Game of Thrones | The Boneyard

Game of Thrones

Aug 26, 2011
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Starts next week. Unashamed to say that this has become my favorite show after just finishing off the second season. Can't wait.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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I hope the writers can find some excuse for Danearys to take her shirt off. She managed to keep it on all of season 2, right?
Aug 28, 2011
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I cut the cable and aside from Boardwalk Empire withdrawals, it hasn't been bad. I am really going to be tested with no Game of Thrones. Best show on TV, by far. Every episode is like watching a movie, and the acting is fantastic.

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Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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The third book is the best of the series, so there is a lot to work with for HBO. HBO has been very good at capturing the essence of Martin's world despite having to axe huge parts of the books out. One of my favorite scenes in the entire series is the last episode of Season 1 when Varys and Baelish are looking at the Iron Throne and waiting for Joffrey. It is an absolutely brilliant scene that serves as a synopsis of the entire first season, and never happened in the book.

I had read somewhere that before HBO would start production, they made Martin provide an outline of the last two books in the series in case he never finished the books.
Aug 26, 2011
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This is true. I just read an article in Entertainment Weekly that basically said that.

The thing about this show is that under any other circumstance, I hate the whole fantasy genre. I couldn't stand Lord of the Rings. My girlfriend made me sit through the stupid hobbit movie and I slept through the first half.

Not with this show however. I doesn't even feel like fantasy, it's just as engaging as Mad Men or The Sopranos.

The acting is unbelievable. The child actors specifically, are beyond their years. Peter Dinklage is pretty amazing. Tyreon is probably my favorite character, followed John Snow, and then of course The Hound haha.

The third book is the best of the series, so there is a lot to work with for HBO. HBO has been very good at capturing the essence of Martin's world despite having to axe huge parts of the books out. One of my favorite scenes in the entire series is the last episode of Season 1 when Varys and Baelish are looking at the Iron Throne and waiting for Joffrey. It is an absolutely brilliant scene that serves as a synopsis of the entire first season, and never happened in the book.

I had read somewhere that before HBO would start production, they made Martin provide an outline of the last two books in the series in case he never finished the books.
Aug 26, 2011
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There was an article in one of the New York rags over the weekend that the author is in negotiations with HBO to do a prequel series set 100 years prior to the setting of Game of Thrones. It is supposed to set the background. No timeline for airing was mentioned.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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There was an article in one of the New York rags over the weekend that the author is in negotiations with HBO to do a prequel series set 100 years prior to the setting of Game of Thrones. It is supposed to set the background. No timeline for airing was mentioned.

That'd be fine and all, but jeez, I'd like to see him get back and finish the GOT books so this series can keep going.

I read that somewhere that HBO is readying a new series based on Neil Gaiman's 'American Gods' - if done right, a big if, that could be something interesting.


esta noche somos mantequilla
Aug 28, 2011
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i read all the books last summer and finished them in like a month. i couldn't put them down. can't wait for season 3 and to see people's reaction to a certain wedding
Aug 26, 2011
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i read all the books last summer and finished them in like a month. i couldn't put them down. can't wait for season 3 and to see people's reaction to a certain wedding

dude... spoilers suck. I think I'm done reading this thread.


esta noche somos mantequilla
Aug 28, 2011
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Well.... I read the EW article and your post. I put 2 and 2 together. It's only 50% your fault.
haha when i was reading the books it was really hard to not google people's names to learn more about them because i didn't want to spoil anything. the night is dark and full of spoilers.
Aug 26, 2011
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haha when i was reading the books it was really hard to not google people's names to learn more about them because i didn't want to spoil anything. the night is dark and full of spoilers.

I know, I sort of know what happens with J. Lannister. Right now, I am almost done with the first book and I will read up to the second one.
Aug 27, 2011
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Game of Thrones is terrific - I'd probably rank it the second best show on TV right now after Breaking Bad.

If you're thinking about watching it, I'd suggest waiting until the end of each season. There's so many storylines going on at once that it makes it easier to watch every episode in a row.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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I know, I sort of know what happens with J. Lannister. Right now, I am almost done with the first book and I will read up to the second one.

You don't lose much by reading the books ahead of time. HBO has to vary from the storyline because the main plot is so complex that it would take 20 hour long episodes to even attempt to replicate in a TV show.

I HATE fantasy most of the time. I generally find good vs. evil storylines boring, and magic is too big a trump card in the plot. Why read 1,000 pages of dwarves and elves when a wizard will cast a spell at the end and all will turn out all right? Martin is very circumspect in his use of magic, although it starts to become more problematic by Book 5.

