A “Rational” Argument Against the Edsall Hire | Page 3 | The Boneyard

A “Rational” Argument Against the Edsall Hire

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Dec 1, 2014
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How long does it take to make a few phone calls to coach's representatives to gauge interest? If he had a short list like most people in his position do - you have contact numbers as well. This is not that difficult for people who do it for a living.

More than 48 hours, that's for sure. As for his short list...how many on that short list were hired and how many new names did he think of after Diaco got fired?


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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More than 48 hours, that's for sure. As for his short list...how many on that short list were hired and how many new names did he think of after Diaco got fired?

Just determining the particulars of a contract alone will cost you more than 48 hours, much less choosing the right candidate. That's the point here. Benedict did not choose him and sign him in a 48 hour period. Negotiations had to have been going on prior to that, very obviously.

If you think it all went down in 48 hours, I have some lands to sell you in the everglades...


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Uconn sucks so bad that Edsall is the ONLY coach that can save us. Got it.

Nope, that's not the point. The point is that in order to make a rational argument against Edsall, you have to at least mention the alternative scenario. Let me help you all out since you all seem to be struggling with the concept:

Al Golden
Contract - possibly 1.6 to 2 million
Understands northeast recruiting
Current position outside of college, so likelihood of accepting offer.
Higher contact may lead to less money for assistants (currently unknown).
Likely OC or offensive style = fill in the blank.

How hard is putting together something like that if you hate the current hire?? Truth be told, I'm only warm on the hire. But there's no arguing that it was a logical, sensible hire when considering the financials, the northeast recruiting, and the track record. Dare I say...it was a rational hire...:eek:

Aug 29, 2011
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Speaking of loooooong posts, anyone seen @Carl Spackler lately?

What say you Carl?

I say Edsall isn't starting from inside trailerz this time. Everyone needs alottle humble pie, and I hope he'll at least get the program back to respectability where we're winning at home instead of getting blown out by f----king Temple and Tulane.


2 golf tournaments...
Jun 9, 2012
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I say Edsall isn't starting from inside trailerz this time. Everyone needs alottle humble pie, and I hope he'll at least get the program back to respectability where we're winning at home instead of getting blown out by f----king Temple and Tulane.
where have you been?

and is it really you? two sentences?
Dec 1, 2014
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Just determining the particulars of a contract alone will cost you more than 48 hours, much less choosing the right candidate. That's the point here. Benedict did not choose him and sign him in a 48 hour period. Negotiations had to have been going on prior to that, very obviously.

If you think it all went down in 48 hours, I have some lands to sell you in the everglades...

Only if you take the Arizona beachfront property off my hands, will that sale ever get done.


Part of the 2%, but 100% wood.
Aug 26, 2011
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According to the pro-Edsall crowd, hiring Randy is the correct choice mainly because that means we will average 8 wins a season, we will recruit NFL talent, we will have a competent offensive line and we will have a “grown up” in charge of the team. Pasqualoni was a grown up as well, still nationally respected and even more successful than Edsall as a head coach (numbers speak for themselves). How did that work out?

As for averaging 8 wins a season, while there is no question that going 7-5 and 8-4 beats the heck out of going 2-10 and 3-9, you know what a 7-5 and an 8-4 record gets us now a days? An invite to the Cure Bowl against Louisiana Lafayette on December 16th on the CBS Sports Network. After two or three years potentially invited to those kind of bowls against teams nobody is interested in playing, how many of you will continue to attend bowl games and be satisfied with those records?

If Edsall has never had a 10-win season before, why would he have one now? And even a 10 or 11-win season might not be enough to be the top-ranked Group of 5 team.

Sure Randy usually beats the teams he was supposed to beat, but he has the worst record against ranked teams in college football history. Even if you take away all of the losses against ranked teams that happened during the transitional and early BE days, his record against ranked teams is still pathetic.

With regards to recruiting, I seriously doubt Edsall will be able to recruit as well as before. We are no longer in a BCS conference. We are no longer an “up-and-comer”. And we have been horrible for the last six years. Current recruits probably have little to no recollection of UConn being good in football.

I do think we will have a better offensive line, but that will certainly not be enough to make us relevant again.

In all his life as a head coach Randy was only able to recruit one top-notch QB. And let’s face it, if Orlovsky would have grown up 100 miles south or west, there is no way he would have come to UConn. We were extremely lucky he wanted to stay home.

Will Edsall be better than Diaco? Without question. Will he be better than Pasqualoni? I am betting he will. Will UConn ever finish as the top-ranked G5 team or have consecutive double-digit win seasons with Edsall as head coach? Not even the biggest apologistas believe this and that is what it is all about now.

