Warde Manuel silence after Towson clock | The Boneyard

Warde Manuel silence after Towson clock

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Oct 1, 2011
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Tried like heck to make an embed-able version of this to no avail (the pic is what you'll see with the actual time elapsed if you click on the link). . . . .If you're in the 'What the hell is he supposed to say" camp feel free NOT to respond. NOW is the time for him to back all his previous talk up. That's it's been 72 hours-plus is a Horde fail.

http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?p0=98&iso=20130829T2230&year=2013&month=8&day=29&hour=22&min=30&sec=0&msg=Warde Manuel silence since Towson loss

Aug 27, 2011
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He is not getting fired in season unless things spiral out of control.

Honestly I couldn't care less anymore if he gets canned now. I'd love it, but the results this year won't change because Weist or Hughes is named interim coach.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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You can't fire coaches mid season. What's the point? You can't hire anyone and it only puts the interim candidates in terrible positions.

Make Weist interim head coach? Ridiculously unfair to him and it puts him in an impossible spot.
Oct 1, 2011
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yes you can fire coaches during the season. Desperate times, desperate measures. Sends a message that we're not going to tolerate the over-the-hill gang. Not unfair to Weist either - low expectations. I think the players would respond favorably, IMO.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm a little weirded out that Jimmy Serranno and whaler11 posted exactly what I was going to say.

The goal is for UConn to have the best coach it can get for 2014. An AD running around like a chicken with its head cut off, or a crazy homeless person with a sandwichboard sign "THE END IS NEAR!!!!" doesn't attract good HC candidates. I guess if he went out, publicly undermined the football coach in front of the cameras, some of the fans would feel slightly less bad. If he fires PP now, the fans will feel better. But we might find out in another 2-3 years that Weist isn't the right guy, at the cost of missing out on the right up-and-coming guy. Are you willing to gamble on that right now in return for momentary satisfaction?


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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yes you can fire coaches during the season. Desperate times, desperate measures. Sends a message that we're not going to tolerate the over-the-hill gang. Not unfair to Weist either - low expectations. I think the players would respond favorably, IMO.

I can see that side but I can't agree. If the season is shot and you put an interim tag on Weist and things don't go well - it becomes evident quickly that he's not coming back and it's difficult for him to have credibility.

You might do it if you don't think he's a real candidate. If you don't care about him you can try and catch lightning in a bottle.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Making a move now makes the administration look horrendous. We brought him back but one loss we punt the season?

Looking at it from Manuel's point of view, no reason to cause a circus. Maybe it gets better. If it doesn't you get a shot at a hire.

If Manuel's job were at risk I could see him making that call. Since it isn't he'll sit back - make a change around Thanksgiving and then it's 2-3 years before anyone can even judge that hire

No way he puts himself in harm's way for the 2013 season.
Sep 17, 2011
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The silence has been deafening. I would think Warde should have an idea if TJ would be worth giving a shot to already. If he thinks that he could improve the overall problems that we have not just on the offensive side. I don't see the point of playing out the season and then considering him. I'd rather know know. A change would help give some energy to the fanbase which I'm very concerned about. Standing pat just means the rest of the season becomes a death march unless something extradinary occurs. It is bacically what he did with the hockey coach decision.
Feb 10, 2012
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Making a move now makes the administration look horrendous. We brought him back but one loss we punt the season?

Looking at it from Manuel's point of view, no reason to cause a circus. Maybe it gets better. If it doesn't you get a shot at a hire.

If Manuel's job were at risk I could see him making that call. Since it isn't he'll sit back - make a change around Thanksgiving and then it's 2-3 years before anyone can even judge that hire

No way he puts himself in harm's way for the 2013 season.
I agree. Also, it's not like Uconn's #1 target to replace PP is just sitting around this season.
Things have to get really bad before PP is fired. It could happen, but I agree, not after one bad loss.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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If you believe P and GDL are stifling possible solutions or are being stubborn in continuing things that haven't worked and are unlikely to work. Then it makes a lot of sense to fire then asap.

I am one who believes.
Aug 26, 2011
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Silence is consent
That's your opinion. You have no idea of what is going on in the athletic department, but you'll keep complaining anyway.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Silence is consent
ruskin: "Hey Boss, why the long face?"
Boss: "My wife's been giving me the silent treatment. I think she's going to kick me out of the house."
ruskin: "The silent treatment? Well that means you have nothing to worry about!"


