The Summitt... | Page 4 | The Boneyard

The Summitt...

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Aug 24, 2011
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I had deleted that site from my drop down, but I took a peek and noticed the thread you are talking about. Posted by one of the long time idiots and man haters one that site, only a fool would pay to read what she says.

When we had a premium board on the boneyard, the members would post the occasional "juicy" subject line in order to try to get people to join. It never worked.

The next big recruiting news that breaks will be who DOESN'T go to Tennessee.
And who do you think that will be? I have to be honest - i was shocked they landed Tucker. I really didn't think they were going to land any top 10 kids from 2013 and thought that would bleed over to 2014 as well. On their must have list are Russell, Greenwell, Scaife, and i'm not sure if they still think Davis will go there. They lost out on Reimer, Mavunga, and Deshields. But they got Tucker.


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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And who do you think that will be? I have to be honest - i was shocked they landed Tucker. I really didn't think they were going to land any top 10 kids from 2013 and thought that would bleed over to 2014 as well. On their must have list are Russell, Greenwell, Scaife, and i'm not sure if they still think Davis will go there. They lost out on Reimer, Mavunga, and Deshields. But they got Tucker.
I have no idea. It was more a statement on the state of their recruiting than anything specific. I don't pretend to know anything about who is going where.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Could I ask that people please refrain from name-calling? I do understand where you're coming from (I was given the name NaziNan, among other assorted unsavory monikers) but I would like the Boneyard to avoid becoming that which we least like. I'm not trying to curb folks' fun, just their stooping to Others' level to do so.

Carry on.


Tobacco Road Gastronomer
Aug 26, 2011
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Ah...... I wish they had waited til July 1 to go premium.... According to Hoopzgurlz.... Kaela Davis visited Durham yesterday on an unofficial visit. I would have loved to read all of the trashing of Duke by the Vol fans. :rolleyes: Oh well


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
Reaction Score
Ah...... I wish they had waited til July 1 to go premium.... According to Hoopzgurlz.... Kaela Davis visited Durham yesterday on an unofficial visit. I would have loved to read all of the trashing of Duke by the Vol fans. :rolleyes: Oh well
If it would make you feel better, we can rough you up a bit.



Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Just went over to the Summitt to read what they were posting and they want me to pay . LOL your kidding. Its funny how they always show their true colors over there. Always hiding something. I guess we will have alot or non paying orange fans on our board. That place is a mess. So just to Sum IT up. Theyre nuts over there and its all doggys fault for getting the FBI involved LOL Go Doggy make beleive theyre a fire hydrant and do your thing LOL
Dec 23, 2011
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Yes, they are a tad delusional over there on The Summit. They think young women are going to flock to the Orange because of big crowds (yes, they do have a good following) and superior coaching staff (wrong-o). Remember what the current coach Holly accomplished last year with her super senior class from 2008? Nothing. Oh, perhaps 9 losses and no FF was an acceptable season, I dunno. I mean, would you rather play for Tara, Muffet, JPM, Jeff, Matt, Geno, or Holly Warlick?

I saw a lot of excuses on that board as to why that cherished senior class never made a Final Four. I am not going to say bad things about the Orange, but the training wheels are going to be on for a little while longer. What will break that trend? It is going to take, IMHO, a break-through player with leadership greatness who can take over a game by herself. It will take that for the coaching staff to see how it is done correctly. That greatness is not coming from Massengale. Often you get the greatness in a PG..... but I don't see it in her. This year MJeff is going to show the country how PG is supposed to be played.


RIP, Alex
Aug 26, 2011
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As someone whose family was decimated by the Holocaust, I find it incredibly offensive whenever anyone uses the term "Nazi" in the United States in any context. Moderating a message board in a way you don't like does not equate to the kinds of basic freedoms six million Jews and five million non-Jews were denied under the Third Reich. Some hyperbole is just disrespectful.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
Reaction Score
As someone whose family was decimated by the Holocaust, I find it incredibly offensive whenever anyone uses the term "Nazi" in the United States in any context. Moderating a message board in a way you don't like does not equate to the kinds of basic freedoms six million Jews and five million non-Jews were denied under the Third Reich. Some hyperbole is just disrespectful.
Determining whether or not something is disrespectful would require actual thought, Alex. You might be asking too much.


The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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Do I need to post another tin foil hat picture?

