Where was Dawn? | The Boneyard

Where was Dawn?


North is a direction; South is a lifestyle
Mar 7, 2017
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Here is the scenario. You are the head coach. You are down 6-9 early in the game. Your team proceeds to turn the ball over 4 straight times. Now you're down 15-6. What do you do?

If you are Dawn you do nothing. No calming words. No encouragement. No regrouping. Just a head shake and let them play. She went the entire game without calling a time out.

Late in the 4th quarter, the first team all American for UConn throws a lazy pass that is intercepted. When UConn gets the ball, the head coach calls time out and reprimands the player and team for lazy play.

That is a difference in coaching.
Feb 22, 2016
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Both Staley and Graves were severely out-coached last night by their Hall of Fame counterparts. In the second game, it was a key factor in the outcome, as I commented in the game thread at the time.

What surprised me most about Dawn was this: At the end of the first quarter (after Danger's buzzer-beating three!) UConn led 30-12. Yet when SC came out in the second, they continued with the slow-it-down offense. C'mon, Dawn, your team is down by 18! That strategy may have made sense at the beginning of the game, but you now have to maximize your number of possessions if you want any kind of chance to get back in this thing. <sigh>
Oct 14, 2015
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Both Staley and Graves were severely out-coached last night by their Hall of Fame counterparts. In the second game, it was a key factor in the outcome, as I commented in the game thread at the time.

What surprised me most about Dawn was this: At the end of the first quarter (after Danger's buzzer-beating three!) UConn led 30-12. Yet when SC came out in the second, they continued with the slow-it-down offense. C'mon, Dawn, your team is down by 18! That strategy may have made sense at the beginning of the game, but you now have to maximize your number of possessions at if you want a chance to get back in this thing. <sigh>

McGraw is one of the best "in game" coaches in women's college basketball. The halftime adjustments she made (ND outscored Oregon 23-9 in the 3rd qtr) was the difference in the game.


WBB Enthusiast; ND Alum, Fan
Nov 6, 2015
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McGraw is one of the best "in game" coaches in women's college basketball. The halftime adjustments she made (ND outscored Oregon 23-9 in the 3rd qtr) was the difference in the game.

In the post-game press conference, Ionescu went so far as to give credit to ND's scouting, saying ND knew what to expect of the Ducks collectively and individually. And MM gave some insight into defensive adjustments that went into the third quarter, saying it was "plan D." (since the first three options didn't work in the first ;))

Kudos to who prepared that report. And tip of the hat to Ionescu for recognizing it....you could see her analyzing what just happened and she was not pleased. I was pleased to see the post-game presser...she's very knowledgeable about seemingly all aspects of the game and this will bode well for her throughout wherever her basketball career takes her.
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Feb 2, 2016
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Staley's answer in the press conference to "can you tell what Dangerfield did to you" was "she made wide open shots. They were practice shots." Correct me if I'm wrong, but if that is true statement, shouldn't the coach try to do something about it. That should not be an excuse for losing a game. It should be motivation to make adjustments to make sure they are not getting wide open shots.
Aug 26, 2011
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That's because Dawn can only coach outstanding people who coach for themselves. The entire game plan was walk down the court dribble, dribble, dribble, burn up the clock and pass the ball to Asia (sp) and have her score a basket. This does not work so well when you are down 20 points and have to catch up. This plan did not change all game long. One and done and very few offensive rebounds thanks to UConn. Now that's real coaching in a regional championship game. Frankly, I am glad because it gave UConn an impressive win.
Aug 2, 2015
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Staley's answer in the press conference to "can you tell what Dangerfield did to you" was "she made wide open shots. They were practice shots." Correct me if I'm wrong, but if that is true statement, shouldn't the coach try to do something about it. That should not be an excuse for losing a game. It should be motivation to make adjustments to make sure they are not getting wide open shots.

An excuse would be saying UConn's three point shooting was just one of those things you can't control, a black swan event.

Instead she took the responsibility for Dangerfield being left wide open to shoot from comfortable spots on the floor on the team and ultimately on herself.

Which is correct. South Carolina played poor perimeter defense. If it had played better perimeter defense UConn would have missed more of those shots. As UConn has done most every other time it has taken the floor. South Carolina has defended UConn particularly poorly and UConn has absolutely torched them both times.
Aug 2, 2015
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An excuse would be saying UConn's three point shooting was just one of those things you can't control, a black swan event.

