Why a yearly Thanksgiving series vs UMASS makes sense | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Why a yearly Thanksgiving series vs UMASS makes sense

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Sitting on this Barstool talking like a damn fool
Nov 16, 2012
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I'll give Drew this, it's a creative idea to add a little buzz. Maybe UMass is the wrong choice with BC being the more obvious and more unlikely partner, but I like his thought process and the fact that he’s thinking outside the box. I still remember fondly when UConn and Kansas played back to back men’s and women’s hoop games on TV. A glorious Saturday spent drinking at Coaches, but I digress. If 1 site hosted all three events, every other year would be a little boost to the local economy, assuming folks would be interested in getting a hotel room for 2 nights and spending the weekend cheering on their teams. I wouldn’t do it on Thanksgiving due to family travel and Black Friday Christmas shopping, but any other weekend would be fine.
Aug 29, 2011
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Carl I am a young guy, 21 year old junior from NC so I don't really know the history of uconn. I just know part of the reason that there's these crazy rabid fanbases for colleges where i'm from is because they play local teams.

South Carolina opened against UNC this year and plays Clemson every year (which would be considered a regional rivalry game, that as of late has garnered some attention nationally), UF plays FSU, ECU regularly plays UNC, Duke, and State, etc. It's good to play these local OOC games because it helps grow the sport in your area. And to those that say we should be playing games in recruiting areas, how many players from MA do we have on the roster? Wasn't our best linebacker from MA this past season?

I think it's actually a good thing in the long run if we can help keep Umass alive in D1 and have them eventually join our conference again. I guess that's how I'm looking at it. Just imagine the scene it would be having us play a Hockey East game against Umass on Thanksgiving night at XL, bball game there the next day, and after splitting the first two events beating Umass in football in East Hartford and UConn running across the field to grab the trophy and celebrate while the band plays the fight song and the crowd erupts in cheers. After doing it for 5 years maybe BC and RU see how big of a success it is and they decide to make it an even bigger event by joining in.

Doing this athletics series is more than just playing Umass. It makes UConn football, and more importantly, college sports, an event for a whole weekend where people are usually with family and they can make a tradition out of going to these games. People are right when they say we don't have traditions at this level, but why be afraid to make them?

I figured. Here's the hard truth and quick history lesson.

Without the complete dysfunction of the Big East conference from about 1990-2010, UCONN football, and most likely it's entire athletic department, and by extension the university itself, is not where it's at, and we are most likely still on par with our long time new england state instutions like UMass, URI, Maine, UNH, Vermont. WHo knows - maybe hockey would be the dominant sport at UCONN had the Big East conference disbanded in 1991 and not started playign football. No other BCS conference (BCS begain in 1998 - out of a few iterations of similar concepts) would have given UCONN the opportunity we got to upgrade, and that offer came in 1997, and went into effect past point of no return in 2000.

So - without a doubt, we owe the vast majority of the credit as to why the institution has become the place it has, over the past 23 years, to the existence of the Big EAst conference, and our relationship with that conference. THat's the good. THe bad, is that by doing what we did, and playing the hands we were dealt the way we were dealt, we essentially gave up and then lost the concept of having rivalry in football. We gave up our long time rivalries to move. We navigated through different conferences and independance to joining the Big EAst a year early in 2004. THe programs we though we'd be playing all left. New programs came in.

Football scheduling and developing rivalry is a long term commitment. YOu only get 12 games a year, and 8 of those minimum need to be conference games. I bet that if you were to go back and look, that since 1997, we have not played one single program more than 6 or 7 times total. With the constant change in conference membership, we have different schedules every year, for 16 years, which means there has been no chance at all to build rivalry, let alone the kind of specific weekend each year rivalrly you are talking about.

Would I like to have it? What you describe? Yes. Absolutley, but UMass doesn't fit the bill, and the others that would, regionally, are in different conferences and don't have scheduling windows.

Therefore, for people your age, and even older, I would say - to about 30-35 or so, that have followed UCONN football, the concept of having a yearly rivalry game with anyone, is completely foreign. We reached for concepts like a rivalry with University of New Jersey, but they are now gone too.

So - that's the trade-off for making the upgrade, and joining the big boys, although we are conference affiliated, and have been, we are essentially very much like the independants remaining in 1A football, when it comes to being able to schedule a late November rivalry game in 2014-2015 and moving forward.

