Cochran is the starter | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Cochran is the starter

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Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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After watching that video, that was strange. Seemed like Diaco didn't want to hurt feelings.
I don't know about that. I think he wants for every player to contribute and compete, which means keeping a positive attitude/outlook. Since players are human they take their behavioral cues from the environment around them which means the coaches have to set the example of the positivity they want their players to exhibit.
Aug 27, 2011
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First major decision and he did not nail it. Hardly a confidence booster for a starter to look over his shoulder. Do not state that stuff in the press coach. Name a starter and SYFM.
HCBD man crushers, bring it on.
Not my favorite Diaco move. This seems like a bit of a gaff, but you have to expect some. He's a new head coach, and everything he's done so far vastly outweighs this small miscue. And, frankly, we don't know the dynamics at play and what he has said to the QBs. They may be very comfortable with that portrayal. If it was old regime, I would not think twice that they never gave a crap about the kids and played unhealthy head games. But, Diaco seems to know the value of buy-in and team building. If we gave PPGDL 3 seasons of hell, we can give Diaco a break before he hits the field.
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't know about that. I think he wants for every player to contribute and compete, which means keeping a positive attitude/outlook. Since players are human they take their behavioral cues from the environment around them which means the coaches have to set the example of the positivity they want their players to exhibit.

I guess that's one way to look at it. Never seen a presser like that before. I was hoping CC would win the job but the whole non key starter at qb but key back up at qb thing was strange IMO.


Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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The job is Cochran's to lose. Whitmer will only see time in blowouts or CC really stinks it up. I don't believe that 51/49 tong foolery.
Aug 29, 2011
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heres the youtube video from today's presser. Very well scripted and thought out by Diaco.

Wow Casey looks more jacked up compared to Chandler and has a crazy mullet too

I couldn't finish the video. Rookie head coach. Cochran as starter is a non issue decision. Name the starter and move on. If Cochran wasn't the starter some explaining would be necessary. Watching this was like watching Labron decision a few years ago. Unnecessary. We need the season to start. Bring on the fighting Mormons.
Aug 24, 2011
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I really hope that this is just an attempt at coach-speak. 51-49 won't work, and the presser wasn't exactly confidence-inspiring.
Aug 29, 2011
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Not my favorite Diaco move. This seems like a bit of a gaff, but you have to expect some. He's a new head coach, and everything he's done so far vastly outweighs this small miscue. And, frankly, we don't know the dynamics at play and what he has said to the QBs. They may be very comfortable with that portrayal. If it was old regime, I would not think twice that they never gave a crap about the kids and played unhealthy head games. But, Diaco seems to know the value of buy-in and team building. If we gave PPGDL 3 seasons of hell, we can give Diaco a break before he hits the field.

Good point. Whitmer might just end being the guy at QB late in a game, or Joseph Smith and all saints willing, late in the season, the guy that needs to lead the offense and the team to win and the promised land. He has got to be as mentally and physically ready as Cochran. If this thing was part of the plan to make that happen moving forward from whence we came , so be it. What is clear is that it's time to strap it up and play football.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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I really hope that this is just an attempt at coach-speak. 51-49 won't work, and the presser wasn't exactly confidence-inspiring.

Well honestly, do you feel confident about the QB situation? I'm OK with starting CC but I have no reason to expect he'll have a death grip on the position, though it would be great if he does progress this season to become the clear-cut, no questions top guy. I think that's what Diaco was getting at with "key starter" versus "starter". I don't think anyone can really claim CC is a "key starter" right now, though some wish he were. It is coach-speak, but it's primarily setting goals for improvement for his players over the course of the season. Pretty obvious what he was doing, at least to my ears.
Aug 27, 2011
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WingU-Conn said:
Tyler Lorenzen, aka Lorenzon, aka Lorentzen?

At least those all sound the same. Whitlock has been called all sorts of things. ;)
Aug 26, 2011
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Casey is a gamer based on evidence we have to work with. If he performs he is locked in, if he doesn't, coach has Whitmer confident and motivated. Honestly, I like this situation. Casey is a tough as nails, rise to the occasion type guy and we have a backup QB that is actually a pretty good QB rather than a walk on or a guy who should really be a TE or something.

Stay positive, coach is just trying to keep his key players engaged and feeling valuable. Chandler is always one play away. I like Diaco's strategy, hopefully it all results in good football and not a realization hat he's just a crazy whack job that never shuts up!
Aug 24, 2011
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Well honestly, do you feel confident about the QB situation? I'm OK with starting CC but I have no reason to expect he'll have a death grip on the position, though it would be great if he does progress this season to become the clear-cut, no questions top guy. I think that's what Diaco was getting at with "key starter" versus "starter". I don't think anyone can really claim CC is a "key starter" right now, though some wish he were. It is coach-speak, but it's primarily setting goals for improvement for his players over the course of the season. Pretty obvious what he was doing, at least to my ears.

