Fire PP (and GDL) Now before the USF Game Thread | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Fire PP (and GDL) Now before the USF Game Thread

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Aug 25, 2011
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So disgusted with this situation. Ranked preseason 119 out of 120 schools in 2002, the program took off. 2013? Postseason bottom 10 with a loss to an FCS school. Maybe winless. Send an email to Warde this morning.
Feb 4, 2012
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Dear Warde,

Lane Kiffin was fired in week 5 with a (3-2) record. Paul is (0-4) and has been given too many chances, now its your turn to make a move
Aug 26, 2011
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Enough is enough. PP and GDL need to get their walking papers on Monday.

Bill Sussman

My Name isn't really Bill
Nov 21, 2011
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My email to Warde (w/ Susan on CC this morning)

Dear Warde Manuel,
I have never been so embarrassed as a fan of UConn Football. I used to be one of the biggest supporters of this program and now I can barely bring myself to watch the games. I grew up in the heart of SEC country in a city called Roswell, GA. Everyone I went to high school with follows schools like LSU, UGA, Alabama, Auburn, Ole Miss, South Carolina and Florida. I used to be able to go home and talk up how great UConn Football was and how we could compete with the elite teams in college football. I used to be able to tell everyone that we were a young program but we were going places in a short amount of time. I used to be able to point to evidence – beating South Carolina, pulling off an upset against West Virginia (finally), beating Notre Dame (@ Notre Dame). Now the best I can do is change the subject and wait until basketball season.

Coach Pasqualoni is not your hire - any smart UConn fan knows that Jeff Hathaway is responsible for that hire. Without a drastic move though, he has become your guy. The results of the UConn football team the previous two seasons were disappointing (5-7; 5-7) but now we have reached the point of embarrassment. I am tired of hearing platitudes about how we can turn it around in conference play or the season is long. We are currently 0-4 with losses to Towson and Buffalo. If we can't compete at FCS level, the conference schedule will be a disaster even against our weakened conference.

I have been a season ticket holder since 2005 when I came up to the University of Connecticut as a Freshman. I have enjoyed some wonderful games throughout the years. The 4 OT game win against Pittsburgh, the game against USF in the snow, the Fiesta Bowl out in Arizona, the game against South Carolina in Birmingham, and many more. I have so many great memories experienced at UConn Football games. I also remember the hard times. I remember the day Jasper Howard was murdered on campus. As a fan, I cried for the loss of a young man that I got to know as a UConn Football program. I watched a team and a fanbase grieve and come together. The words are still up there in the football practice facility: “You have to play each play like it's the last play you'll ever play."

I woke up this morning – still disappointed about the loss – to the news that a major university had made a drastic coaching change and fired their head coach. It wasn't UConn who made this bold move. It was USC. Lane Kiffen wasn't even allowed off the flight home to LA before being let go. The verdict is in on Coach Pasqualoni. His time has passed and he has been a disaster at the University of Connecticut. Every single day that he is kept on as our coach, it tells me that the Athletic Department and the University accepts the results, feels that the right man is leading the team, and that the future of our football team is in serious jeopardy.
Fire Coach Pasqualoni.
University of Connecticut MBA Student
University of Connecticut Alumni (2009)
The UConn Club Donor (Husky Coach)
UConn Football Season Ticket Holder


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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If you keep PP for the rest of the season you are sending a message that is loud and clear to this fan base. UConn is not committed to putting a competitive football program together and have thus sealed our fate as forever being a mid-major program across the board. If you decide to do this I cannot see why it is worth my time to devote any of my resources to the football program when clearly you have decided it is not worth it for you to. Therefor I will turn my attention elsewhere to the basketball program and others. It really hurts to write that as football, especially college football, has always been my passion. However, I cannot honestly say I want to commit another dime to the football program should you decide that you cannot listen and see what the fans and players are saying.

Enough said.....
Jan 12, 2013
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USC just fired Kiffen, that's what quality programs do...It sends a message, that you (coach) are not good enough and our university and their fans deserve better.


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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what are they waiting for? The rock star has to see the writing on the wall. It's inevitable, there's no more evaluation needed, you have to end the misery for the good of all parties involved.

It took too long, but Warde finally did come around with respect to Kevin. He's just a few steps behind the rest of us :)


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Home run??? Hell, I'll take a ground-rule double!!! Anything other than whiffing at three straight pitches...
Manuel didn't hire "Coach" Pasqualoni, but you are giving the one who did too much credit. The proper baseball metaphor is three called strikes right down the middle.
Aug 29, 2011
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Never mind before USF, I want them both packed up and out of their offices by lunch today. It's been too long already.

I don't feel bad about it one bit either, these guys have pocketed a hell of a lot of money in salary over the past 2 years for what they've managed to do, and the head coach will get a nice severance check.