So where does that leave us? With a coach who at best will win 9 games and at worst will be another disaster because the game has simply passed him by. I would have much rather taken a chance on a successful coordinator or a FCS/MAC/CUSA head coach with the potential of ending up being the next Herman or Rhule. After all, no 8-4 team will ever play in a bowl the caliber of the Fiesta Bowl ever again.

Notwithstanding the above, I do hope I am wrong. Otherwise, UConn football will finally die for good.

Go Huskies!
When DanO was a senior I reached out to his dad, who was DanO on the Boneyard, and invited them to a Boneyard Tailgate. They came and enjoyed our bounty. THAT is why he came to UCONN. As long as the Yard is strong great players will come.

(He was the only QB ever invited)
Feb 10, 2012
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Who would have made UCONN "sexy"? Moorhead? Orlando? Fleck? No, even if they would be great, nobody outside of CFB wonks have any idea who they are. Sexy is Les Miles, or a "name" that a) we couldn't afford and b) wouldn't come here anyway.

This isn't what I would have done, but this might have been the price to get rid of Diaco, in which case hard to argue against. 100% I believe we will be better with HCRE, and if he has a ceiling, we can decide who should be next, after going to bowl games every year and having a winning home record with 30K+ people in the stands.

Worrying that we can't get to 10 games with Edsall given that UCONN has NEVER won 10 games as a D1 school is a bit silly. Since he left we only got to 6 once, and we lost a bad bowl game to a very mediocre Marshall team.

Let's put the train back on the tracks. And have some faith in DB that he is going to force the issue on offense, since pretty much all of us were resigned to having another year of Diaco before DB pulled a $3.4M rabbit out of a hat.
I think Moorehead would have been viewed as a sexy hire. Guy helped PSU win the Big10. Fleck is a hot commodity... Houston hired Herman, that was sexy.

I think the media knows who Tom Moorehead or PJ Fleck are.

At the end of the day, these types could be expensive with any success otherwise they bolt. I dont see RE doing the same thing to Uconn again. But if he does, it's because he got Uconn to the playoff.
Feb 10, 2012
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When DanO was a senior I reached out to his dad, who was DanO on the Boneyard, and invited them to a Boneyard Tailgate. They came and enjoyed our bounty. THAT is why he came to UCONN. As long as the Yard is strong great players will come.

(He was the only QB ever invited)
Curious.... Did you invent the Internet as well?
Jun 17, 2013
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I don't know - in a way it feels like getting back together again with an old girl friend. It's familiar and you don't have cover a lot of basics again; but in the end you may start reinforcing the reasons for why you left in the first place.
On the other hand, trying to save Husky football at this point reminds me of the movie "Hacksaw Ridge". We need a HOF medic who get everybody off the ridge (fans included!) so we can live to fight another day.
Aug 24, 2011
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I don't know - in a way it feels like getting back together again with an old girl friend. It's familiar and you don't have cover a lot of basics again; but in the end you may start reinforcing the reasons for why you left in the first place.
On the other hand, trying to save Husky football at this point reminds me of the movie "Hacksaw Ridge". We need a HOF medic who get everybody off the ridge (fans included!) so we can live to fight another day.

After 12 years, which is a lifetime in college football, he left for what (despite our whining) was a better job. More money, more history, better conference, better recruiting area. A better job. That was his one chance to climb the ladder. He failed so badly that by the time he would get another chance, which would require multiple years at UConn, he will be too old to be attractive.

There are other folks who we might have been able to get who might have done well here. The JMU coach may have been the one we could have gotten for this salary. Maybe Schiano would have taken it because he has enough banked and wants to be back on the head coaching track. But there is no one who we could have gotten in this salary range who would have both (i) had a better chance of restoring us to a consistent 8 wins, and (ii) wouldn't have been out of here the moment the first media buzz appeared about him.

