Who's worse, the SUN or the Storm? | The Boneyard

Who's worse, the SUN or the Storm?

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Sep 2, 2011
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Last nights game was very difficult to watch. Why KLM isn't playing is a mystery to me.......Neither team can shoot or finish around the basket or shoot the 3 ball. Both coaches have a lot to answer to their management and fans why they are playing so poorly. Playoffs are not in either teams near term future. KML can learn while playing........
Jan 29, 2012
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CT Sun are worse off they have Anne Donovan, nothing can be worse than that!
Sep 2, 2011
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The SUN will struggle for the remainder of the season.........I wish them well, but they have zero players who can shoot the ball. Outside of Kelly Faris, they have no players who have won at any level. When they traded Tina, Renee Kalana away, they were in trouble. AD has an anti-UCONN attitude and it will cost her in the end with the SUN.......


Queen of Queens
Aug 26, 2011
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Really? An anti-UConn bias.
Who did Anne win a National Championship with?
Who did Anne win a WNBA championship?
Tina demanded a trade.
Kalana is not in the league at the moment.
Renee has had a spotty career at best.
And the Sun are plagued with injuries.

Both the Sun and Seattle were expected to struggle. Not sure why you're surprised.
Jan 29, 2012
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Really? An anti-UConn bias.
Who did Anne win a National Championship with?
Who did Anne win a WNBA championship?
Tina demanded a trade.
Kalana is not in the league at the moment.
Renee has had a spotty career at best.
And the Sun are plagued with injuries.

Both the Sun and Seattle were expected to struggle. Not sure why you're surprised.

ThisJustin- - -jsjoanjr was not saying which players were having great careers, she stated Anne Donovan has a UCONN bias and I agree with her! Yes there was a UCONN grad at PG but the UCONN grad at Seattle when AD was there was Sue Bird, and if AD tried to get rid of Sue she would have been run out of Seattle, tarred and feathered! Every pro spot AD has been at she's screwed the UCONN alum there! Tina did ask for a trade and Ashja Jones wouldn't play for her but they realized that playing under AD was the BATAAN DEATH MARCH for their career!
Anne Donovan in trading Tina away, said she wanted people that wanted to win and wanted to pay the price! Why couldn't she take the positive way out and just thank Tina for her time in CT? (AD also tore Kara Lawson down when she traded her to Washington, she could have taken the positive way out but choose the NASTY, INSULTING way out!)
While at Seattle ex-UCONN player Barbara Turner was on the team! BT was playing in Europe, AD contacted her and told her training camp started in 2 days and BT better be there! BT quit the Euro team to come to Seattle and 2nd day of camp AD cut her! BT was sued by her Euro team for breaking the contract!
AD is a mean, nasty human being that deserves no respect on her coaching career! And before you bring up Seattle's WNBA title and the Olympics, YOU could have coached either to those Championships! They were loaded with talent!
And IMHO if Mike Thibault was still the Head Coach of the Sun the last 3 years with the same talent he would have had a playoff spot each year where AD missed 2 and will miss her third this season! Hopefully her last in CT!
She must be getting sadistic pleasure out of keeping Kelly Faris from getting playing time!
Mike Thibault in every vote by league GM's is voted in the top 3 coaches in the WNBA! AD wouldn't win in a Junior High League! She has NEVER developed talent! Where she's won she already had a talented team in place!


Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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someone needs to get Anne on the phone to answer some of these questions
Aug 26, 2011
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If the Sun had Chiney it would be a different story. I love the Sun and feel next year will be a great year. As a UConn season ticket holder I personally don't care about loading up with UConn players unless they are premier starter quality.
Aug 26, 2011
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ThisJustin- - -jsjoanjr was not saying which players were having great careers, she stated Anne Donovan has a UCONN bias and I agree with her! Yes there was a UCONN grad at PG but the UCONN grad at Seattle when AD was there was Sue Bird, and if AD tried to get rid of Sue she would have been run out of Seattle, tarred and feathered! Every pro spot AD has been at she's screwed the UCONN alum there! Tina did ask for a trade and Ashja Jones wouldn't play for her but they realized that playing under AD was the BATAAN DEATH MARCH for their career!
Anne Donovan in trading Tina away, said she wanted people that wanted to win and wanted to pay the price! Why couldn't she take the positive way out and just thank Tina for her time in CT? (AD also tore Kara Lawson down when she traded her to Washington, she could have taken the positive way out but choose the NASTY, INSULTING way out!)
While at Seattle ex-UCONN player Barbara Turner was on the team! BT was playing in Europe, AD contacted her and told her training camp started in 2 days and BT better be there! BT quit the Euro team to come to Seattle and 2nd day of camp AD cut her! BT was sued by her Euro team for breaking the contract!
AD is a mean, nasty human being that deserves no respect on her coaching career! And before you bring up Seattle's WNBA title and the Olympics, YOU could have coached either to those Championships! They were loaded with talent!
And IMHO if Mike Thibault was still the Head Coach of the Sun the last 3 years with the same talent he would have had a playoff spot each year where AD missed 2 and will miss her third this season! Hopefully her last in CT!
She must be getting sadistic pleasure out of keeping Kelly Faris from getting playing time!
Mike Thibault in every vote by league GM's is voted in the top 3 coaches in the WNBA! AD wouldn't win in a Junior High League! She has NEVER developed talent! Where she's won she already had a talented team in place!

Just curious if you ever met her since you call her mean and nasty. She happens to be one of the nicest coaches I've ever met.

Sadistic pleasure out of keeping Kelly Faris from getting playing time? Are you freaking kidding me? Have you watched Kelly play offense? This isn't college basketball anymore. Stricklen is out playing her and getting the minutes, period.

So sick of this nonsense. Did you mention Kalana Greene thrived and had her best stats for Anne in New York?

She has never developed talent....she turned Lauren Jackson into one of the greatest players in league history by developing her inside and outside game.

Why aren't you screaming for Boucek to be fired for sitting KML?
Aug 26, 2011
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Last nights game was very difficult to watch. Why KLM isn't playing is a mystery to me..Neither team can shoot or finish around the basket or shoot the 3 ball. Both coaches have a lot to answer to their management and fans why they are playing so poorly. Playoffs are not in either teams near term future. KML can learn while playing...

She is not ready, period. Tell me, why wouldn't Boucek play her if she gave them a better chance to win than O'Hea?
Aug 26, 2011
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The SUN will struggle for the remainder of the season....I wish them well, but they have zero players who can shoot the ball. Outside of Kelly Faris, they have no players who have won at any level. When they traded Tina, Renee Kalana away, they were in trouble. AD has an anti-UCONN attitude and it will cost her in the end with the SUN..

Alex Bentley's 23 points in the all-star game on those threes was a fluke, right? She's sick so not hitting well.

Stricklen on the other hand, has 20 threes in her last games. She is on fire.
Aug 26, 2011
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The Sun is a very young team, playing without 2 of their better players, Chiney and Hightower. They are 9-9, and really have been "out" of only 1 game this year, when they lost to Chicago by 20. They have shown that they can play with most of the teams in the league. With experience, and the return of Chiney and Hightower, they will be good. 7 of their 9 losses have been by an average of just over 5 points. In last night's loss to Indiana, they led by 2 after 3, only to get beaten badly in the 4th by a much more experienced team.
RSHERM: I think your wrestlers must have put you in a few too many headlocks.
Aug 26, 2011
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I've really enjoyed watching the Sun this year. Bentley is truly one of the best young talents out there. Next year with Hightower and Chiney should be special.
Aug 26, 2011
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I expect both the Sun and the Storm to be in the Stewie sweepstakes.

The only reason that I'm mildly rooting for the Sparks at the moment
is in hopes that they make the playoff. (and I think they will now that
Parker is back)

The last thing I want to see is Stewie playing in LA.


Sep 6, 2011
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"Really? An anti-UConn bias. Who did Anne win a National Championship with?"... unless I missed something, there was no UConn tie to her NC in college, was there?...

