 2011
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This team looks more disorganized and lacks more energy under TJW. I didn't think that was possible coming off the disaster that was P.

True, but is that because of far worse QB play instead of coaching? The running game has improved significantly. I think QB play has fallen off a cliff compared to what Whitmer was doing.
Aug 27, 2011
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True, but is that because of far worse QB play instead of coaching? The running game has improved significantly. I think QB play has fallen off a cliff compared to what Whitmer was doing.

Who put Boyle out there?
Aug 29, 2011
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They actually blitzed Cochran quite a bit and he beat them on several occasions. The Lemelle TD was on a Blitz. Cochran was really smart out there, you can see why he had a Yale offer.

You can't get a good read on Cochran by what happened out there on Saturday. UCF may as well have been playing with 9 instead of 11 players by the end of the third quarter.

What I did like from Satruday on offense is Lemelle. That kid has breakaway speed, and he knew that he should be humble after taking it to the house.
Aug 26, 2011
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You should consider changing your avatar. This team looks more disorganized and lacks more energy under TJW. I didn't think that was possible coming off the disaster that was P.
This bothers the crap out of me. Music during stretching, energy, blah, blah,. P was a disaster, but we still looked like a team, the last two weeks have been unrecognizable as far as UConn football. Missed tackles, wrs open everywhere, no semblance of a pass rush, and other things I will no longer mention. Bizzare.
Aug 29, 2011
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This bothers the crap out of me. Music during stretching, energy, blah, blah,. P was a disaster, but we still looked like a team, the last two weeks have been unrecognizable as far as UConn football. Missed tackles, wrs open everywhere, no semblance of a pass rush, and other things I will no longer mention. Bizzare.

What it tells you is that we need players to emerge socially, emotionally, physically if necessary, and mentally to be leaders on the field. It's unrealistic that an interim coachign staff is going to be able to enforce the kind of discipline it takes. Otherwise they wouldn't be "interim."

At this point In time, it's got to be the younger players that are making their way on to the field that need to step up - because it's too late for the juniors and seniors. We need a serious ass kicker of a player to emerge as a leader that backs up his words and actions with his play. Pasqualoni - like him or not, while not a hall of famer, is a decent head coach - you don't win that many games as a head coach, if you suck. His fault was his blind allegiance to George Deleone - it was his fault at Syracuse, and it was his fault at UCONN - and it cost him his job at both places. Very odd.

But that pair is gone now - a month gone.

It's frustrating, because the leadership on the field, is what you expect from your captains and upperclassmen. But Leach - that rant - is fantastic - we are in the midst of what he described to the T. This team plays like they think they should do well because the players that came before them did well. It's not unique to UCONN - it happens, it takes proper leadership to avoid it every season, every week. I cannot tell you how bothered I am that one of the senior offensive players on the sideline didn't treat McCombs like a rag doll after his showboat early in the game against UCF after that run play. It should have happened long ago, in the privacy of the locker room and the film room, and not on a nationally televised game, but late is better than never, but it still didn't happen, they actually high fived him after. I actually turned the TV off and had to walk away for awhile. There is nothing worse than a guy showboating on a shiiite team, after a play that just did nothing of real value. Leach is right, we are the kind of team that gets a little bit of success and doesn't know how to handle it.

You better believe that UCF players saw it too. I wasn't surprised in the least at the score when I came back.
Oct 1, 2011
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I cannot tell you how bothered I am that one of the senior offensive players on the sideline didn't treat McCombs like a rag doll after his showboat early in the game against UCF after that run play..

Yep, another example of "act like you've been there before" which is missing Maybe when this team gets a W they can showboat. Ban first down celebrations, for starters.
Aug 26, 2011
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The coaching turmoil is obviously starting to show. Stupid penalties, missed tackles and blocks. The offensive backs are on their 3d coach in the last 3 years. We are seeing the effects of an unstable coaching situation on the team's mental makeup. Barring a miraculous finish, I think we'll see a complete house cleaning in the staff after this year.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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This bothers the crap out of me. Music during stretching, energy, blah, blah,. P was a disaster, but we still looked like a team, the last two weeks have been unrecognizable as far as UConn football. Missed tackles, wrs open everywhere, no semblance of a pass rush, and other things I will no longer mention. Bizzare.

Substitute teachers often lose control of classrooms that usually have bad teachers.
Sep 1, 2011
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The coaching turmoil is obviously starting to show. Stupid penalties, missed tackles and blocks. The offensive backs are on their 3d coach in the last 3 years. We are seeing the effects of an unstable coaching situation on the team's mental makeup. Barring a miraculous finish, I think we'll see a complete house cleaning in the staff after this year.
TJ needs to start Cochran against Louisville, see how that goes, put Boyle in at times along with Whitmer on 3rd and long. I would even try Boyle or Whitmer behind center and Cochran at a flanker position or slot receiver. He's big enough and fast enough to play something like that, that would also cause defenses to always have to be aware of reverses and keep them honest. Problem with that is I wonder if TJ is an experienced enough coach to juggle 3 QB's like that, and/or try trick plays. If FHCRE were still here he would have recognized Cochran's talent as an athlete long ago. PP and GDL of course were clueless in that dept, as we saw with their treatment of Nebrich.
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