More importantly, the plot in A Song of Ice and Fire is secondary to the characters. All the characters are so interesting that you just get lost in the world. You find yourself rooting for both sides. At the Battle of Blackwater, I was rooting for and against both sides. I was hoping for some way for Davos and Tyrion to win while Cersie and Stannis lost.

I think Book 4 is almost a test of what the reader will put up with, with almost nothing happening and one key character just walking around in circles for about 200 pages. I still enjoyed the book, although I am not sure how you translate that into TV.
Aug 26, 2011
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I HATE fantasy most of the time. I generally find good vs. evil storylines boring, and magic is too big a trump card in the plot. Why read 1,000 pages of dwarves and elves when a wizard will cast a spell at the end and all will turn out all right? Martin is very circumspect in his use of magic, although it starts to become more problematic by Book 5.

Those are my feelings exactly. Which is scary.
Sep 2, 2011
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I HATE fantasy most of the time. I generally find good vs. evil storylines boring, and magic is too big a trump card in the plot. Why read 1,000 pages of dwarves and elves when a wizard will cast a spell at the end and all will turn out all right? Martin is very circumspect in his use of magic, although it starts to become more problematic by Book 5.

Those are my feelings exactly. Which is scary.

Neither of you have probably picked up a fantasy book begun in the past 15 years (other than GRRM's of course). The genre has swung to the other extreme---to series like GRRM's Song of Ice and Fire series. The fantasy genre is no longer about clear cut good guys versus bad guys, but anti-hero after anti-hero story.
Sep 2, 2011
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You don't lose much by reading the books ahead of time. HBO has to vary from the storyline because the main plot is so complex that it would take 20 hour long episodes to even attempt to replicate in a TV show.

???? I found the first season BORING to watch because it varied not one iota from the book that I knew so well. The second season had a smidge of variation, which made it slightly less predicable and therefore much more enjoyable, but only a smidge of variation.
Aug 26, 2011
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Neither of you have probably picked up a fantasy book begun in the past 15 years (other than GRRM's of course). The genre has swung to the other extreme---to series like GRRM's Song of Ice and Fire series. The fantasy genre is longer about clear cut good guys versus bad guys, but anti-hero after anti-hero story.

I couldn't get past the first 15 pages of the first book of the "Wheel of Time" series. I am just not wired for fantasy.

I like science fiction though.

There is a great sci fi series going right now that alot of people are comparing to "Game of Thrones". Check out "Leviathan Wakes" by James S.A. Corey. It's science fiction without all of the boring science crap.
Sep 2, 2011
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I couldn't get past the first 15 pages of the first book of the "Wheel of Time" series. I am just not wired for fantasy.

I like science fiction though.

I am not surprised you didn't like it, based on your aversion to traditional fantasy novels, because TWOT is the quintessential traditional fantasy series: clear dichotomies between good and bad, prophecies, and a dollop of magic. I am an admitted fan of all that, but the likes of GRRM have taken over for now.

P.s. other than Arthur C. Clarke, never liked sci-fi literature. Not sure why, but there is a clear split b/w most fans of the two genres.
Aug 26, 2011
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I am not surprised you didn't like it based on your aversion to traditional fantasy novels because TWOT is the quintessential traditional fantasy series: clear dichotomies between good and bad, prophecies, and a dollop of magic. I am an admitted fan of all that, but the likes of GRRM have taken over for now.

I like what I have read so far. I think it's partially because it doesn't feel like fantasy to me. It's fantasy for cool people:)
Aug 24, 2011
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My favorite show on TV right now and nothing else even comes close. I rewatched Season Two a 2nd and a 3rd time waiting for Season Three. I cannot wait til the dragons start wreaking havoc. Dragons are too cool.
Sep 2, 2011
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That'd be fine and all, but jeez, I'd like to see him get back and finish the GOT books so this series can keep going.

Fat bastard's going to die before he finishes the series. He's crapped all over the fans that catapulted his series onto HBO---taking five years in between each book, while simultanteously expanding the over all expected book count---and he'll crap all over his HBO fans. I wish I'd never started reading him because he'll never finish it all. No way, no how.

Same thing Robert Jordan did with TWOT series, although Jordan at least had the excuse of unexpectedly catching a rare disease (which also happens to be the misdiagnosed disease in every other House episode--Sarkoydosis).


esta noche somos mantequilla
Aug 28, 2011
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i really liked reading the books because the POV chapters give you an insight into each character and makes them less good or evil, and more morally grey. except cersei. she's a bitch.

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