Search results for query: alterique shoulder | Page 6 | The Boneyard

Search results for query: alterique shoulder

  1. superjohn

    The Hungriest Husky

    Scrappy, is that you?
  2. InKembaITrust

    The Hungriest Husky

    I've been thinking a lot about the makeup of this new team, and how things are slowly but surely shaping up before the season kicks off. I consider myself a millennial Uconn fan, 27 years old, became a fan after the 99' ship, became a die-hard fan after the 04' ship. With that said I can't...
  3. superjohn

    Team Photos

    He's probably the most put together guy on the team.
  4. intlzncster

    Team Photos

    Still can't believe Alterique has shoulder problems. For small dude, he's diesel .
  5. InKembaITrust

    Meet The UConn Newcomers: Eric Cobb Can't Wait For Second Chance

    I love how many players we have with chips on their shoulders who are out to prove something this season... Cobb KW Terry Alterique Mamadou Jalen Should create for some hard play and hunger
  6. Huskymagic

    Alterique G. Cornerstone of the Franchise

    Big difference is Shabazz didn't start games to begin with Lamb did and rightfully so. Also Bazz didn't supplant Kemba in games and knew his role. Kemba was the leader whereas Jalen played second fiddle to Rique to start the year and played almost exclusively off the ball those 3 games with...
  7. HooperScooper

    Alterique Gilbert learned a lot after most recent shoulder injury

    New Haven Register article. UConn’s Alterique Gilbert learned a lot after most recent shoulder injury
  8. husky99

    Tremont Waters

    Yes it is Ollie fault 100% . In college you need to recruit and have a plan b and a plan c. We have 248th ranked guys or the 57th juco as our plan B if someone is hurt. This is simple math. . So yes it is Ollie fault . He is the head coach and the blame rises to the top
  9. Matrim55

    Tremont Waters

    I give him a mulligan (mostly) for last year, but if we have another nightmare season b/c of injuries to those two guys, then yes, it is KO's fault because he wasn't able to recruit or hold onto or develop adequate replacements. Hopefully that's not a bridge we'll have to cross.
  10. Austin316

    Tremont Waters

    If any team loses 3 good players... any coach would struggle. At least KO went out fighting and some players stepped up. We made it to the semis of the AAC. If we had a decent ref staff calling the Cinci game we would have been in the championship game!
  11. TRest

    Tremont Waters

    Why aren't there adequate backups? KO has failed to land any resemblance of depth. After we lost 4 players to other pastures, plenty of people on this board were ecstatic solely because Chillious was hired to go get us some players. So yeah, if those 2 go down again, not good. Worse that there's...
  12. hthusky74

    Tremont Waters

    And if Larrier's knee is shot, and Alterique's shoulder pops out again is it still KO's fault if they don't win 20?
  13. InKembaITrust

    We will be a top 25 team next year - Lock it in

    Barring any injuries Alterique is going to be an absolute STUD this upcoming season. Unlike Larrier he'll have his legs underneath him and a major chip on his shoulder (pun intended). He, Larrier and Diarra are going to be some extremely hungry huskies with a dark cloud of doubt-filled fans...
  14. JMick

    Article: Tremont Waters Prepares For Next Move

    not to mention, post surgery you lose some movement. Not a ton, but I lost almost 10% of my range of motion. That's something you need to adjust to as a high level athlete
  15. 8893

    Article: Tremont Waters Prepares For Next Move

    What is different about what repair was done this time vs. last time? I honestly don't know, and you clearly know a lot more about this injury and its course of treatment than most.
  16. superjohn

    Article: Tremont Waters Prepares For Next Move

    Me too, that's why I'm really surprised so many boneyarders are penciling in Larrier and Gilbert in as stars. They are elite talents for sure but Larrier will be coming off of barely playing for two years and having to believe his surgically repaired knee won't fail him. Alterique has never...
  17. JMick

    Article: Tremont Waters Prepares For Next Move

    I'm more worried about the mental side of past injuries than I am about the physical limitations. I had the same injuries as AG and had a bankart repair. While physically I was 100% after about 3 months, I didn't really "feel" 100% for about 18 months.
  18. superjohn

    Article: Tremont Waters Prepares For Next Move

    As long as you realize I didn't say what you are saying I said. I worried any serious hit on Alterique's shoulder and he would be done and need surgery just like I feared with Dunn, I was right on both counts. For a couple days Ollie was pretending Alterique could be playing right away, I said...
  19. 8893

    Article: Tremont Waters Prepares For Next Move

    There was a little more, as I remembered: [0]=1522"]Search Results for Query: alterique shoulder | The Boneyard I'm done talking in circles on this though. No one can blame or is blaming the kid for wanting a better team or a starring role from the get-go, which appears to be his clear...
  20. superjohn

    Article: Tremont Waters Prepares For Next Move

    Amazing you got that out of what I really said. Also, Jalen will be gone after this season and we will need another point guard. Jalen, Alterique and Tremont would all play a ton this upcoming season.
  21. 8893

    Article: Tremont Waters Prepares For Next Move

    Must have confused you with another poster. I'm remote now and can't search and paste, but I could have sworn you harped on Alterique's shoulder repeatedly and diagnosed it before his own doctors did, and even questioned KO's wisdom in giving him a scholarship in the first place because of his...
  22. superjohn

    Article: Tremont Waters Prepares For Next Move

    This post is really out there. I never said anything close to me wanting or thinking Tremont would take Alterique's job and never said I don't think Alterique's shoulder will hold up. I've said what I always say over and over about UConn basketball, we are always at our best when we start two...
  23. 8893

    Article: Tremont Waters Prepares For Next Move

    Ok. I'll just watch this one play out. Admittedly I know nothing other than what I've read here. I'll just say that I do not agree with your philosophy that the inquiry begins and ends with the fact that he is a great player. I believe in fit, and I believe our track record shows that that...
  24. navery12

    Article: Tremont Waters Prepares For Next Move

    I don't care enough to go back and look, but I'm positive there would at least 100 posts from this past season where people talked about the need for a 2nd ball handler on the court. It's not hard to envision a scenario where Gilbert and Waters are both able to run the offense
  25. superjohn

    Article: Tremont Waters Prepares For Next Move

    What? Both, why is there all of a sudden room for only one? Worked out amazingly well with Bazz and Boat. When our team is great it is always run with 2 starting point guards. Unfortunately we also can't be positive Alterique's shoulder will hold up.
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