I'm a Sky season-ticket holder. This is a pretty well-known fact in my social circle because it comes up in the context of "Where were you last Friday." "I was at the Sky game."
Thus, I have had numerous opportunities to observe the reactions of people who find out that I am a Sky Season ticket holders. Typically you would expect the reaction of "Oh, cool" or "That's fun" or some other polite acknowledgment of "I'm glad you do a thing you like to do". And you get that about half the time.
The other half the time you get a derisive laugh followed by one or more of these:
- Do you have a friend/relative on the team?
- Are you trying to pick up girls at the game?
- Do you just go because you're attracted to the players?
There's probably a few more that I'm forgetting. The common bond is that many people just can't believe that a 27-year-old straight male would pay to see women's basketball
because he likes women's basketball. So they ascribe some sort of ulterior motive to it. Not all of these people are sexist but many of them clearly are.
To me, that's the biggest issue facing the WNBA. So many people reject women's basketball out of hand, never having so much as watched a full WNBA game.
Vice and Grantland in the past few years both did "We Went to a WNBA Game" articles. These pieces treated attending a WNBA game as a strange adventure, but both, if I recall correctly, concluded that it was actually a fun time. I'm convinced many more people would like it if they gave it a chance.
My dad took me to local girls high school games when I was young. Our local HS was a fixture in the county playoffs in those years and the games were often exciting nail-biters. So I learned a young age that the women's game can be exciting, too. Most people don't get that kind of exposure, so they just accept the prevailing Sports Bro opinion that it's boring and move on.
My formulation to those Sports Bros is this: Do you like women? Do you like basketball? If the answer to both is yes, why not watch women's basketball? It's just basketball.
Steph Curry can't dunk and I think most people agree that he's a pretty exciting player, so the athleticism gap is not the whole reason people don't watch the WNBA. Some of it is pure indifference (e.g. basketball fans that spent their sports attention and $ on MLB in the summer) but I see a lot of active hostility/derision from sports fans. The WNBA is a thing that is socially acceptable to mock in sports fan circles.
I don't know how to change this. I love the "Watch Me" ad and I think they need to continue to play up the "Summer Hoops" angle and market this as the hardcore hoopshead's summer fix. The fact that NBA summer league broadcasts are gaining traction and the WNBA seems to be treading water is pretty sad.
*end rant