I honestly can't believe that they haven't packed up and left yet, and really, I bet the two of them can't believe either, that they're keys still work to the building. I'd have had the locks changed last night.


Adding Nothing to the Conversation
Sep 21, 2011
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So, Lane kiffin is fired on the Tarmac while he still has a winning record!

Our geriatric coach was welcomed home.

See a difference? One school cares about football, the other couldn't care less.
Aug 23, 2013
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So, Lane kiffin is fired on the Tarmac while he still has a winning record!

Our geriatric coach was welcomed home.

See a difference? One school cares about football, the other couldn't care less.

They pulled Kiffin off the bus, fired him and left his sorry ass right there, didnt even give him a ride home ! Thats how you fire someone of Kiffin's demeanor.
Aug 21, 2011
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This is just unreal and an affront to the crazies on this board. Dude never should have gotten a third year and after blowouts losses to Townsen and Buffalo....yes Townsen and Buffalo, this guy is allowed a fifth game this year? Gross incompetence and negligence
Aug 28, 2011
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Post here so Warde and the Horde hear us loud and proud

Warde, come on... Fire PP. He is destroying the UConn FB program. Warde, if you don't fire him NOW, are you trying to make UConn FB NAIA? With PP as coach, I doubt we could beat EO SMITH's JV team.
Aug 29, 2011
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I honestly don't know how to combat what's happening right now. The one person who's probably MOST surprised that he hasn't been fired yet, is Pasqualoni himself. This guy has been around long enough.

I am completely shocked that he hasn't been fired.

The only question really, at this point, is who's decision it really is to fire Pasqualoni and Deleone. You guy high enough in the chain, and it always comes to one person. I imagine that Manuel would have to consult with the university administration regarding the firing of coaches with size of the contracts that Pasqualoni and Deleone have, and I imagine that he would have had those discussions, with those people, a minimum of several weeks ago after Towson.

The complete lack of any action, is very, very worrisome.
Aug 28, 2011
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As a lifelong UConn Fan, I'm going to write a letter -- I would love to see anyone - yes even Lane Kiffin - here instead of PP and GDL!


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I'm hoping that Warde and Susan spent a few hours together this morning mapping out firing P on Monday vs waiting until Thanksgiving weekend with the final decision being made this evening.

There is obviously no way that P survives the season and Warde's track record (what he did in Buffalo his first year there) indicates that he will make sure that we hit the market early this year. the only question is who will be running the football practices for the next seven-eight weeks.
Sep 14, 2013
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Gotta say I was extremely disappointed to see the Bulls smack Connecticut like they did yesterday especially when my own Alma mater played then to 5OTs @ Buffalo a couple of weeks ago (at the FCS level). The kids are probably playing without any hope at this point. To lose to Buffalo for the first time in more than a decade and the first time since BCS football came to Connecticut is not acceptable and immediate actions needs to be made to make sure that the program and top administrators gets the message out to the casual fan base that this will be taken seriously. Ill continue to support Connecticut football, but coaches need to go. Immediate action should be taken, don't wait until the end of the season. It would benefit the fans, the players, and everyone else involved in Connecticut football and it can potentially save the little that is left of the season by giving hope to the players. C'mon Warde, or Herbst... Step up to the plate and make some radical changes

Lets go Connecticut Huskies.
Aug 26, 2011
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Dear Mr. Manuel,
I have been a lifelong UCONN football fan and am currently a student at UCONN. I have purchased season tickets to the football games all 3 years I have been at the University, my family has been season ticket holders for all except the first season UCONN played at Rentchler field and I plan on continuing to purchase season tickets long after I graduate.
We are at a pivotal point for all our athletic programs. Obviously we are basketball powers in both men's and women's college basketball but this will not be a given going forward. Without a desirable conference to house our football and basketball our future ability to compete with our peer institutions is in danger. Obviously a lot would go into another conference's decision to invite UCONN it all starts with UCONN showing it is willing to do anything needed to compete at the highest level in football.
Paul Pasqualoni has showed time and time again that he is not capable of coaching football at this level. His teams continually underachieve and he consistently shows he doesn't have the ability to make the right decisions on the sideline during a game. Whether it is his mismanagement of timeouts or his inability to make the in game adjustments needed to secure a win. His teams have shown they have the talent to stay in and even beat some of the top teams in the country, yet they appear unprepared and unmotivated against some of the weakest teams on our schedule.
At this point the entire University and fanbase is ready for a change. Firing Paul Pasqualoni now would show the fans and players that you are not giving up on this season, rather you understand the team is better than they have played and they all deserve more out of their head coach. This change needs to be made now so by the end of the season you can understand exactly what you in the rest of the coaching staff so you would have the ability to make the necessary changes in the offseason. Even though I will continue to attend all games I can say with certainty that is not the case with most other fans. Show everyone that you are the rockstar President Herbst promised with your hiring and make the change now your university needs.
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