All of your ideas make perfect sense, and that's why it's kind of heartbreaking for me to read. BUt it's been laid out clearly, we do not have a conference affiliation, that would allow for regularl scheduling of such an opponent that you would like to see. If we do want to build such a late season scheduling arrangement with someone, it's either going to be a new conference member from scratch, or we need to pursue the indpendants that are always looking for late season scheduling, and the only two that make any sense would be Army or BYU, as I noted.

If UMass were to be such an opponent, they would have to rise up to our level, because we are not going back to theirs. To their credit, they're trying...but they are way behind, and it's not looking good.
Sep 23, 2011
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1. Both teams need a New England rival
2. Easy travel to Amherst (yes, this game should be played on their campus when they host it, and obviously in EH when we host it)
3. Now that UMASS basketball is respectable again, make it a sports series ( hockey game Thanksgiving night, bball game Friday night, football game saturday)
4. Make it a trophy game. Would be pretty cool to see our players holding up the trophy after kicking umASS
5. At least for now, saves an easier game for the end of the schedule after a tough stretch of conference games. Think about what the SEC does with most of their teams scheduling FCS teams the second to last week of the season.
6. Most students at both schools have friends that have gone to the other one. Incentive for students to travel and or show up to the home game over thanksgiving break

Boston College would be a more important rival on a number of fronts, RPI being a prime one. However UMASS would be a better
team to schedule than Buffalo or a Towson State.
Oct 6, 2013
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UMASS......NO, NO NO, NO, NO NO...............
Maybe as the secomd game of the season every year as an OOC if we already have 3 p5 schools scheduled.
Thanksgiving....More amenable to developing either BC series, though I doubt they would have the stones to schedule a game....and keep the Rutgers series alive and call it the NY BOWL...home and home every year.with one game every 5th year in the Bronx...
we do have 32K alumni in Manhattan et al.
Sep 23, 2011
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Maybe as the secomd game of the season every year as an OOC if we already have 3 p5 schools scheduled.
Thanksgiving....More amenable to developing either BC series, though I doubt they would have the stones to schedule a game....and keep the Rutgers series alive and call it the NY BOWL...home and home every year.with one game every 5th year in the Bronx...
we do have 32K alumni in Manhattan et al.
Like the idea of a Rutgers Rivalry - Also keeps us tracking with B1G, Penn State also. More visibility when recruiting NJ & PA


Aug 26, 2011
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On a cold Saturday after thanksgiving there are a million other things if rather get up for than UMass (say, a league game with meaning). I'd tolerate it more as a home opener. BC/Rutgers are much better suggestions, but until they are on the schedule...
Aug 29, 2011
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University of New Jersey scheduling an annual game with UCONN would be a good thing. Just for a stability and scheduling standpoint, as well as the other reasons mentioned. It's be shocked if it were to happen though. Just not realistic, to expect any program that is in a conference, to agree to schedule a regular out of conference game late in the season. Independants? Different story, but Notre Dame is not coming, and Idaho, and New Mexico St? No thanks. Navy will be in our conference, and they would be an intriguing matchup for the last weekend of November, but they already have Army scheduled for their last game of the season every year, so they are probably not having any more rigidity in their schedule. That leaves Army and BYU - who are already signed up for 2 game series each. I personally, would be happy with an annual, regular BYU or Army game in late November.

The problem with these ideas, involving BC, New Jersey, or any other conference affiliated program, including UMass, is that with now a group of over extended, large conferences, there just isn't enough scheduling windows. The Big 10 is going to a 9 game conference scheduling format if I'm not mistaken. That leaves 3 Saturdays open each season for them to scheduled out of conference. I'm not sure how the American conference will go with scheduling, I hope they remain at an 8 game format, and it's essential that we maintain a round robing format such that every year we are playing at least one game in Florida, Texas, and either Louisiana/Oklahoma/Tennessee. The recruiting advantages that gives us as an individual program, and for the programs within the conference, to be able to schedule games that way, and vice versa, for those southern programs to come north, and still be able to promise playing at home every year, and on TV every week is huge.

Frankly - given the way the money situation shakes out over the next 6 years or so, the extended success of everything, of inking a deal that is in the neighborhood it should be in when it comes to cash flow - and sports broadcasting revenue, depends on our ability to successfully recruit and and generate winning programs in this conference that draw people and their short attention spans.
Aug 26, 2011
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Years ago, during the Marcus Camby era a hue & cry for a hoops game developed. It may soon develop again as UMass is fast becoming relevant in hoops.
As of today, and for several more years, there is no demand for UConn & UMass to play football on a regular basis.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Navy will be in our conference, and they would be an intriguing matchup for the last weekend of November, but they already have Army scheduled for their last game of the season every year, so they are probably not having any more rigidity in their schedule. That leaves Army and BYU - who are already signed up for 2 game series each. I personally, would be happy with an annual, regular BYU or Army game in late November.

