The Patriots are 9-4 in 2021 and Jones has started all of them. So, this is demonstrably false.
Yes, Jones is a leader. He threw the ball 3 times while playing an entire regulation football game, didn't b1t(h and complain, and appeared to pretty much embraced his roll. Anything for team, even when it hurts your personal production level. That is a leadership characteristic.
I've already acknowledged that the reason for the win was game plan, with which the weather had more to do than anything else. I wouldn't be worried about the spotlight on a guy who started 17 games at Alabama and won a national title. I also doubt Belichick was concerned about Jones necessarily outplaying Allen, seeing as quarterbacks don't play directly against each other. They play against the defense and the Patriots D was huge last night. If Harry gets away from that punt like he should have, the game would have never been in doubt...but he didn't...
Sure, this game is points against the title of best rookie QB ever, but I' say you are lying if you thought it would have unfolded like it did when this discussion started. Be that as it may, Patriots fans still have every reason to be encouraged. He'll still probably win Rookie of the Year and hopefully (for his sake) go to a Super Bowl or two during his career. For Patriots fans' sake, hopefully within the first 5 years, before he potentially prices himself out of New England.
I was wrong about Jones (no big shakes, given that I do not get paid as an NFL personnel guy or college scout). Looks like the Patriots were not.