Geno being sued | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Geno being sued

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Stay Classy!
Oct 7, 2011
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That works for me when the parties are on equal footing. That's not the case for me here.

I believe Geno's statement over hers.

I have learned in life to always see all the facts before believing one party over another or to draw a conclusion. I hope that all facts lead to a full exoneration of Geno, for the good of Team USA and wbb in general.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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This case looks as weak as you can get.

>> In addition to suing Auriemma, she claims she's a victim of the "corporate culture of gender discrimination," which has prevented her from being promoted during her career. Hardwick's career with NBA security began in November 2002 as a senior security manager, but she had difficulty attaining a better job or being compensated for additional league work.

"It's our opinion that Mr. Auriemma took action in order to control and demean Ms. Hardwick," McLaughlin said.
He added that when Hardwick was informed she would not be retained by USA women's basketball for the London Games, she suspected the reason was Auriemma's influence.

Auriemma USA to the world championship in the Czech Republic, an event Hardwick attended in the same capacity she has worked in 2004 and 2008.

A USA Basketball insider said that USA Basketball's decision to take Hardwick off the security detail was based solely on her "inappropriate and unprofessional" job performance, not because of a problem with Auriemma. <<<

Sorry Nan. I think the gentler sex loses this one :)
Aug 24, 2011
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1. Some of the comments "defending" Geno are beyond idiotic. If you're going to defend him read the article at least and think. It is not suspicious that she didn't say anything in '09, because her allegation is she didn't suffer any consequences until now.

2. I have no idea what Geno did in a hotel room, nor whether he got involved in the decision not to assign the plaintiff to secuirty (much less that he didn't want her because of the alleged incident). But for those thinking there is a vast number of women who make up these charges for financial gain, you're nuts. Do some do that? Of course. Do some believe they are discriminated against for sexual harassment reasons when that is not the case? Also of course. But many, many women still keep actual incidents of harassment to themselves because they unfortunately feel like they are automatically blamed and judged if they come forwared with charges. LIke -- I don't know -- here in this thread.

3. None of that is to say Geno did anything wrong at any level. But you're just going to have to wait and see how things play out. And recognize you may have no more idea at the end of the day than you do now.


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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With all due respect, this is a civil matter, not a criminal matter. That's a huge distinction that flies in the face of the assertions you've put forward. Geno is not in Dominique Strauss-Kahn territory here and no judge will be requiring him to surrender his passport, nor any employer putting him on administrative leave.

And to lay out the dire scenario you just did and then cop-out on the legal ramifications by deferring "to JS and the other legal experts", is like pulling the pin on a grenade, rolling it into a room and being surprised when it goes off. Remind me never to get into the same lifeboat with you.

We have a man we've all viewed under a microscope for nearly thirty years. In all that time, there's not been even the slightest hint of impropriety of any sort. This, while working for, with and around women 99.9% of the time those thirty years. Nothing sexual. Nothing racial. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

We know little to nothing of Hardwick at this time. Her NBA performance reviews. Her history, if any, of other litigation.

Anyone can bring a civil claim against anyone else. The article states that the NBA had been besieged by multiple sexual harassment and discrimination cases for years. That suggests to me that the NBA is likely punch drunk from having to handle all these various claims and potentially become routine in their settling of same and Hardwick and others know that.. That perception could easily encourage frivolous claims to continue coming forward if opportunists perceive them as an easy mark.
I don't agree with your grenade assessment at all.

The legal issues are beyond me (and many of us). JS is a very skilled lawyer. All I was trying to do was to note the approach that organizations, overreacting from a public relations perspective or just being cautious, often take when accusations are made against an employee. I don't think it would be fair, but I've see employees put on leave while a situation is investigated and resolved.

This is obviously a serious matter. It will take time, money, and effort for Geno to clear his name. Even if he is on solid ethical grounds and legal grounds, the reality is that there was an accusation. Even if she says it was all a fabrication, the accusation is what will stick with some people. In short, I think Geno will be hurt at least a little.

Until the matter is resolved, which likely will be after the Olympics, USA Basketball has a decision to make. Maybe it is a no-brainer, but explicitly or implicitly, they have to make a decision.

I believe Geno and give him the benefit of any doubt. I hope whatever damage has been caused can be minimized.


Grand Canyon Knight
Aug 26, 2011
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I somewhat suspect that there is some truth in the "glass ceiling" part of her complaint. Which is far different from whether Geno was involved in her not getting the last assignment. Ultimately, short of multiple people lying under oath, that should be provable one way or the other. So, in the long run, would be whether or not she really did complain to her superior three years ago.

All of that could be true without the incident in the hotel happening exactly the way she claims. Except, unfortunately, for his reputation, she really doesn't have to prove exactly what happened.


