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It's what I do. I drink and I know things.
Aug 16, 2013
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I'm not saying he does, but remember Rutgers recruits being told they would be in the Big

RU coaches may have known, but taking what coaches say to recruits at face value is a little risky.
Apr 10, 2014
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You are sniffing glue if you thinkUVA football would be materially harmed by switching from the ACC to the Big Ten. No sane ACC fan would even fleetingly have that thought.
If VT is in the SEC and UVA in the BeeOneGee, UVA will wither on the vine. The football Cool factor of the SEC is 10 of 10, while the football Cool factor of the BeeOneGee is maybe 4.
Aug 27, 2011
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If VT is in the SEC and UVA in the BeeOneGee, UVA will wither on the vine. The football Cool factor of the SEC is 10 of 10, while the football Cool factor of the BeeOneGee is maybe 4.
...and the Cool factor of the ACC is a -17.
Sep 14, 2011
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Football would be harmed. The coaches are confident of this. The top high school football talent is declining in the Big Ten region and growing in the ACC southern regions. The big brands of the Big Ten are having to hire coaches that have ties to these southern regions just to keep up. Ohio State hired the Florida Coach. Penn State hired the Vandy Coach. Michigan's does not have these ties, and he's on the block for a firing this season. The others can forget it. UVA would be stupid to leave access to fertile recruiting grounds to go off into the Big Ten.

Baseball would be dramatically harmed, and it's a big deal at UVA. Basketball would not really be affected. The Big Ten has good basketball and access to good talent.

UVA is not interested in the Big Ten though, so this discussion isn't really relevant.
You're among friends here, Stimp. No need to talk Navajo. We all know that when you say "ACC southern regions" what you really mean is SEC territory.
Jun 14, 2012
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You're among friends here, Stimp. No need to talk Navajo. We all know that when you say "ACC southern regions" what you really mean is SEC territory.

Three states that overlap with the SEC, yes. South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. But also Virginia and North Carolina. UVA recruits all of them as well as some of the traditional high schools where George Welsh and Al Groh recruited in NJ, MD, and PA. Both Welsh and Groh were northern and focused there. Mike London is still looking there too, but he's also tapped into the South more than either of those two. He reaches into Tennessee too, but UVA rarely recruits in SEC West areas.
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Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Louisville violated APR not just once but in a multiple successive years and was docked several scholarships for football. This is the irony of people saying UConn was not considered because of academics. Louisville was having the same problems.

I think Louisville's APR in football was worse than UConn's in basketball - they just happened to have that score when the NCAA wasn't looking to make a point.
Sep 1, 2011
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Boy, that escalated quickly... I mean, that really got out of hand fast. Rob, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You should find yourself a safe house or a relative close by. Lay low for a while, because you're probably wanted for murder.
Thanks for the advice. I guess you didn't like my post?
Sep 1, 2011
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In football, it was the Music City Bowl in 2005 defeating Minnesota. In basketball it was the ACC Men's Tournament in 2014. And yes coaching matters. A decade of Pete Gillen in basketball did not produce titles. He won some impressive home games, but that was it. The football and basketball teams did not produce UVA's 20 NCAA Championships. No dipute there.
No offense stimpy. I've got nothing against talking up a school because of some minor recent success on the court or field, but comparing UVA successes (like the original poster did) to Virginia Tech in football, and to UNC in basketball is…lets just say a little overzealous. UVA does have one thing in it's favor that's unrelated to sports success and that is its endowment, for a public univ it's pretty big.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I already sacrificed Lefty for the Championship Game but Righty is up for trade. Might be better for any P5 conference that invites us...would complete the sack set.
Jun 14, 2012
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If VT is in the SEC and UVA in the BeeOneGee, UVA will wither on the vine. The football Cool factor of the SEC is 10 of 10, while the football Cool factor of the BeeOneGee is maybe 4.

In Virginia, it wouldn't be that close. ACC and SEC have dramatically more interest than the B1G. I'll even submit that with WVU in the Big XII, the Big XII would be third with all their fans all over the place. I have never seen so many Big XII games on around here in my life before the past 2 years.

There is also interest in the Big East and Atlantic 10 because of other local schools being in them.
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Apr 10, 2014
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In Virginia, it wouldn't be that close. ACC and SEC have dramatically more interest than the B1G. I'll even submit that with WVU in the Big XII, the Big XII would be third with all their fans all over the place. I have never seen so many Big XII games on around here in my life before the past 2 years.

There is also interest in the Big East and Atlantic 10 because of other local schools being in them.
My Football Cool factor rating is national. In any southern state, the Football Cool rating for the BeeOneGee is probably a 2.

The Big 12 has Texas, the university of and the state. Both are very high in Football Cool.
Apr 10, 2014
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...and the Cool factor of the ACC is a -17.
I suppose such nonsense makes you feel better, but you should try to be realistic.

