Icebear! You beat me too it! I had that joke all ready. Good one.I expect Geno, Chris, Shea, Marissa, Stef, Bria, KML, Kiah, Brianna, Morgan, Breanna, MoJeff, and Saniya will all be there.
Wow. You gotta lighten up. A little humor never hurts. (Although my problem is I never know when to quit.)I would hope,when I post,the first comment on the post isn't attempting humor.Being new,I felt it was a decent enough topic to get insights and opinions.I know that the team and coaches will be there.Every forum need fresh insights,new ideas,and varied discussion.I would hope that my post isn't mundane or trivial.If it is,I will be just as happy not to post in the future.
As others have stated, this board can be a little tough sometimes, though meant in good fun I'm sure. I suggest posting on the Men's basketball board (MBB) to get your feet wet as a new poster. The MBB is a much kinder, gentler forum and you won't find meanies like Icebear there. We love a good discussion on merits of woman's basketball there because the focus on fundamentals makes it much more watchable than the men's game. Also you may want to stop by the football board to post in support of Head Coach Paul Pasqualoni. He's loved to death there so that couldn't possibly go wrong.
Good luck and keep posting.