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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The silence has been deafening. I would think Warde should have an idea if TJ would be worth giving a shot to already. If he thinks that he could improve the overall problems that we have not just on the offensive side. I don't see the point of playing out the season and then considering him. I'd rather know know. A change would help give some energy to the fanbase which I'm very concerned about. Standing pat just means the rest of the season becomes a death march unless something extradinary occurs. It is bacically what he did with the hockey coach decision.

I'm with this camp. After watching the team's (lack of) preparation, motivation, and execution against a FCS opponent, I don't think this season is going to finish any better than our previous two (0-5 wins). So, in that case, I think removing Pasqualoni and DeLeone is addition by subtraction. I'm not suggesting that we are going to find our forever coach on the unemployment right now (that ship sailed when Warde decided to re-up Pasqualoni after last season). But what we would accomplish by making a move now:

1. energizes and unites the fanbase. With one fell swoop, we shed the last bit of garbage left from the horrific Jeff Hathaway era;
2. let's see if Weist can inject some life into the team. The coaching/clock management/preparation/execution can't get worse than it is right now so Weist gets a bit of a pass this year from the fans. But if he can get the team to play with energy again, then great!;
3. holds the players accountable. Players now have to re-prove themselves all throughout the depth chart. They are playing for a new coach and possibly a new coach next year. Much different atmosphere than playing for a lameduck coach that the players know is on the brink of being fired;
4. we show the country that UCONN football is held to the same high standards as our national championship basketball programs and other top athletic programs. We will not settle for a retread "safe" hire any longer and that he was retained with a short leash. Guess what? Being blown out by a FCS opponent in our home opener cuts that short leash. Contract buyout be damned, we will invest in football like we invest in our other top athletic programs and look to improve it when it is not meeting our high standards;
5. we get a huge jump on the 2014 coaching carousel. Let's have some potential coaching candidates watch a few of our games, see the team play with energy and passion under Weist despite the turmoil, see the once-again-excited crowds at the Rent support the team no matter what the finish, and let them see the growth potential that we all see within UCONN football. Jim Calhoun once said that he was always impressed that UCONN basketball sold out arenas despite not being "big time". Let's show our next head coach and the college football world the same thing with our football program;
6. 2013 becomes an exciting wildcard - what I mean is that opposing head coaches do not have anything on film from TJ Weist. Opposing coaches know what they will get from Pasqualoni/DeLeone: poor clock management, mistakes at pivotal moments in games, ultra-conservative playcalling, little to no imagination, stubbornness to change, inability to adapt to in-game conditions and momentum, and the most confused looking offensive line in college football. With a new coach with an uptempo reputation, at least we address and cross off a few items from the Pasqualoni/DeLeone scouting report. And guess what? It *could* equate to wins. And if it doesn't, like I said earlier, it seems doubtful that this coaching staff can lead this team to a record better than the previous two.

I'd fire and buyout Pasqualoni and DeLeone today, name Weist interim head coach and OC, and issue a public statement that UCONN football is held to the same high winning standards of our other national championship programs and that the last 2+ years have been unacceptable. This type of a bold statement would INSTANTLY fire up this fanbase and create some positive buzz around these parts for the first time since the Fiesta Bowl.


I agree. Also, it's not like Uconn's #1 target to replace PP is just sitting around this season.
Things have to get really bad before PP is fired. It could happen, but I agree, not after one bad loss.
Without a doubt, things are really bad. The coaches have totally lost the team.
Aug 28, 2011
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I want Pasqualoni fired yesterday. It's a good thing I'm not the AD. Our offense put up 18 points at home against an FCS team and we should make Weist the interim Head Coach? LMAO.

However, Manuel should release a statement. i.e.

"I've discussed our performance after the first game with our coaching staff and they are upset as I am. The staff is well aware of the importance of this season for this program. I encourage our fans to continue to show the players the support they need with two tough opponents coming to the Rent in the next 3 weeks. The players need your support; be loud on defense, quiet on offense, and wear blue. Go Huskies!"

Something like that lets the fans know he's not happy. He doesn't make the coach a lame duck, but acknowledges the pressure is on. It also asks the fans to support the team by supporting the players. Don't publicly embarrass the coaching staff because the players will get caught up in that as they hold some accountability for the results out there too.

This shouldn't be that difficult for a big time program.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Our offense put up 18 points at home against an FCS team and we should make Weist the interim Head Coach? LMAO.