First, the ACC now has ND for 5 games, which adds the most unique Cool factor in the country. The Irish Football Cool factor is so high that we can go 20 years without sniffing a national title and still have the ultra unCool BeeOneGee wetting its pants about how much harm our playing tiny Duke and Wake Forest will do.

FL is a virtual tie in Football Cool with TX, and the ACC has Miami, in the most Cool part of FL. It also has Chief Osceola and that white horse and the flaming spear - that alone is more Cool than the entire BeeOneGee minus the Blohio State-Meatchicken game.

Howard's Rock is not even the Coolest football tradition in the ACC, and in comparison it highlights the 'dotting of the I' as something only giggling girls and fat, effeminate band nerds should get excited about.

GT is a bunch of engineering and physics nerds, but that Rambling Wreck is Cool, and so is Atlanta.

Lane Stadium is Cool, especially when the Hokies charge out of the tunnel to 'Enter the Sandman.'

Louisville is about to become very Cool for football. The Kentucky Derby means the town already has a Cool factor well beyond that of any BeeOneGee town, and now with P5 conference membership and recurring visits from the schools listed above, as well as UVA and UNC, Louisville will rise rapidly in Football Cool.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I suppose such nonsense makes you feel better, but you should try to be realistic.

First, the ACC now has ND for 5 games, which adds the most unique Cool factor in the country. The Irish Football Cool factor is so high that we can go 20 years without sniffing a national title and still have the ultra unCool BeeOneGee wetting its pants about how much harm our playing tiny Duke and Wake Forest will do.

FL is a virtual tie in Football Cool with TX, and the ACC has Miami, in the most Cool part of FL. It also has Chief Osceola and that white horse and the flaming spear - that alone is more Cool than the entire BeeOneGee minus the Blohio State-Meatchicken game.

Howard's Rock is not even the Coolest football tradition in the ACC, and in comparison it highlights the 'dotting of the I' as something only giggling girls and fat, effeminate band nerds should get excited about.

GT is a bunch of engineering and physics nerds, but that Rambling Wreck is Cool, and so is Atlanta.

Lane Stadium is Cool, especially when the Hokies charge out of the tunnel to 'Enter the Sandman.'

Louisville is about to become very Cool for football. The Kentucky Derby means the town already has a Cool factor well beyond that of any BeeOneGee town, and now with P5 conference membership and recurring visits from the schools listed above, as well as UVA and UNC, Louisville will rise rapidly in Football Cool.

Blindness to reality. As a visiting team or TV attraction, Michigan, Ohio State, Nebraska and Penn State all trump every team in the ACC. Florida State would be next or tied with Penn State, but then Wisconsin and Clemson are about even. With Miami in the dumper, and VT far off what it was (and never popular nationally) the Big Ten far outshines the ACC in football. That is looking at national appeal across the west, midwest, northeast, mountain west and south.

That being said, most football is indeed regional. So I think BTstimpy isn't far off that fans in Virginia and the Carolinas are not predisposed to the Big Ten in general. So no, I don't think any Virginia team wants to go to the B1G. The B1G is as far south (in the east) as it is going to get. It could move south through Kansas and Oklahoma, but that's it. I think Delany ran the numbers on GT and realized that the B1G could never get close to the SEC in a place where UGA utterly dominates GT already. In Atlanta and Tallahassee I think the ACC rates better than the B1G.
Aug 26, 2011
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Everybody would love to play the likes of UM, tOSU, PSU, Nebraska, and FSU annually (or Texas, OU, USC, and ND) regardless of where they are situated on a map. After that, HuskyHawk is correct, it's very regionalized. I get why UVa could care less about annual games v. Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, etc...or why Iowa wouldn't get jazzed up about annual games v Rutgers, UMd, UConn, or UVa, etc... WVU and Pitt replaced the backyard brawl with games against KSU, ISU, Texas Tech, Wake, Duke, GT, etc...; aTm and Texas swapped out their rivalry for the likes of TCU, WVU and Ole Miss, MSU, Kentucky repsectively. Colorado and Utah have no rivalries in the P12, WVU is on an island in the B12, Mizzou is a bit of an outlier in the SEC, and the ACC sold their academic righteousness for UL. I used to watch as much CFB as I could on a Saturday, now I pretty much only watch UConn away games (go to the home games). When UConn does in fact get picked up by one of the P5's, I really don't think that will change for me either. This whole realignment process has lost me as a huge CFB fan, and turned me into solely a UConn fan.
Dec 25, 2011
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In Virginia, it wouldn't be that close. ACC and SEC have dramatically more interest than the B1G. I'll even submit that with WVU in the Big XII, the Big XII would be third with all their fans all over the place. I have never seen so many Big XII games on around here in my life before the past 2 years.

There is also interest in the Big East and Atlantic 10 because of other local schools being in them.

While athletics are important at UVA, I would wager that Academics are more important internally within UVA as it views itself first and foremost a public Ivy. Thus, if the ACC was to fall apart and assuming that it’s politically connected brethren, Virginia Tech, found a safe home (SEC?), if given a choice, UVA would pick the B1G over the SEC.