"Just curious if you ever met her since you call her mean and nasty. She happens to be one of the nicest coaches I've ever met..." Maybe, but have you ever played BB for her? OK, these are not college kids any more, they are human, they are allowed to have flaws... but given their pedigree, you would wonder how she managed to bring out the bad side of players who a) played for and dealt with a coach as tough and demanding as Geno, and b) did it with more grace than most atheletes today. And you are welcome to present evidence to the contrary, but the players still seemed to handle this better than Anne did, or at least that's how it looks publicly. She should have just said "thanks but we are moving in a different direction," and left it at that. I'm thinking that if that was how she handled THAT situation, she won't have that little extra needed to nudge a team like the Sun to the championship. In any event, she certainly did not come across as "one of the nicest coaches."

And how years is fair to give her? Any number of teams can claim injuries, young players, etc etc, in any given year. Coach T got 10 years try to win a championship. Surely, you should get less if you cannot even get into the playoffs... and of course, she was not brought in to simply make the playoffs.

But the season is young...
Jul 19, 2014
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I've really enjoyed watching the Sun this year. Bentley is truly one of the best young talents out there. Next year with Hightower and Chiney should be special.

I agree. Except for the Chicago blow out the Sun have hung in there every game. They're playing hard for their coach and each other which is a great thing to see.

Now if they could just improve their shooting percentage- both from the floor and free throw line.
Aug 26, 2011
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I agree. Except for the Chicago blow out the Sun have hung in there every game. They're playing hard for their coach and each other which is a great thing to see.

Now if they could just improve their shooting percentage- both from the floor and free throw line.
good point about the foul shooting. Bone and Alyssa Thomas get to the line most, and are shooting a combined 67%. there may be a couple of wins right there in their close games.
Aug 26, 2011
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I expect both the Sun and the Storm to be in the Stewie sweepstakes.

The only reason that I'm mildly rooting for the Sparks at the moment
is in hopes that they make the playoff. (and I think they will now that
Parker is back)

The last thing I want to see is Stewie playing in LA.
If you are a devout Sun fan as some of us are, the Sun will not be in that lottery. The Seattle team has the best bet with a whole lot of West teams. Just wish (as a fan) that people would stop downgrading the Sun players, coaches , etc. The Sun are not UConn but a professional league. Kelly Faris (right now) does not deserve to play over anybody else on the Sun but Lacy maybe. I loved watching Kelly for 4 years but I feel like all the other spectators that moan when she doesn't get aggressive and shoot. That's not Ann Donovan's fault. Ann drafted Kelly over the All Star Bentley. She knew she made a mistake and they grabbed Bentley back in a steal trade. I love my Connecticut Sun!
Jul 19, 2014
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good point about the foul shooting. Bone and Alyssa Thomas get to the line most, and are shooting a combined 67%. there may be a couple of wins right there in their close games.

Yes that's my thinking as well, especially those one point losses. I see no reason why players can't shoot at least 85% from the free throw line- it isn't like they have to set up their shot while going up against a defender.

There is a reason why they are called free throws. ;)
Jul 19, 2014
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If you are a devout Sun fan as some of us are, the Sun will not be in that lottery. The Seattle team has the best bet with a whole lot of West teams. Just wish (as a fan) that people would stop downgrading the Sun players, coaches , etc. The Sun are not UConn but a professional league. Kelly Faris (right now) does not deserve to play over anybody else on the Sun but Lacy maybe. I loved watching Kelly for 4 years but I feel like all the other spectators that moan when she doesn't get aggressive and shoot. That's not Ann Donovan's fault. Ann drafted Kelly over the All Star Bentley. She knew she made a mistake and they grabbed Bentley back in a steal trade. I love my Connecticut Sun!

I love them both but I see no reason for the Sun to draft or sign UConn players unless they can help the team win. The Sun isn't the UConn Alumni Team, they are the Connecticut Sun.

With respect to Kelly Faris, I really believe her major problem is lack of confidence in her ability to shoot. The Stars left her wide open all game long last night because they knew she wouldn't try to shoot the ball.


Tobacco Road Gastronomer
Aug 26, 2011
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The Storm lost again tonight..... to the lowly Stars... the same Stars team that the Sun monkey stomped by 30 earlier in the week. Im just saying :rolleyes:
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