I feel more confident than I have in quite some time.
Aug 30, 2011
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No bashing here but only the uninformed and those not following the program would have thought this would have gone any different or not known who the starter would be.
As for the 51/49 nonsense. Read closer and realize that it is stated as closer to 49% rather than 15% ...Not a stickler for stats but the fact is he meant and said the back-up would get a hand full of plays. Nothing close to half of them.,0,2443975.column

I hate it when alums post that cannot read, it does not look good for the school....

Diaco said the relationship between any starter and his "key" back up if one exists could result in a game rep ratio from 85-15% to 51-49% depending on a per game situation(s). Therefore you need to prepare for 51-49%. Its not just the Qbs.
Sep 23, 2011
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Diaco sat with all QB's by his side. Another reminder that more than one QB will be playing this season. #UConn
They should have the same number. So that the other team never knows who's in the game! Is that Casey? Oh it's Chandler! Fox just caught a 60 yd TD pass from Whitmer!


Is it 11:11 yet?
Aug 27, 2011
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First of all, Casey looks like he should be on musket duty at WVU games.

About really was an odd press conference. It's amazing to me that the local reporters don't pick up on this stuff. They just report "Casey is the starter". I know there is the whole beat reporter just reports the facts argument...but that's what blogs are for. If i hadn't have watched the video, I wouldn't have caught just how unique this announcement was.

From my standpoint...Diaco is very interesting to watch. His leadership style is very different than the Parcells....Edsalls of the world. My initial reaction is that he is more concernced that everyone feels warm and happy than he is to build a winning team. But....working in corporate thing that is very obvious to me is that the millennials or whatever they are colled today, are VERY different than baby boomers and gen X to manage. Being closer to their generation, I think Diaco is using a leadership approach that is more in tune with today's generation (you know...the generation where everyone plays and everyone gets a trophy).

It feels odd to me (being a 50yo guy)....but I would guess it feels right to the players. Time and results will tell.
Aug 26, 2011
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Well honestly, do you feel confident about the QB situation? I'm OK with starting CC but I have no reason to expect he'll have a death grip on the position, though it would be great if he does progress this season to become the clear-cut, no questions top guy. I think that's what Diaco was getting at with "key starter" versus "starter". I don't think anyone can really claim CC is a "key starter" right now, though some wish he were. It is coach-speak, but it's primarily setting goals for improvement for his players over the course of the season. Pretty obvious what he was doing, at least to my ears.

Again the starter is a non key player but the back up is a "key" player. Seemed like an awful lot of over explaining. To not hurt feelings? To keep Whitmer focused and sharp? IDK, but he is a first time head coach so, if that is as bad as it gets he is going to be great.


Mar 30, 2012
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I like it. This is college, the coach should be developing every player on the roster. In this case, Casey and Chandler are very close to one another, and with continued development Chandler might leapfrog Casey; or at least he might be the superior QB in certain situations, such as when you have to throw far downfield. I think it's good to give Chandler some reps in game conditions.
Aug 29, 2011
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Diaco said the relationship between any starter and his "key" back up if one exists could result in a game rep ratio from 85-15% to 51-49% depending on a per game situation(s). Therefore you need to prepare for 51-49%. Its not just the Qbs.

I didn't even get to any of this in the video, as I watched, I kept thinking to myself: "Why is he doing this? In my mind, I'm thinking it's not a good thing, and then he went on and on about each player strengths and building this weakness up and that weakness up to a strength, etc. etc. I stopped it about half way through. I'm ready for football, enough of this.......for me - name the starter and move on. In my mind, it's expected - a given, that the back up QB be argueably the most mentally tough and well prepared practice player on the entire team - more than the starting QB - really - that's the way football works.

Then I read here, and that's why the boneyard is so cool for me - to get other opinions - and it makes sense, coming from where we were, what these players went through - having their head coach sit up there in front of the cameras might be a carefully thought out process, so that a guy like Chandler Whitmer, who has been through everything he's been through - remains as mentally tough and dedicated in practices that he needs to be - through the course of his senior season. THat makes sense.

I still think that whole press conference was unnecessary, and way overboard, and I doubt that Diaco ever does something like that again - but whatever. Cochran is the starter, and Whitmer needs to be ready to be the starter at any time - and we might just need him at a very important time in a game - or the season - so he better be ready, and that's not a switch that gets flipped on and off like a light - he needs to be preparing every day, every week, even though he may never take a live snap in a game- that's football, and the QB position, and the mental toughness that goes with it. After the old timer approach to coaching these players went through, I think it makes sense that something like that press conference was something the players probably needed.

Which brings me, again in so many words, back to the point - the reps. I took the numbers, as I first read them here, at 51/49 to mean practice reps. I will be very surprised to see this offense shuttling in two QB's during games. I just don't see it. I agree that the message was probably closer in meaning to what you interpret - in that Diaco was speaking in general about the two deep rotation of players - all over the roster (i.e. LB's, DL's, RB's, WR's, TE's - etc. that the starter would probably get 85% of game reps, while the backups would be in 15% something like that. I would think the QB, and OL - are full time game players.