ARMY/NAVY was played in mid December. Which is at least one week after the rest of FBS football school have completed their schedule. I think its been that way for a while.
Aug 26, 2011
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UMass will always be there. No rush. I think the Thanksgiving Rivalry set up would fail simply because the students don't seem to attend those Thanksgiving weekend games.

I would give Rutgers some time. They will be happy in their new home, but there isn't another school in that conference that will perceive them as a rival. They may opt to make a traditonal opponent like us as a fixture on their OOC.

I would bet that barring an encounter in a bowl, that we will play BC before SU will ever schedule us. Pitt was never a rivalry, we dominated them but they didn't seem to care.

If we can't get Rutgers then my next choice would be WVU.

In conference, I think UConn and Cincy has potential.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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I would give Rutgers some time. They will be happy in their new home, but there isn't another school in that conference that will perceive them as a rival. They may opt to make a traditonal opponent like us as a fixture on their OOC.

Maryland...if only because they enter the conference at the same time. And the distance between the two schools is driveable.
Aug 26, 2011
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Maryland...if only because they enter the conference at the same time. And the distance between the two schools is driveable.

I doubt Maryland will want them as a rival.


Its a post, about nothing!
Jun 19, 2013
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I figured. Here's the hard truth and quick history lesson.

Without the complete dysfunction of the Big East conference from about 1990-2010, UCONN football, and most likely it's entire athletic department, and by extension the university itself, is not where it's at, and we are most likely still on par with our long time new england state instutions like UMass, URI, Maine, UNH, Vermont. WHo knows - maybe hockey would be the dominant sport at UCONN had the Big East conference disbanded in 1991 and not started playign football. No other BCS conference (BCS begain in 1998 - out of a few iterations of similar concepts) would have given UCONN the opportunity we got to upgrade, and that offer came in 1997, and went into effect past point of no return in 2000.

So - without a doubt, we owe the vast majority of the credit as to why the institution has become the place it has, over the past 23 years, to the existence of the Big EAst conference, and our relationship with that conference. THat's the good. THe bad, is that by doing what we did, and playing the hands we were dealt the way we were dealt, we essentially gave up and then lost the concept of having rivalry in football. We gave up our long time rivalries to move. We navigated through different conferences and independance to joining the Big EAst a year early in 2004. THe programs we though we'd be playing all left. New programs came in.

Football scheduling and developing rivalry is a long term commitment. YOu only get 12 games a year, and 8 of those minimum need to be conference games. I bet that if you were to go back and look, that since 1997, we have not played one single program more than 6 or 7 times total. With the constant change in conference membership, we have different schedules every year, for 16 years, which means there has been no chance at all to build rivalry, let alone the kind of specific weekend each year rivalrly you are talking about.

Would I like to have it? What you describe? Yes. Absolutley, but UMass doesn't fit the bill, and the others that would, regionally, are in different conferences and don't have scheduling windows.

Therefore, for people your age, and even older, I would say - to about 30-35 or so, that have followed UCONN football, the concept of having a yearly rivalry game with anyone, is completely foreign. We reached for concepts like a rivalry with University of New Jersey, but they are now gone too.

So - that's the trade-off for making the upgrade, and joining the big boys, although we are conference affiliated, and have been, we are essentially very much like the independants remaining in 1A football, when it comes to being able to schedule a late November rivalry game in 2014-2015 and moving forward.

All of your ideas make perfect sense, and that's why it's kind of heartbreaking for me to read. BUt it's been laid out clearly, we do not have a conference affiliation, that would allow for regularl scheduling of such an opponent that you would like to see. If we do want to build such a late season scheduling arrangement with someone, it's either going to be a new conference member from scratch, or we need to pursue the indpendants that are always looking for late season scheduling, and the only two that make any sense would be Army or BYU, as I noted.

If UMass were to be such an opponent, they would have to rise up to our level, because we are not going back to theirs. To their credit, they're trying...but they are way behind, and it's not looking good.

