Maryland is subpoenaing the world | Page 5 | The Boneyard

Maryland is subpoenaing the world

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Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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It's dreadful if you're hoping to expand your footprint for a network - the state is obviously basketball-crazy, but you're splitting a relatively small area between Kentucky and Louisville.

Louisville ranks No. 48 among Nielsen markets, and the Cardinals do not own all of that. There is a substantial penetration of Kentucky fans in the city and its suburbs. When The Courier-Journal surveyed Louisville residents in 2005 regarding their favorite team, 33 percent chose UK and 57 percent went for the Cardinals. You know what 57 percent of the No. 48 market is? It’s Shreveport. -- Sporting News
Aug 13, 2013
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well...we now know where the "basketball belt" is.....

"For fans of NCAA basketball, it has been an upset-filled March Madness. But there are no surprises in household viewing patterns among the top markets tracked by Nielsen. More than a quarter of households in the Louisville, KY, market tuned into watch the University of Kentucky defeat Cornell on March 25. The Louisville market is once again the highest-rated DMA for NCAA tournament games, averaging a 16.6 household rating through the first two rounds. While Louisville is a mid-sized market with no pro sports teams, it dominates NCAA viewership and is at the heart of a "basketball belt," an enthusiastic cluster of markets from Raleigh to Oklahoma City that boast nine of the top 10 DMAs in tournament viewing.
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Jun 14, 2012
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It's dreadful if you're hoping to expand your footprint for a network - the state is obviously basketball-crazy, but you're splitting a relatively small area between Kentucky and Louisville.

Louisville ranks No. 48 among Nielsen markets, and the Cardinals do not own all of that. There is a substantial penetration of Kentucky fans in the city and its suburbs. When The Courier-Journal surveyed Louisville residents in 2005 regarding their favorite team, 33 percent chose UK and 57 percent went for the Cardinals. You know what 57 percent of the No. 48 market is? It’s Shreveport. -- Sporting News

You would not be splitting anything. Every UK fan doesn't miss a Louisville basketball game. Heated rivalry.
Aug 13, 2013
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Oh my...Louisville is a #48 market?

Since Tallahassee is #106...and Tuscaloosa is lower yet.....I guess that means something good?


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Oh, you f---ers are plain delusional.
Aug 13, 2013
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It's spelled "effers" in the south. Unless you were saying "fellers" . Southern for ...well, that is obvious.
Aug 13, 2013
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Basketball belt....I thought it would be the NE that was the basketball belt for watching the NCAA tourney.
Jan 31, 2014
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UNC hasn't commented. Coach K has publicly stated that he will not allow Duke to schedule Maryland again during the regular season. After he retires, who knows?

Mr. Krzyzewski has publicly stated that his team will no longer play Maryland (unless they have to with the ACC/Big Ten Challenge), as you say. To put it in the proper perspective, he said this when he stated that if Maryland wanted to keep the tradition of playing each other, they wouldn't have left the ACC. First of all, for someone he gets paid $7-10 million a year to be lecturing others on tradition would be laughable if it wasn't so reprehensible. Further, a lot of traditions were ended with the ACC additions. I haven't heard Krzyzewski state publicly and unilaterally he wouldn't be playing the seven teams from the Big East. Coach K wins runner up honors for ACC hypocrite of the year.
Aug 13, 2013
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Sounds like Texas's Dodds who said the Longhorns wouldn't be playing the Aggies again. But there is no need for Duke to schedule Maryland nor vice versa.

They aren't a historic rivalry. Why schedule in OOC? Notre Dame will fill in nicely in basketball.
Jan 31, 2014
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Totally disagree. According to Dr. Wallace Loh, he did not speak with the Big Ten Conference until after the ACC Exit Fee was changed to 3 times operating revenue, or $52 million. He made the decision to leave the ACC with full knowledge of what the Exit Fee is. No one, not Swofford or another ACC president snuck this up on Dr. Wallace Loh. It is now time for Dr. Wallace Loh to have Maryland pay it and to leave.

Whether or not Dr. Loh spoke to or said he spoke to the Big Ten when the bylaw "passed" is completely irrelevant. The issue here is whether the ACCs own bylaws were followed when it "passed." And whether the new exit fee is punitive. Soon after Maryland did announce they were leaving.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Basketball belt....I thought it would be the NE that was the basketball belt for watching the NCAA tourney.