Very few Boneyarders -- even those like me who thought he did an outstanding job the first time -- were campaigning for him as their no. 1 choice. But it's not a stupid hire by any means, and now all we can do is support him and give him time to fix this mess.
Aug 26, 2011
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I really agree with this. I didn't think Randy was going to be considered given some of the animosity regarding the departure. He wouldn't have been my first choice either. But with the constraints we find ourselves under and not knowing where buyout cash is coming from (possibly booster help), he may have been much more attractive as a candidate. We have speculated greatly over the last few years about how well RE did with the players he brought in and developed and how poorly his successors did with both RE's players and their own recruits. I have believed that RE was someone who could evaluate talent well and could develop players to pro level if they had the work ethic and raw athletic talent. He also was someone who could take a team with deficits and play to their strengths. This is where he was much better than PP and BD. They seemed only able to implement what systems they knew and thought worked best. They couldn't adjust to the team they had or adjust to the team they were facing. Particularly with BD I felt we lost games we should have won simply because our coaching staff was not competent. It will be interesting to see how our players look with a different coaching staff. Although I don't expect we will all of sudden blow people away, if we get a good to great coaching staff I expect we will be competitive again and look like we know how to play football. I don't feel we will be embarrassed by the product on the field or the staff that supports them. I hope that in addition to this hire a solid OC and DC can be found and staff who can recruit players we can be successful with. Randy has been given a gift since three of the best head coaches in the league this year have moved on so there will be some transition. I believe he is more 'able' to do the job this time around than when he originally took over. I think he can be the right guy for us at this juncture, even if he is not the absolute best head coach we could get.
Aug 26, 2011
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According to the pro-Edsall crowd, hiring Randy is the correct choice mainly because that means we will average 8 wins a season, we will recruit NFL talent, we will have a competent offensive line and we will have a “grown up” in charge of the team. Pasqualoni was a grown up as well, still nationally respected and even more successful than Edsall as a head coach (numbers speak for themselves). How did that work out?

As for averaging 8 wins a season, while there is no question that going 7-5 and 8-4 beats the heck out of going 2-10 and 3-9, you know what a 7-5 and an 8-4 record gets us now a days? An invite to the Cure Bowl against Louisiana Lafayette on December 16th on the CBS Sports Network. After two or three years potentially invited to those kind of bowls against teams nobody is interested in playing, how many of you will continue to attend bowl games and be satisfied with those records?

If Edsall has never had a 10-win season before, why would he have one now? And even a 10 or 11-win season might not be enough to be the top-ranked Group of 5 team.

Sure Randy usually beats the teams he was supposed to beat, but he has the worst record against ranked teams in college football history. Even if you take away all of the losses against ranked teams that happened during the transitional and early BE days, his record against ranked teams is still pathetic.

With regards to recruiting, I seriously doubt Edsall will be able to recruit as well as before. We are no longer in a BCS conference. We are no longer an “up-and-comer”. And we have been horrible for the last six years. Current recruits probably have little to no recollection of UConn being good in football.

I do think we will have a better offensive line, but that will certainly not be enough to make us relevant again.

In all his life as a head coach Randy was only able to recruit one top-notch QB. And let’s face it, if Orlovsky would have grown up 100 miles south or west, there is no way he would have come to UConn. We were extremely lucky he wanted to stay home.

Will Edsall be better than Diaco? Without question. Will he be better than Pasqualoni? I am betting he will. Will UConn ever finish as the top-ranked G5 team or have consecutive double-digit win seasons with Edsall as head coach? Not even the biggest apologistas believe this and that is what it is all about now.

So where does that leave us? With a coach who at best will win 9 games and at worst will be another disaster because the game has simply passed him by. I would have much rather taken a chance on a successful coordinator or a FCS/MAC/CUSA head coach with the potential of ending up being the next Herman or Rhule. After all, no 8-4 team will ever play in a bowl the caliber of the Fiesta Bowl ever again.

Notwithstanding the above, I do hope I am wrong. Otherwise, UConn football will finally die for good.

Go Huskies!

Again ....For a $1m or 2 ... you can have your say. In this instance, WE needed to get a change in direction AT a solid price paid for by someone who wanted some Edsall character directly. That's the truth. And ... I applaud this week. We are in a better place.
Jun 17, 2013
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After 12 years, which is a lifetime in college football, he left for what (despite our whining) was a better job. More money, more history, better conference, better recruiting area. A better job. That was his one chance to climb the ladder. He failed so badly that by the time he would get another chance, which would require multiple years at UConn, he will be too old to be attractive.

There are other folks who we might have been able to get who might have done well here. The JMU coach may have been the one we could have gotten for this salary. Maybe Schiano would have taken it because he has enough banked and wants to be back on the head coaching track. But there is no one who we could have gotten in this salary range who would have both (i) had a better chance of restoring us to a consistent 8 wins, and (ii) wouldn't have been out of here the moment the first media buzz appeared about him.

Very few Boneyarders -- even those like me who thought he did an outstanding job the first time -- were campaigning for him as their no. 1 choice. But it's not a stupid hire by any means, and now all we can do is support him and give him time to fix this mess.

I agree he wasn't outstanding, or even close to it last time. But from where we sit now he looks like Walter Camp compared to PP and BD. PP was a retread "box of rocks" and BD could be a ringer for Billy Bibbit in "Cuckoo's Nest Redux". A little stability is all I want for the short term.
Dec 11, 2013
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I hope that what helped him (and the program) achieve the level of success it did during RE 1.0 remains. I hope his experiences the past six years has helped him grow in ways that will make RE 2.0 even better.