I understand what you're saying, but I think it's important to us (and quite frankly could be a very beneficial money maker for us) if Umass is able to make it in D1. Obviously I would rather play Boston College, but they won't schedule us. So you know what? duck them. Make them less of a deal in their state than they already are and make a fun SERIES (not just football) like this with Umass and when they see how its a success and that people in New England want to see their teams play other New England schools we can add them and RU to the series and play it all at a neutral site or something (NYC, Boston, Hartford). There's no point in sitting there begging Boston Freaking College to play us in anything. Let $ talk and if a UConn/Umass hockey/basketball/football series in November every year makes money (which I really think it would, maybe try to cut a deal with SNY to cover the whole thing) then they'd be stupid to not do it because it earns them more money. We make 2 mil a year from our conference. We gotta try to come up with some other way to bring in revenue.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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Years ago, during the Marcus Camby era a hue & cry for a hoops game developed.

And when they scheduled the game, no one showed up.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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I doubt Maryland will want them as a rival.

At the end of the day, the institutions really don't get to pick. Rivalries are not born out of want to...They are born organically out of:
1) Fan passion (Neither school seems to have it even when they are good...those seasons will be fewer and farther between now)
2) Close, well played games that can go either way and year after year.
3) Success. It remains to be seen if either can pull themselves away from challenging Indiana for perpetual Big 10 doormat. Don't point to Bowl games. Rutgers went 6-6 in a mediocre AAC. Maryland went 7-5 vs. an equally (maybe slightly better than) mediocre ACC and got schooled by Marshall in the Military bowl.
Aug 29, 2011
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I get the concept here and in theory I agree with it. But I think it is a bit early in the process from UMass's perspective for this deal. They need to have at least modest success. They also need a campus home, for this to work, I think. And at least initially, I'd want to do 3-2 or 6-4 home-away depending on how it is scheduled. The idea of playing it at a neutral site, forget that. this might be more of a kickoff/early season game at least initially. As far as a late season rivalry game, who knows. the good thing about Rutgers was it developed sort of organically. Nobody planned it to be the rivalry it became. And that's how most good ones eventually develop unless they go back 100 years. Good games, controversial games, upsets, wild finishes...For such a short series, UConn-Rutgers had all of the above.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Yeah, because you needed to take out a home equity loan to afford a ticket to that first renewal to the rivalry.
Wasn't it also played a year too late? No Ray? No Marcus?
Aug 26, 2011
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At the end of the day, the institutions really don't get to pick. Rivalries are not born out of want to...They are born organically out of:
1) Fan passion (Neither school seems to have it even when they are good...those seasons will be fewer and farther between now)
2) Close, well played games that can go either way and year after year.
3) Success. It remains to be seen if either can pull themselves away from challenging Indiana for perpetual Big 10 doormat. Don't point to Bowl games. Rutgers went 6-6 in a mediocre AAC. Maryland went 7-5 vs. an equally (maybe slightly better than) mediocre ACC and got schooled by Marshall in the Military bowl.

The fan passion has to happen in both directions. It might be there on the Rutgers side, but I sincerely doubt that Maryland will reciprocate.That's what I mean. Penn State has been in the B1G for a couple of decades now, and they really don't have an established rival. Some say MSU is theirs but it doesn't really pass the smell test.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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Wasn't it also played a year too late? No Ray? No Marcus?

No dice. Was there a true clamor for these schools to play or not? The answer turned out to be not.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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The fan passion has to happen in both directions. It might be there on the Rutgers side, but I sincerely doubt that Maryland will reciprocate.That's what I mean. Penn State has been in the B1G for a couple of decades now, and they really don't have an established rival. Some say MSU is theirs but it doesn't really pass the smell test.

We'll see. Who is the home team over the next few years? Edsall's teams seam to play up/down to the talent of their opponent. If they play a back and forth contest in Piscataway next year (That joke is way too easy. Is that the reason no one does it?), I can see Rutgers fans invading College Park in '15. You are right though it may take a few more years on Maryland's end.
Aug 26, 2011
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We'll see. Who is the home team over the next few years? Edsall's teams seam to play up/down to the talent of their opponent. If they play a back and forth contest in Piscataway next year (That joke is way too easy. Is that the reason no one does it?), I can see Rutgers fans invading College Park in '15. You are right though it may take a few more years on Maryland's end.

I doubt Edsall will be the Maryland coach after next season. Even if a rivalry developed, it wouldn't preclude them from seeking out an OOC rival that is close by.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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No dice. Was there a true clamor for these schools to play or not? The answer turned out to be not.
Dicky V...every game he announced that year. Apparently he thought it was 1971 and Juniors weren't allowed to declare for the NBA.
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