That was the 2010 tournament.

Look at the state of Connecticut and the New England areas around it....we didn't make the tournament that year and still the viewing appears to be as dense as the vaunted North Carolina basketball belt. (There were no New England teams represented in 2010.)

Syracuse made it. You can sorta tell because western NY is kinda shaded a little. (They didn't tell you which New York market they delivered.)

I don't think Louisville was in the 2010 tourney. Kentucky was a one seed - that's enough to light up the city of UL. (Correction - UL lost in the first round.)
Jan 31, 2014
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As for not respecting the 27 months in the Big East, what is the ACC supposed to do? Tell these schools to sit out a year as an independent after they negotiated a higher payment to leave the Big East after 2 seasons instead of 3 seasons? The schools wanted to join the ACC. The ACC didn't annex them. The Big East had already offered new members and needed them to move out. It would be like Maryland trying to stay in the ACC now. What would the ACC tell Louisville?

It's very simple. The Big East bylaws state that the members have to give 27 months notice. That means the teams would simply stay for a minimum of 27 months before they move to the ACC at the time the invitation was made. Yes, I understand these teams were allowed to negotiate, but Swofford should have said,"I'm a stickler for bylaws, and since I don't want to look like the slimeball hypocrite that I am, you must stay in the Big East for a minimum of 27 months, and then you will officially become a member of the ACC."

Maryland did adhere to the noncontroversial part of the bylaws as to when they would be able to leave.
Jun 14, 2012
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Whether or not Dr. Loh spoke to or said he spoke to the Big Ten when the bylaw "passed" is completely irrelevant. The issue here is whether the ACCs own bylaws were followed when it "passed." And whether the new exit fee is punitive. Soon after Maryland did announce they were leaving.

Those are the issues. So what is this nonsense of subpoenas to the world to fish for who knows what and waste everyone's time?
Jun 14, 2012
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It's very simple. The Big East bylaws state that the members have to give 27 months notice. That means the teams would simply stay for a minimum of 27 months before they move to the ACC at the time the invitation was made. Yes, I understand these teams were allowed to negotiate, but Swofford should have said,"I'm a stickler for bylaws, and since I don't want to look like the slimeball hypocrite that I am, you must stay in the Big East for a minimum of 27 months, and then you will officially become a member of the ACC."

Maryland did adhere to the noncontroversial part of the bylaws as to when they would be able to leave.

He did say that he is a stickler for bylaws and that he respected the bylaws of the Big East. The Big East wanted more money than the bylaws stated from the schools, and they wanted them out sooner because Memphis and Temple were coming in. Swofford wanted to follow the Big East bylaws. John Marinato didn't. He started out wanting to, then he took the extra payment.
Aug 13, 2013
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It's very simple. The Big East bylaws state that the members have to give 27 months notice. That means the teams would simply stay for a minimum of 27 months before they move to the ACC at the time the invitation was made. Yes, I understand these teams were allowed to negotiate, but Swofford should have said,"I'm a stickler for bylaws, and since I don't want to look like the slimeball hypocrite that I am, you must stay in the Big East for a minimum of 27 months, and then you will officially become a member of the ACC."

Maryland did adhere to the noncontroversial part of the bylaws as to when they would be able to leave.

Sounds to me that the Big east and the leaving schools reached a mutual accommodation.....Swofford was ready to wait 27 months.

"The exact date for the move remains uncertain, as Big East bylaws require schools to pay a $5 million exit fee and give 27 months notice before leaving. ACC commissioner John Swofford said the league "fully respects" the bylaws of the Big East, but Pitt chancellor Mark Nordenberg said the Big East provides options for withdrawal.

"I would think that in the weeks ahead everyone will be looking at the transition period and trying to determine whether the 27-month notice period really serves everyone's best interest or whether there should be some modification to it," Nordenberg said. "It was important to us that commissioner Swofford made clear right from the start the ACC would be comfortable with waiting for that period of time if that is the way that things unfold."
Jun 3, 2013
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High viewership for specific content in small markets allows ESPN to charge advertisers rates that are closer to what larger markets might garner. However, this does not automatically translate to higher carriage fees. A larger market with less viewership can often trump small market hotbeds. You can't look at this through the lens of a single metric. It's like trying to calculate a room's size when you only have one dimension.
Aug 2, 2013
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The ACC raided the Big East, gutted it and screwed UConn in the process. I'm going to enjoy watching Maryland vs the ACC play out. It's misguided for ACC people to come to this site and argue the ACC's case.