I like your statement idea but I can't put 100% blame on Weist here. Yes, 18 points against Towson is not good. But it's tough to do anything on offense when the OL is SO TERRIBLE. Maybe things will drastically improve once Friend comes back and pushes Hemingway to the bench, but I'm not holding my breath. Towson's undersized DL were in our backfield constantly last Thursday and, for this, I give GDL 100% blame. And because we all know PP fought hard to retain GDL this season, I also blame PP.

I think removing GDL from OL duties instantly upgrades our OL, even if I played Center. I'd like to see Weist call some plays with an average OL. I'm not trying to be a Weist apologist but PP has a history of retaining GDL when there is public outcry, giving him some other sort of coaching label, but allowing him to get in his ear to appeal to his ultra conservative and stubborn play calling. I'm not saying GDL was calling all of the plays but what about the Towson game didn't look EXACTLY like the games against Temple and Buffalo last year? Great start in the 1st quarter then struggle with conservative nonsense. It's in PP's nature and comfort zone to continue to do this.
Sep 12, 2011
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Silence is consent
Not picking a spitting match here, I ask a question to be informed. How many school AD's have pressers after a football game? I have not heard of this.
Also do some research on the PP hire and you will find he was brought in by the board and not the AD at the time alone. He will not exit by the AD alone at our state run school.
Do some homework on Larry McHugh and co. This will solve many questions you may have on when negative comments on the coaching staff will be made public by the school administration. It would be a classless act for him to do so.
This was not my choice from day one and I do not see it as Warde's fault. Not sure what anyone would expect him to say after one game into the season regardless of the fact it should have been won or lost...


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I want Pasqualoni fired yesterday. It's a good thing I'm not the AD. Our offense put up 18 points at home against an FCS team and we should make Weist the interim Head Coach? LMAO.

However, Manuel should release a statement. i.e.

"I've discussed our performance after the first game with our coaching staff and they are upset as I am. The staff is well aware of the importance of this season for this program. I encourage our fans to continue to show the players the support they need with two tough opponents coming to the Rent in the next 3 weeks. The players need your support; be loud on defense, quiet on offense, and wear blue. Go Huskies!"

Something like that lets the fans know he's not happy. He doesn't make the coach a lame duck, but acknowledges the pressure is on. It also asks the fans to support the team by supporting the players. Don't publicly embarrass the coaching staff because the players will get caught up in that as they hold some accountability for the results out there too.

This shouldn't be that difficult for a big time program.

You can't judge an Offensive Coordinator who has GDL coaching the offensive line. It's like telling someone in the water they can't swim because you tied an anchor to their waist.
Aug 28, 2011
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You can't judge an Offensive Coordinator who has GDL coaching the offensive line. It's like telling someone in the water they can't swim because you tied an anchor to their waist.

I'm not saying Weist won't turn out to be a good OC, one game isn't enough to make that conclusion. But by that same logic, it's also not enough to support the argument he deserves a promotion.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm not saying Weist won't turn out to be a good OC, one game isn't enough to make that conclusion. But by that same logic, it's also not enough to support the argument he deserves a promotion.

You can't support firing PP today and not promoting Weist. That's the only option.
Aug 28, 2011
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You can't support firing PP today and not promoting Weist. That's the only option.

I guess my post was confusing. As a fan (aka irrational fanatic), I want Pasqualoni gone. However, that's not the right move for the program. The AD should mark down December 8th, 2013 as the date Pasqualoni will be available.

I'm saying you can't fire Pasqualoni now, considering the only option has one unimpressive game as an OC under his belt.
Aug 27, 2011
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You can't judge an Offensive Coordinator who has GDL coaching the offensive line. It's like telling someone in the water they can't swim because you tied an anchor to their waist.
Oh, it's even more than that. I think he is the Assistant Head Coach. I don't know about you folks, chain of command puts GDL in position 2 and Weist technically is subordinate. If not we have crisscrossing chains of command which is the height of dysfunction. If he controls the OL and really sits under PPs protection, this just a big shell game with little change. That's what we saw if you ask me... The same old thing with a different pawn. My only thought is there are more layers of duplicity here and Warde has Weist set-up to take over. I don't think I can give the guy that much credit, but maybe he is a genius behind that fat dolt exterior.
Oct 1, 2011
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That's your opinion. You have no idea of what is going on in the athletic department, but you'll keep complaining anyway.
So what do YOU think is going on behind the scenes in Storrs, Mr All is Well? You're right. why complain? You and uncles paul & george know better than us dum fans
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