“For once”? Really? You never have agreed with my fine colleague
@Plebe on any other of numerous posts he makes? That’s worrisome that I have regularly agreed with your perspective

Perhaps you misspoke that phrase?
The big issue here is something we on the BY like to point out in others, but ignore here in our own house- large recruiting classes of 4 or more NEVER stay four years. I did a chart on this last year and the only Top school in the last 7 years who kept large classes together was Stanford. Our banner class of 2020 will most certainly have 1 if not 2 transfers out by the end of their Sophomore year.
It is the “new normal” now. How you want to spin it is just that-SPIN. UConn, SC, MD and MSU will have at least 1 player each transfer by the end of next year. You can count on it.