Good Guy for a Dookie
Aug 29, 2011
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[*]She's suing for discrimination, not sexual harassment or sexual assault which is the alleged offense and foundation of the original claim. Why? Because the threshold of proof is much lower for the discrimination complaint. That signals it's all about the money and taking the path of least resistance to a settlement.

Sexual harassment and discrimination (based on sex, religion, color, race, and national origin), in the employment context, are covered by the same statute: Title VII (federal law). State laws are generally similar.

Retaliation is also covered under Title VII, but the threshold is slightly lower, in that it is more subjective as to what constitutes retaliatory conduct.

Employment discrimination cases are analyzed through the burden-shifting analysis of the McDonnell-Douglas framework.

So it is not accurate to say that the threshold of proof was lower for discrimination Han for sexual harassment. But this is a side point.
Nov 19, 2011
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Interesting that in the NY Times article 2 players on the team met with this woman the next day after the alleged incident took place and ratted out their coach for saying something deragatory about her? Are those players still on the team I wonder? That's gotta make for awkwardness going forward. Anyone want to bet the 2 players are not from UConn? This is a situation where Geno being Geno can backfire. Other players are not used to him and his style of humor.
Nov 22, 2011
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I have not been to the Russian city where this encounter allegedly occurred, but I have stayed at hotels in several Russian cities, and they are different from American hotels in this way - on each floor of a Russian hotel there is a paid attendant who sits at a desk in a central location, usually near the elevator. If Geno really made the pass, and then subsequently Kelley rebuffed him and yelled at him, it is likely there was an eyewitness (or at least an earwitness) to these events. I won't take this any further, except to make the point that saying that there was no witness (if it occurred at all) is presumptuous, and possibly false.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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I can't seem to get interested in the legal stuff. I don't think that the best case legal scenario results in a happy ending for the wbb program. He has been accused of sexual misbehavior.

What concerns me is that anything short of the plaintiff's admission that the whole thing was a huge lie will result in enormous damage to the UConn's wbb program, the university as well as damage to Geno's family.

I can't imagine that players, recruits and their parents aren't going to want answers, answers that, in some cases, can only come from the plaintiff. Answers that would be years in coming if at all.

Denials, lack of evidence, extended court dates, legal requirements etc. Will that be enough for a dad or mom?
A few things:

1. Is this situation worse than Geno's being publicly accused of being a racist after the ugly prelude to the accusation played out on national TV? A Hall of Fame coach stood up and said Geno was racist and there was no public apology yet African American players continue to come to UConn.

2. Geno is hot-blooded, not cold-blooded. If he did try to forcibly kiss Hardwick and she smacked him upside the head (rightfully so) so that it pissed him off, he'd find a way to retaliate immediately, not wait 3 years.

4. He works with and plays against people he doesn't like and who don't like him all the time. He didn't throw things at Rene Portland the few times he was forced to play her. He didn't try to retaliate against PHS & Tennessee or CVS for false accusations. Again, he's not a cold-blooded, "revenge is a dish best served cold" type of person. If he were, he wouldn't be friendly with CVS again, and he is. IMO, being called a racist is far worse than being accused of attempting to steal a kiss or ask for a security person to be reassigned.

3. I find it hard to believe Geno has that much pull with the NBA.
Aug 27, 2011
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I have learned in life to always see all the facts before believing one party over another or to draw a conclusion. I hope that all facts lead to a full exoneration of Geno, for the good of Team USA and wbb in general.

And then there's the trust you have in people based on their past actions which makes them more believable than others.

Geno has never done anything for me to not believe him 100%.


Nexus 6 Leader
Aug 26, 2011
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This case looks as weak as you can get.

>> In addition to suing Auriemma, she claims she's a victim of the "corporate culture of gender discrimination," which has prevented her from being promoted during her career. Hardwick's career with NBA security began in November 2002 as a senior security manager, but she had difficulty attaining a better job or being compensated for additional league work.

"It's our opinion that Mr. Auriemma took action in order to control and demean Ms. Hardwick," McLaughlin said.
He added that when Hardwick was informed she would not be retained by USA women's basketball for the London Games, she suspected the reason was Auriemma's influence.

Auriemma USA to the world championship in the Czech Republic, an event Hardwick attended in the same capacity she has worked in 2004 and 2008.

A USA Basketball insider said that USA Basketball's decision to take Hardwick off the security detail was based solely on her "inappropriate and unprofessional" job performance, not because of a problem with Auriemma. <<<

Sorry Nan. I think the gentler sex loses this one :)
She "suspects" the reason was Auriemma's influence! Suspects!

Taken off the security detail based on "inappropriate and unprofessional" job performance???

When Geno is fully exonerated, where does he go to get his reputation back?


