Revenue sharing is going to have a sizable impact on many schools, including schools in the P2 and it will certainly impact the ACC and Big 12 schools as well as the G5. I've included a tweet on spending by school and you can make your own conclusions about who can afford to pay athletes. For example, if Syracuse is spending ~$27 million per year on football, and they are making $30 million from the ACC media contract, how much are they going to pay players? The ACC media contract is ~$30 million per year and 20% of $30 million is $6 million. Can UConn afford to pay $6 million per year to players to keep up with the ACC? I would think so and I think UConn will match the pay from the P2 to basketball players as well.
CBS Sports had an article about this issue and it said that all colleges have administrative bloat in the athletic department that could be cut to help pay players. They cited Ohio St's AD which has 139 AD employees with salaries >$100k per year. Think executive, associate, assistant, deputy, senior... administrators. UConn's AD is very bloated and it looks like you shouldn't need as many compliance people going forward.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1791470949746848202|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=