I don't think anyone can argue that 2011 was a better run. 5 in 5 days at the the garden then you go on and run through the tournament with Kemba and a bunch of unheralded guys outside of AO nobody had heard of a Jeremy Lamb, Niels Giffey, a Tyler Olander, and some kid named Shabazz.
2014 was a more significant and meaningful run though. We fell from the mountain top rather quickly after 2011. A disappointing 2012 even with a more talented team than the year before we end up bounced (and embarrassed) in our 1st tournament game, then we get word we can't play in the NCAA tournament 2 players declare for the draft while others transfer, the Big East dissolves and in its final year of existence we receive word that the powers that be don't want us at the last real Big East tournament. We are not invited to the ACC and are passed over for Rutgers in the Big Ten, and what seemed like the final blow the architect of not only the men's program but some would say the man that is most responsible for the growth of the University as a whole retires. The program was not just buried six feet under it was boxed up and thrown into the Mariana Trench by most people never to be heard from again. From the depths of the ocean the program has risen back to the summit of Mt Everest in just 18 month. And now is finally getting the recognition it deserves as one of the elites.
With that said the 1999 run will always be the best to me. Yes the team was one of the two best teams all year but even the most diehard of UConn fans always had that though in the back of their mind that something would derail that team that season. We had had great season before that in 90 after Tate George hit the shot we thought we were destined to go to the Final 4 only to be crushed 2 days later by that Laetner shot, 1994 with our best player on the line chance to ice the game we all know what happens, 95 Huskies were running through the people but had the misfortune of being in the same bracket as the one team that could beat them. 96 after Ray hit the shot against GT and the team leaves the nets up at MSG because they were so focused on getting to Indy we had one of the best teams in the country and one of the best players in the country and we got upset by Miss St. 1998 we end up having to play UNC in NC played them tough but lost. Most thought this team was snake bitten and it was never going to happen, hell even in 1999 in that game against Gonzaga the zags were rolling they were America's sweethearts and KEA had his worst game of the tournament that year and we thought what the hell but when that clock struck 0.00 I was just in a state of disbelief it had finally happened and 8 days later when Trajon Langdon tripped the ball rolled and was picked up by Rashamel Jones the buzzer went off and KEA lept in front of the camera and said "We Shocked the World." The joy and excitement I felt as a student and calling my dad the next morning and the excitement he felt will never be matched.