Nexus 6 Leader
Aug 26, 2011
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2. Geno is hot-blooded, not cold-blooded. If he did try to forcibly kiss Hardwick and she smacked him upside the head (rightfully so) so that it pissed him off, he'd find a way to retaliate immediately, not wait 3 years.
Excellent point.
Nov 20, 2011
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People lie and boast for a variety of self-serving reasons. It brings to mind the “liar”comedy routine of Jon Lovitz. The routine is effective because there are people who operate in that mode. “Yes, Elvis tried to kiss me, but I showed him.” If I tell a lie in 2009 and then make a list of the people I told, does that make them “witnesses” in 2012? And if I were the subject of the lies and heard about it, would I be justified in not wanting to be associated with the liar?
I say bring out the hotel hallway security camera tape or drop it. If I was a security professional, I’d know to get the tape, or at least ask if one existed, to back up my complaint. No mention of this in the court document.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Folks, I ask you please not to speculate on what might have happened in 2009. Let's not create false scenarios.


Stay Classy!
Oct 7, 2011
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She "suspects" the reason was Auriemma's influence! Suspects!

Taken off the security detail based on "inappropriate and unprofessional" job performance???

When Geno is fully exonerated, where does he go to get his reputation back?

In the not to distant past I reported my Director for verbally abusing one of my employees while I was on vacation. I work in a "right to work" state and within two months I was fired for "job performance" issues in a job that I had been doing quite well for 5 years. I also "suspect" that I was fired as retaliation but I have no proof.

Let's not forget that there are two people fighting for their professional reputations in this case. I fully understand the desire to support Geno. I was very much the same in Kim's case when she said that she was sitting with parents at AAU games simply to be a good parent to her daughter, so I understand the desire to support the coach of your program, based on your knowledge of the coach as not only a coach, but also as a person.


Kait the Great
Sep 2, 2011
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Innocent until PROVEN guilty.

I have never heard of Geno doing anything in the past that would even hint that these charges against him are true.

How distressing that some UConn fans are giving even a small amount of credence to these allegations only 4 hours after the story was reported. I shudder to think of what the many who dislike Geno are discussing on-line.

There's no such thing as innocent until proven guilty in public opinion anymore. Look at Duke, those guys were hung before they were even given a trial. Kobe Bryant as well. In the public's eye, an accusation means you're guilty.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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Let's not forget that there are two people fighting for their professional reputations in this case.
This is true and if one reads the legal documents it is clear that the plaintiff had pre-existing conflict with her employer over job title, Director vs Manager, and pay when her title was raised to Director without the accompanying pay.

These would seem to raise questions as to whether her issues are, also, with Geno or whether he is being used as a tool to further her complaint with the NBA.


Stay Classy!
Oct 7, 2011
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This is true and if one reads the legal documents it is clear that the plaintiff had pre-existing conflict with her employer over job title, Director vs Manager, and pay when her title was raised to Director without the accompanying pay.

These would seem to raise questions as to whether her issues are, also, with Geno or whether he is being used as a tool to further her complaint with the NBA.

Which is very possible. And it is only natural to question each person's motives in a case like.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Let's not forget that there are two people fighting for their professional reputations in this case. I fully understand the desire to support Geno. I was very much the same in Kim's case when she said that she was sitting with parents at AAU games simply to be a good parent to her daughter, so I understand the desire to support the coach of your program, based on your knowledge of the coach as not only a coach, but also as a person.
And again I ask - how could Geno possibly exert enough influence over the NBA to affect its personnel decisions? Coach K from Duke I could understand as 1. he's coaching NBA players in the Olympics and 2. there's a chance that he may end up as a coach in the league some day. But Geno?
Dec 18, 2011
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life is so crazy, and this is TOTALLY OT, but my daughter was just diagnosed with cancer. I love the Boneyard and all, but maybe this is just much less significant than we are making it out to be. The facts will present themselves. I have never heard one single story from a current or past UCONN player that is negative in their experience with Geno, at least on a personal level. The allegations seem to me to be sour grapes.

As someone who is dealing with cancer myself, I totally agree. While this news is probably devastating to Geno and family, and certainly upsetting to us as Husky fans, it pales in comparison to news that your child has cancer.

I wish her the best and send lots of positive energy and good thoughts to her and to your family.


Aug 27, 2011
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Its a positive sign that other woman have not come forward with stories of unwanted advances; very positive.


Stay Classy!
Oct 7, 2011
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And again I ask - how could Geno possibly exert enough influence over the NBA to affect its personnel decisions? Coach K from Duke I could understand as 1. he's coaching NBA players in the Olympics and 2. there's a chance that he may end up as a coach in the league some day. But Geno?

Coach K is coaching NBA players and Geno is coaching WNBA players. I am not sure that I see the difference since both are affiliated with the NBA. The chances of coach K going to the NBA are about the same as Geno going to the WNBA.
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