Your judgements are not rational. Every positive prediction the last 10 years has fallen flat. I hope you are eventually right.
Why do judgments regarding sports need to be rational? (Isn't "fan" a derivative of fanatic?) When it comes to UConn Football, especially during what's been an admittedly dismal decade, I will always key on the positive--and the possible--even when a more sobering reality check might be called for. Since I attend virtually every home and away game, I want to do so with enthusiasm; always thinking the next prospect has potential and the next play will succeed. Whether you term that self-deception or pollyanna, it's what gets me through the season. The way I see it, it's a no harm no foul approach. You can treat my opinions as worthy of consideration or simply brush them aside. Either is fine with me.
As for this coming year, I do indeed think we have a better roster and a more cohesive spirit. Judge me later when results confirm or contradict that view.
And finally, as for your hoping I'm "eventually right", let me refer you to the "stopped clock theory"--which I also enthusiastically embrace.