Conference Realignment: Birds of a feather flock together | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Conference Realignment: Birds of a feather flock together

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Mar 30, 2012
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I agree on esp WVU where my nephew is an "02" grad...imagine even here in the NE were mad about the snubbing of WVU but NOT L'ville? L'ville fans like RU fans but so do WVU fans like the "hillbilly/guido" games lol and miss them but that was a TERRIBLE decision by you're conference leadership and leaving this gap in NYC metro where us and UConn could have locked it up really was a head scratcher up here!?! L'ville tried supplanting WVU to the Big12 and it almost worked!! Wheres this influence coming from in Ky? Ive heard the ACC knew what was going on with re to RU and the B1G and tried to rally ahead of the curve with the Pitt/SU move but UConn/SU would at least have made sense but Pitt? Somethings wrong with that picture up here to reasonable fans!?! Now I actually like Pitt and their fans but intellectually the move seemed ridiculously dumb to us. So much so that many have lost any respect we might have felt for the ACC!! VT may have some arrogant fans but I've yet to meet one.

The ACC should have focused on rivalries. UConn-Cuse and UConn-BC adds two all-sports regional rivalries and UConn-Duke and UConn-UNC adds more to basketball rivalry than Duke-Cuse no matter what ESPN says. Pitt is a great school and makes sense for the ACC if they had brought their rivals WVU in with them.

Rutgers was probably unobtainable for the ACC but UConn-Rutgers would have been the most valuable add, followed by WVU-Pitt, followed by Cuse-Lville.
Apr 7, 2012
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Good post +1 for you sir.

It feels to me like the ACC is always reacting to something that could potentially happen in conference realignment, but could just as easily not. Some might call it being proactive, but to me it feels like repeated miscalculation. They took BC years ago and then left them on an island geographically and culturally for a decade. They passed on UCONN, a flagship state school and basketball power, to take Syracuse and Pitt when all were available to them. Both of these teams have marginal fan support and national appeal(outside of SU BBall) and could never create demand in their respective states for any far flung potential ACC Network.

When you factor in the idea that the only other conference that might potentially consider either was The Big 12, you have to question what their motivation was? UNC/UVA could have strengthened the conference's football brand by allowing FSU/Clemson to have WVU, but cited inferior academics as a reason to keep them out. They then take Ville, a school with a worse academic profile then the Eers.

Finally they fell for the ND con job. The one where they get everything they want, and you get the privilege of giving it to them. Wait until the first ACC School gets knocked down the bowl ladder for ND's benefit. SMH. Very glad my school is not a part of this circus. I'd love to see your school grab UCONN and join ours in The B1G. Unlikely but it would be fun. Imagine the possibility of a neutral site game at Fed Ex, half Maroon/Orange and half Blue/White. Cool stuff.

Don't disagree with the first bolded statement but I would add they were always torn on other issues about how to properly react. Back in 2003 they were reacting to football now being the major driver in athletics and the need for a championship game in that sport in order to try and maintain their lead in conference payouts. If it were truly only about football though, their expansion back in 2003 logically should have been Miami, VT, and either WVU or SU. Instead, being torn about academics they decided to target Miami, BC, and SU. When they realized they couldn't get Miami without VT, they initially stopped at 11 and tried to get the championship game rule changed and failed. This resulted in BC being #12 four months later (for the invite) and a year longer wait than either Miami or VT.

In 2011, they were reacting to SEC expansion to 14 with TAMU and one other (possibly FSU or VT) and a terribly negotiated contract the year before that was being quickly passed over by the Big 12 and PAC since the year the ACC settled, ESPN and FOX were not negotiating together while the Big 12 and the PAC they did since Comcast/NBC enter the scene as a possible competitor. This resulted in both the PAC and Big 12 getting inflated TV contracts that their ratings did not deserve.

ESPN let it be known that they would renegotiate the ACC contract if they expanded, so the 2011 expansion had several goals - a buffer in case the league lost teams due to SEC or BiG expansion; a legitimate reason for ESPN to increase the TV contract somewhat; and make the league enticing for ND.

Which brings me to your second bolded point. Obviously, the ACC was in a position of weakness. But then so was the Big 12 at the same time when they were negotiated the same deal which would be for 4 games a year, with an annual game against Texas being one of the four. Considering this was from a position of weakness the fact that the ACC got from ND a 5 game deal (ND wanted 4, the ACC wanted 6); that ND had to cycle through all ACC teams and not have special privileges with Pitt and BC; that the tv contract went up again; got the GOR as a result of the ND deal; and that the ACC got in writing that if ND were to ever go full into a conference over the lifetime of the GOR it would be the ACC (perhaps meaningless since ND will remain indy at least until the end of the GOR and probably longer) isn't entirely bad for bargaining from a position of weakness.

Biggest issue with the ACC is really the CFB playoff/Event Bowl set-up and the fact that the ACC as a conference isn't conducive to a conference network similar to the BTN and SECN. And no matter how good UConn and West Virginia are, or how good Rutgers might potentially be, getting any one of them or two of them over SU and Pitt wasn't likely to change either of those factors.

Jun 8, 2014
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I could well be wrong here but my guess is that the SEC eventually wants a presence in both Virginia and North Carolina and Va Tech is their prime candidate for the state of Virginia.

UVa may be more desirable than Tech in that situation as well. Doubt that day really ever comes though, much like my far-fetched ideas of either in the B1G.
May 23, 2013
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No disrespect to you or Pitt, but they didn't beat us out for anything. Pitt does not have one commit currently who could land a PSU offer. Again no disrespect to those kids, who are likely good players, just a statement of the reality of our current state of recruiting. The player you are referencing was scheduled to camp at PSU next weekend. Guess what? So will a hundred other kids. Every school hosts skills camps. Kids go to learn a thing or two, and hopefully raise their profile to college recruiters. The majority of the kids that attend these camps will likely never step foot on a college football field.

Where I agree with you is that games still need to be played on the field. There are plenty of examples one could cite of teams achieving great success with lesser regarded recruits. That said there still remains a direct correlation between the skill level of recruits and the success of the programs they select. I am glad our program is trending back to where we were on the recruiting trail prior to the dysfunction and entropy of the 2000's.
Ldandy I'm not comparing Pitt to PSU because you can't? LOL But I just read about it so it was fresh in my mind(not to mention a rare event) and no doubt Franklin is a great recruiter. After rereading this post myself I don't know what was on my mind? Maybe hoping we can catch them before these last coupla recruiting classes kids develop and shock them lol!
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