Aug 26, 2011
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As someone whose family was decimated by the Holocaust, I find it incredibly offensive whenever anyone uses the term "Nazi" in the United States in any context. Moderating a message board in a way you don't like does not equate to the kinds of basic freedoms six million Jews and five million non-Jews were denied under the Third Reich. Some hyperbole is just disrespectful.
This is one of those posts that I wish I could "like" more than once. Thank you for saying it, Alex.
Aug 30, 2011
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Just curious can someone fill me in on the FBI thing with dd? PM if it is more appropriate. Thanks.


Tobacco Road Gastronomer
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
If it would make you feel better, we can rough you up a bit.


One of my two all time favorite basketball players... and one of the 5 best players in college basketball history...... :cool: Talking bout Laettner .... not the bum in the picture :mad:


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
Reaction Score
Just curious can someone fill me in on the FBI thing with dd? PM if it is more appropriate. Thanks.
My understanding of the incident is this: the Summit mod wrote a pay-for article and posted a link to the article on the Summit's then-free board. doggydaddy clicked on the link and was able to read the article. He then posted the link on the Boneyard and UConn fans were able to read the article. Apparently, the mod has some relative that's either a lawyer or in law enforcement. This person told the mod that dd had violated Federal law, not by copying and pasting a copyrighted article, oh no, but by simply posting the link. Apparently that was verboten so the mod said she was going to report dd to the FBI.

This was a classic case of using a sledge hammer to kill a mosquito (no offense intended, dd). The thought of simply asking dd, JS, Biff or me to take down the link apparently never crossed the mod's mind.


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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My understanding of the incident is this: the Summit mod wrote a pay-for article and posted a link to the article on the Summit's then-free board. doggydaddy clicked on the link and was able to read the article. He then posted the link on the Boneyard and UConn fans were able to read the article. Apparently, the mod has some relative that's either a lawyer or in law enforcement. This person told the mod that dd had violated Federal law, not by copying and pasting a copyrighted article, oh no, but by simply posting the link. Apparently that was verboten so the mod said she was going to report dd to the FBI.

This was a classic case of using a sledge hammer to kill a mosquito (no offense intended, dd). The thought of simply asking dd, JS, Biff or me to take down the link apparently never crossed the mod's mind.

Close, but not exactly, Nan.

I had the premium access from the old Boneyard site. I paid $99 a year and it game me premium access to other fan sites as well.

I was reading an article on the Tennessee site and it had a link to a press conference after a tough TN loss. I posted the link on the Boneyard. It wasn't the premium article, but a link in that article to a public event. It was posted on youtube and was not secured in any way.

Maria, the TN mod and author of the article and owner of the video went nuts. She got advice from her sister, the lawyer and she actually called the FBI on me. I'm sure they hung up on her as no one ever contacted me.

The Boneyard took down my link, but they had a 30-40 post thread trashing me for my "illegal" post.

The issue was Maria thought she posted it in a secure site, but she didn't. I did nothing wrong, but boy, they had a great time with it on The Summitt.
Nov 20, 2011
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Now that the Summitt is no longer readily available I’ve been cogitating just what this will mean regarding our relationship with Lady Vol fans. I think, for the most part, it will be improved.
It was stated earlier in this thread that there were some “really nice folks” at the Summitt. That statement was met with little agreement. In my opinion, there are some nice folks, but they don’t post. Why? Because they aren’t tolerated.
As I see it, the Summitt, is ruled by a gang of about 20 posters who have iron fisted control over what goes on there. They are lead by a moderator or two that support the gang’s agenda and in fact may be part of the gang leadership. This is equivalent to a neighborhood gang that terrorizes the good people in a community.
Many times I’ve seen a Vol fan poster say something nice about an opposing school only to be verbally abused and branded a troll or worse. This engenders a reluctance to post in the future. Unless posters are sycophants, they don’t treat their own fans any better than the fans of other schools.
Now that we won’t be viewing the vitriol, our attitude toward Tenn might be less reactionary. Perhaps too, there will be less negativity on the Summitt because the thrill in writing something nasty is lessened if the target never sees it.


Aug 15, 2011
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The issue was Maria thought she posted it in a secure site, but she didn't. I did nothing wrong, but boy, they had a great time with it on The Summitt.
That's about it. The link to the video was in a copyrighted article, but the video wasn't password or otherwise protected. So anyone anywhere who knew the link, which DD had posted here, could watch the video. As a result of this incident, Maria found a more secure host for the videos intended only for her premium subscribers.