Anyway - all I care about is seeing the team come out next Friday night, and start playing the game again - playing UCONN football again. We saw some glimpses at the end of last season, but that's long gone. It's opening day, primetime television nationally on ESPN. We'll see how they do when the spotlight is on. Can't wait.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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The decision was the smartest one available. Whitmer is older so therefore more mature. He can probably handle being the back-up better than Cochran. From everything Whitmer has said publicly, it seems that he has really bought in to the team-first mentality. If he didn't, he wouldn't have come back to UCONN. He really deserves a TON of credit. He will be able to push Casey in practice and, should something happen (ex - injury), he will be ready to come up in relief. I truly believe that when Whitmer sees the field, he will be a bit better with proper coaching and OL play (hopefully).

But yes, Cochran should have been the choice given his play last season and how the team clearly responded to his leadership. They looked like an entirely different offense and, by that time, there was nothing to play for. That says a lot.



The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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First of all, Casey looks like he should be on musket duty at WVU games.

About really was an odd press conference. It's amazing to me that the local reporters don't pick up on this stuff. They just report "Casey is the starter". I know there is the whole beat reporter just reports the facts argument...but that's what blogs are for. If i hadn't have watched the video, I wouldn't have caught just how unique this announcement was.

From my standpoint...Diaco is very interesting to watch. His leadership style is very different than the Parcells....Edsalls of the world. My initial reaction is that he is more concernced that everyone feels warm and happy than he is to build a winning team. But....working in corporate thing that is very obvious to me is that the millennials or whatever they are colled today, are VERY different than baby boomers and gen X to manage. Being closer to their generation, I think Diaco is using a leadership approach that is more in tune with today's generation (you know...the generation where everyone plays and everyone gets a trophy).

It feels odd to me (being a 50yo guy)....but I would guess it feels right to the players. Time and results will tell.

Agreed, the millennials tend to have inflated self images, and are easily hurt. Years of schools/parents downplaying competition, downplaying grades, and replacing the concept of winners and losers with "everybody wins" has lead to this. That Whitmer almost quit shows it. I think HCBD is teaching them to be men, while trying to ensure that they both remain confident. He needs Whitmer to be ready if he's going to get through the season without burning Boyle's redshirt. I see this move about protecting Boyle by making sure Whitmer can do the job if Cochran is hurt or falters.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I didn't even get to any of this in the video, as I watched, I kept thinking to myself: "Why is he doing this? In my mind, I'm thinking it's not a good thing, and then he went on and on about each player strengths and building this weakness up and that weakness up to a strength, etc. etc. I stopped it about half way through. I'm ready for football, enough of this..for me - name the starter and move on. In my mind, it's expected - a given, that the back up QB be argueably the most mentally tough and well prepared practice player on the entire team - more than the starting QB - really - that's the way football works.

Then I read here, and that's why the boneyard is so cool for me - to get other opinions - and it makes sense, coming from where we were, what these players went through - having their head coach sit up there in front of the cameras might be a carefully thought out process, so that a guy like Chandler Whitmer, who has been through everything he's been through - remains as mentally tough and dedicated in practices that he needs to be - through the course of his senior season. THat makes sense.

I still think that whole press conference was unnecessary, and way overboard, and I doubt that Diaco ever does something like that again - but whatever. Cochran is the starter, and Whitmer needs to be ready to be the starter at any time - and we might just need him at a very important time in a game - or the season - so he better be ready, and that's not a switch that gets flipped on and off like a light - he needs to be preparing every day, every week, even though he may never take a live snap in a game- that's football, and the QB position, and the mental toughness that goes with it. After the old timer approach to coaching these players went through, I think it makes sense that something like that press conference was something the players probably needed.

Which brings me, again in so many words, back to the point - the reps. I took the numbers, as I first read them here, at 51/49 to mean practice reps. I will be very surprised to see this offense shuttling in two QB's during games. I just don't see it. I agree that the message was probably closer in meaning to what you interpret - in that Diaco was speaking in general about the two deep rotation of players - all over the roster (i.e. LB's, DL's, RB's, WR's, TE's - etc. that the starter would probably get 85% of game reps, while the backups would be in 15% something like that. I would think the QB, and OL - are full time game players.

Anyway - all I care about is seeing the team come out next Friday night, and start playing the game again - playing UCONN football again. We saw some glimpses at the end of last season, but that's long gone. It's opening day, primetime television nationally on ESPN. We'll see how they do when the spotlight is on. Can't wait.

Disagree with what I bolded. It was necessary to show team unity. Similar to the Patriots being introduced as "a team" before beating the Rams in the Super Bowl, this shows unity in the QB ranks. I think one thing we are all seeing is there is a real team bond here. From the speakers he's brought in to Six Flags day to the entire team buying into Coach Balis' offseason program, the guys seem to really have bought in to playing for the guys in the huddle and on the sidelines. Very refreshing.

But I agree with you, all I care about is next Friday night and seeing the guys hit the field.
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