Overall, I still suspect in a ball between the ACC and XII, the ACC survives based on markets and that XII’s future is entirely reliant on U Texas.
Dec 25, 2011
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Everybody would love to play the likes of UM, tOSU, PSU, Nebraska, and FSU annually (or Texas, OU, USC, and ND) regardless of where they are situated on a map. After that, HuskyHawk is correct, it's very regionalized. I get why UVa could care less about annual games v. Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, etc...or why Iowa wouldn't get jazzed up about annual games v Rutgers, UMd, UConn, or UVa, etc... WVU and Pitt replaced the backyard brawl with games against KSU, ISU, Texas Tech, Wake, Duke, GT, etc...; aTm and Texas swapped out their rivalry for the likes of TCU, WVU and Ole Miss, MSU, Kentucky repsectively. Colorado and Utah have no rivalries in the P12, WVU is on an island in the B12, Mizzou is a bit of an outlier in the SEC, and the ACC sold their academic righteousness for UL. I used to watch as much CFB as I could on a Saturday, now I pretty much only watch UConn away games (go to the home games). When UConn does in fact get picked up by one of the P5's, I really don't think that will change for me either. This whole realignment process has lost me as a huge CFB fan, and turned me into solely a UConn fan.

I agree that realignment has alienated a lot of college football fans. One potential advantage is if a P4 emerges with 20 or so schools each, it is likely a Pod system would be put in place that would hopefully be geographically focused. Thus, in the B1G for example (and in my dream), their east Pod would be 1) UConn, 2) Rutgers, 3) Maryland, 4) Penn St, 5) Ohio St (assume B1G would guarantee an annual cross-over game with Michigan). While not filled with traditional rivals as it is a collection of acquisitions from prior conferences, the physical closeness and similarity in schools should all these new rivalries to grow. The potential B1G central pod (Michigan, Michigan St, Indiana, Purdue, and Northwestern) would consist of well-established traditional rivals).
Dec 25, 2011
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I suppose such nonsense makes you feel better, but you should try to be realistic.

First, the ACC now has ND for 5 games, which adds the most unique Cool factor in the country. The Irish Football Cool factor is so high that we can go 20 years without sniffing a national title and still have the ultra unCool BeeOneGee wetting its pants about how much harm our playing tiny Duke and Wake Forest will do.

FL is a virtual tie in Football Cool with TX, and the ACC has Miami, in the most Cool part of FL. It also has Chief Osceola and that white horse and the flaming spear - that alone is more Cool than the entire BeeOneGee minus the Blohio State-Meatchicken game.

Howard's Rock is not even the Coolest football tradition in the ACC, and in comparison it highlights the 'dotting of the I' as something only giggling girls and fat, effeminate band nerds should get excited about.

GT is a bunch of engineering and physics nerds, but that Rambling Wreck is Cool, and so is Atlanta.

Lane Stadium is Cool, especially when the Hokies charge out of the tunnel to 'Enter the Sandman.'

Louisville is about to become very Cool for football. The Kentucky Derby means the town already has a Cool factor well beyond that of any BeeOneGee town, and now with P5 conference membership and recurring visits from the schools listed above, as well as UVA and UNC, Louisville will rise rapidly in Football Cool.

Cool? I have been to Louisville, Ann Arbor, East Lansing, Chicago, Madison, Minneapolis, etc. Louisville is nowhere near cool. The Kentucky Derby Crowd and the Louisville basketball/football crowd are not the same and do not mix.

Louisville is in for an interesting football season minus their coach and best player and it will be interesting to see how long it takes for Petrino to bit them in the arse, which he has done at every football team he has gone, too. The basketball team will not have to deal with ACC refs, who view every team not wearing blue as a foreign entity. Plus, their finances will take a major hit when the city of Louisville lets the Yum Center file for bankruptcy. That will force the University to finally foot the debt service and operating costs bills.

U Florida is the same as Texas? That is crazy talk.

All that stands between U Miami and UNC from the death penalty is an incompetent NCAA and most of the nation knows it.

Georgia Tech has not been cool in football for 20 years.

As for ND, just ask the old Big E how well their special arrangement worked out with ND.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Dooley said:
The Cool Factor of this thread drops with every mention of the uncool use of the phrase "Cool Factor".

I have not heard such a douchy phrase in quite some time.

The ACC sold it's soul for 2-3 OOC home games a year. Congrats.


UConn Class of 2013
Aug 26, 2011
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Cool? I have been to Louisville, Ann Arbor, East Lansing, Chicago, Madison, Minneapolis, etc. Louisville is nowhere near cool. The Kentucky Derby Crowd and the Louisville basketball/football crowd are not the same and do not mix.

Just a guess, you've never been to the derby? The infield is a virtual KY/Ville tailgate/fraternity party.
Aug 24, 2011
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8 pages deep on a bogus CR thread, can someone post the cliff notes?
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