For our part, we exercise care about copyrighted materials. Links to such materials posted on the internet are OK, as are brief quotations with acknowledgement. Wholesale reproduction of large parts, or all, of a copyrighted piece are not OK. We post reminders of these rules from time to time.

In this case, there was a specific precedent raising the issue. DD had posted a large excerpt from an article on the Lady Vols. I inquired where it came from, and he said from the Tennessee premium site. I took the article down. Writers are entitled to be paid for premium content, and they can't allow it to be disseminated for free by their subscribers to non-subscribers.

When this linked video episode came along, however, we had no reason to take any particular note of it. It was just a link to YouTube. For her part, Maria viewed it as a repeat offense by DD and reacted strongly both on her board and by filing an FBI complaint. She withdrew the complaint shortly thereafter, which is why, DD, you never heard anything.

We had some discussions with her at the time as to how we could communicate better if a problem arose on one of the boards.

For the record, and I hate to put even a slight damper on the Boneyard hilarity in this matter, the involvement of the FBI with intellectual property theft is not preposterous, although such involvement in a case like this would be in that realm.

Copyright infringements are generally dealt with in civil lawsuits. Here's a discussion by the Copyright Office, which is probably more than most people want to know. The relevant point in that discussion is that there are two units of the FBI that do investigate intellectual property crimes.

While one can call the local FBI office and be routed, there is also an Internet Crime Complaint Center which allows one to file a complaint online. I believe this is what Maria did.

Complaints filed in this manner are mainly aimed at triggering investigations of consumer fraud. A criminal infringement matter involving the FBI would likely involve product patent or trademark infringement, especially international, to the potential detriment of consumers.

As far as videos, the FBI has been involved with large-scale movie piracy.

One supposes a complaint involving video of a Lady Vols press conference, allegedly "pirated" by pointing to its location on the public YouTube, would be something less than a top priority for the Bureau. So for those inclined to giggle at the idea of FBI involvement in this case, to that extent they can feel free.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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For the record, and I hate to put even a slight damper on the Boneyard hilarity in this matter, the involvement of the FBI with intellectual property theft is not preposterous, although such involvement in a case like this would be in that realm.
Yes, indeedy. It would be like calling the police on the neighbor because the neighbor's dog barking annoys you. Unless the dog is a serial barker or the dog owner has a history of allowing the dog to bark, the police would most likely shrug off the complaint. Heaven forbid the neighbor call up the dog owner and ask nicely that the dog be taken in.
Aug 26, 2011
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Now that the Summitt is no longer readily available I’ve been cogitating just what this will mean regarding our relationship with Lady Vol fans. I think, for the most part, it will be improved.
It was stated earlier in this thread that there were some “really nice folks” at the Summitt. That statement was met with little agreement. In my opinion, there are some nice folks, but they don’t post. Why? Because they aren’t tolerated.
As I see it, the Summitt, is ruled by a gang of about 20 posters who have iron fisted control over what goes on there. They are lead by a moderator or two that support the gang’s agenda and in fact may be part of the gang leadership. This is equivalent to a neighborhood gang that terrorizes the good people in a community.
Many times I’ve seen a Vol fan poster say something nice about an opposing school only to be verbally abused and branded a troll or worse. This engenders a reluctance to post in the future. Unless posters are sycophants, they don’t treat their own fans any better than the fans of other schools.
Now that we won’t be viewing the vitriol, our attitude toward Tenn might be less reactionary. Perhaps too, there will be less negativity on the Summitt because the thrill in writing something nasty is lessened if the target never sees it.

Nice Post! The gang of 20+ posters should be called the gang of classlessness. Why individuals have to be so nasty I'll never know, but you are absolutely right when you say that they verbally abuse and brand trolls some of there own posters that don't go along with the party line.


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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They continue to prove beyond a shaddow of a doubt what kind of people they are. Its a wonder that parents allow their daughters to attend that program, if they only knew.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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They continue to prove beyond a shaddow of a doubt what kind of people they are. Its a wonder that parents allow their daughters to attend that program, if they only knew.
That's a little out there. UConn has its share of crazy fans, too. That doesn't scare girls away from the Huskies.
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