I hope.

Mar 31, 2013
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According to the pro-Edsall crowd, hiring Randy is the correct choice mainly because that means we will average 8 wins a season, we will recruit NFL talent, we will have a competent offensive line and we will have a “grown up” in charge of the team. Pasqualoni was a grown up as well, still nationally respected and even more successful than Edsall as a head coach (numbers speak for themselves). How did that work out?

As for averaging 8 wins a season, while there is no question that going 7-5 and 8-4 beats the heck out of going 2-10 and 3-9, you know what a 7-5 and an 8-4 record gets us now a days? An invite to the Cure Bowl against Louisiana Lafayette on December 16th on the CBS Sports Network. After two or three years potentially invited to those kind of bowls against teams nobody is interested in playing, how many of you will continue to attend bowl games and be satisfied with those records?

If Edsall has never had a 10-win season before, why would he have one now? And even a 10 or 11-win season might not be enough to be the top-ranked Group of 5 team.

Sure Randy usually beats the teams he was supposed to beat, but he has the worst record against ranked teams in college football history. Even if you take away all of the losses against ranked teams that happened during the transitional and early BE days, his record against ranked teams is still pathetic.

With regards to recruiting, I seriously doubt Edsall will be able to recruit as well as before. We are no longer in a BCS conference. We are no longer an “up-and-comer”. And we have been horrible for the last six years. Current recruits probably have little to no recollection of UConn being good in football.

I do think we will have a better offensive line, but that will certainly not be enough to make us relevant again.

In all his life as a head coach Randy was only able to recruit one top-notch QB. And let’s face it, if Orlovsky would have grown up 100 miles south or west, there is no way he would have come to UConn. We were extremely lucky he wanted to stay home.

Will Edsall be better than Diaco? Without question. Will he be better than Pasqualoni? I am betting he will. Will UConn ever finish as the top-ranked G5 team or have consecutive double-digit win seasons with Edsall as head coach? Not even the biggest apologistas believe this and that is what it is all about now.

So where does that leave us? With a coach who at best will win 9 games and at worst will be another disaster because the game has simply passed him by. I would have much rather taken a chance on a successful coordinator or a FCS/MAC/CUSA head coach with the potential of ending up being the next Herman or Rhule. After all, no 8-4 team will ever play in a bowl the caliber of the Fiesta Bowl ever again.

Notwithstanding the above, I do hope I am wrong. Otherwise, UConn football will finally die for good.

Go Huskies!

I think your analysis is pretty solid. You just committed the ultimate crime on the Boneyard. The majority of posters have decided that criticism of the Edsall hiring is somehow creating a negative environment. Rational critique is forbidden.
Aug 26, 2011
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and (ii) wouldn't have been out of here the moment the first media buzz appeared about him.
While I largely agree with your analysis of this, and I've warmed to the hire after being unhappy with it initially, I don't love this logic. It does feel like the same logic that brought us PP.
Aug 24, 2011
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I think your analysis is pretty solid. You just committed the ultimate crime on the Boneyard. The majority of posters have decided that criticism of the Edsall hiring is somehow creating a negative environment. Rational critique is forbidden.

No. I think folks are tolerating rational critique fine. What people aren't tolerating is the kind of lunacy that talks about how he wasn't accomplishing anything good the first time around, or how f&&&ed we're going to be when instead of averaging 4 wins a year we get stuck on 8 win seasons.


Part of the 2%, but 100% wood.
Aug 26, 2011
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Curious.... Did you invent the Internet as well?
The idea was mine. I just toyed with it in my head too long. But it was Al Gore who brought it to the masses. Just AskJeeves it.
Apr 18, 2013
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Will UConn ever finish as the top-ranked G5 team or have consecutive double-digit win seasons with Edsall as head coach? Not even the biggest apologistas believe this and that is what it is all about now.

I disagree with this comment within the OP; a lot of us think this is possible and this should be the goal every year.
Aug 26, 2011
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No. I think folks are tolerating rational critique fine. What people aren't tolerating is the kind of lunacy that talks about how he wasn't accomplishing anything good the first time around, or how f&&&ed we're going to be when instead of averaging 4 wins a year we get stuck on 8 win seasons.

Might it be because in a BCS conference a decade ago 8 wins a year were good enough but now that would not really get you much?


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Might it be because in a BCS conference a decade ago 8 wins a year were good enough but now that would not really get you much?

You still haven't offered up a name and a reasonable contract for that name. I'm pretty sure I know why you are avoiding doing so. But it's hard to sit here watching you moan about prospective numbers of victories with Edsall and not offer up anow alternative. Moan away, I guess...
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