Go Terps!


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Where's Blumenthal when we need him? Can't we partner with Maryland and tap into some ACC and ESPN money? After all, we're as injured as anyone by all this.
Nope, we get to sit on sidelines and watch for this one. Now whether discovery reveals anything that litigable, that's a whole different question.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I, maybe due to my location and interests, never had a clue that the B1G was considering Rutgers until the deed was imminent.

One would think that if UConn was AAU...they would have been a viable candidate for the Big Ten, offering better sports then Rutgers and still offering access to NY (from what I've read on this board).

Louisville was, at the time of ACC acquisition, in a good place. Football, basketball, and baseball were perking at a high level. The ESPN viewer numbers for Louisville were good. They were not another northeastern team (a plus as far as Clemson and FSU were concerned). And they were a somewhat familiar face having played in the Metro Conference with FSU.

If you were a southern ACC program, desperately wanting to augment the football presence, Louisville looked to be a good pick.
Rutgers brought 3 million NJ residents in the NYC DMA. That's what the B1G bought. AAU would have helped but I think those numbers were what drove this decision.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I can't get over the belief by some here that Louisville is some kind of a bad choice, and that Rutgers is some kind of a good choice. I keep asking myself, "Are these posters drunk?" Did you watch this year's Louisville-Rutgers men's basketball game at the AAC tournament? That is Rutgers athletics on display for the next 50 years. The ACC is well aware of this. The Big Ten "needs to help them" - Gene Smith, Ohio State. Good Luck! The first time Tom Izzo brings his team in there, he'll be calling the B1G office in Chicago after the game to find out who had been smoking crack there.

Now I agree that UConn is a good choice, and I hope that the ACC will consider UConn some day.

Short term on field results isn't what's driving these decisions, for the B1G anyway.
Jan 31, 2014
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He did say that he is a stickler for bylaws and that he respected the bylaws of the Big East. The Big East wanted more money than the bylaws stated from the schools, and they wanted them out sooner because Memphis and Temple were coming in. Swofford wanted to follow the Big East bylaws. John Marinato didn't. He started out wanting to, then he took the extra payment.

When Swofford said he respected the bylaws of the Big East, was he able to say it with a straight face?
Jan 31, 2014
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Sounds to me that the Big east and the leaving schools reached a mutual accommodation.....Swofford was ready to wait 27 months.

"The exact date for the move remains uncertain, as Big East bylaws require schools to pay a $5 million exit fee and give 27 months notice before leaving. ACC commissioner John Swofford said the league "fully respects" the bylaws of the Big East, but Pitt chancellor Mark Nordenberg said the Big East provides options for withdrawal.

"I would think that in the weeks ahead everyone will be looking at the transition period and trying to determine whether the 27-month notice period really serves everyone's best interest or whether there should be some modification to it," Nordenberg said. "It was important to us that commissioner Swofford made clear right from the start the ACC would be comfortable with waiting for that period of time if that is the way that things unfold."
Yes, we see that Swofford really pushed hard for the 27 months. So he went 0 for 7. Here's hoping he goes 0 for 8 with Maryland. Maybe he'll have better luck with dubious bylaws.
Aug 13, 2013
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Short term on field results isn't what's driving these decisions, for the B1G anyway.

No...a knee jerk protection of Penn State from the avaricious ACC drove the B1G...according to several Big Ten AD's.
Aug 13, 2013
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Yes, we see that Swofford really pushed hard for the 27 months. So he went 0 for 7. Here's hoping he goes 0 for 8 with Maryland. Maybe he'll have better luck with dubious bylaws.

Blame the Big East...the Big East and their exiting members both got what they wanted...there is no BE suit....Why would Swofford push? It was a decision that he left up to the parties.

It was between the Big East and their exiting members....who both agreed that an early exit worked for both parties. what's hard to understand about that? And why would Swofford intervene?
Jun 14, 2012
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Short term on field results isn't what's driving these decisions, for the B1G anyway.

Not for the ACC either. Louisville has a long history of great basketball back to Denny Crum days in the 1970s. Football did well under Howard Schnellenberger to Bobby Petrino to Charlie Strong. Louisville provides long term historical success on the field and in long term future projections.
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