Instead she took the responsibility for Dangerfield being left wide open to shoot from comfortable spots on the floor on the team and ultimately on herself.

Which is correct. South Carolina played poor perimeter defense. If it had played better perimeter defense UConn would have missed more of those shots. As UConn has done most every other time it has taken the floor. South Carolina has defended UConn particularly poorly and UConn has absolutely torched them both times.

Personally, I would have preferred to play UConn straight up in the post and take my chances with that rather than double or sag off.

I'm not convinced that Staley got exactly what the game plan called for defensively. If she did, I'm not impressed with the defensive game plan either. But I don't think that's what she had in mind.

I didn't like holding the ball at all. It seemed designed to bore and frustrate UConn. It looked like the person initiating the action was instructed to move quickly and see if they could find a quick shot before the defense adjusted. Understandable maybe if you could keep pace, but once the team was in the whole and you saw how sluggish and tentative it made you, I think you probably should have pulled back.

Then again they got drilled playing at a normal tempo in much the same way, so maybe it didn't really matter too much.
Aug 24, 2011
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Staley's answer in the press conference to "can you tell what Dangerfield did to you" was "she made wide open shots. They were practice shots." Correct me if I'm wrong, but if that is true statement, shouldn't the coach try to do something about it. That should not be an excuse for losing a game. It should be motivation to make adjustments to make sure they are not getting wide open shots.

Suppose you're playing a 2-on-2 game against Lebron and Sister Jean. If you play man-to-man, you have no chance since Lebron will dominate. So your strategy is to double team King James and take your chances with the good Sister. As it turns out, she swishes them all. Are you a bad coach if you don't change strategy?
Jul 19, 2013
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Didn't this same question come up in last month's meeting as well? Where she didn't take a time out in the second quarter when UConn started blowing them out? She waited until the TV TO which came with less than 4 minutes left and by then there was no point.
Jul 19, 2013
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Personally, I would have preferred to play UConn straight up in the post and take my chances with that rather than double or sag off.

I'm not convinced that Staley got exactly what the game plan called for defensively. If she did, I'm not impressed with the defensive game plan either. But I don't think that's what she had in mind.

I didn't like holding the ball at all. It seemed designed to bore and frustrate UConn. It looked like the person initiating the action was instructed to move quickly and see if they could find a quick shot before the defense adjusted. Understandable maybe if you could keep pace, but once the team was in the whole and you saw how sluggish and tentative it made you, I think you probably should have pulled back.

Then again they got drilled playing at a normal tempo in much the same way, so maybe it didn't really matter too much.
Everyone is trying variations of this strategy against UConn. Reduce the number of possessions, force them into half court where they've looked less than stellar many times this season, clog the paint and hope the shots aren't falling from outside.
Feb 22, 2016
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Everyone is trying variations of this strategy against UConn. Reduce the number of possessions, force them into half court where they've looked less than stellar many times this season, clog the paint and hope the shots aren't falling from outside.
Yes, and what I love is how well prepared Geno has his team to counter the slow-it-down approach. The deliberateness of the offense on half-court sets... the way the team is fully valuing each possession... truly superb! Play us fast and you lose, play us slow and we win.
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Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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As the game progressed, I was amazed the SC had no change in their game plan. I have no idea what Dawn was thinking but she just sat there. The part I found telling was Holly asking Dawn about the missed entry passes into the post. Dawn's response, and I paraphrase, was something like "I think its a skill set thing." Both my wife and I looked at each said and WHAT!.

SC came out flat, no energy. They got a little better in the second quarter but that soon ended. UConn, on the other hand, knew exactly what it wanted to do. Ball movement, with few exceptions, was crisp and accurate. Shot selection was on point. Defense was masterful. Geno and company had a well thought out plan that was smartly executed.

SC got outplayed and outcoached.
Aug 27, 2011
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That's because Dawn can only coach outstanding people who coach for themselves. The entire game plan was walk down the court dribble, dribble, dribble, burn up the clock and pass the ball to Asia (sp) and have her score a basket. This does not work so well when you are down 20 points and have to catch up. This plan did not change all game long. One and done and very few offensive rebounds thanks to UConn. Now that's real coaching in a regional championship game. Frankly, I am glad because it gave UConn an impressive win.
That's because of their pitiful guard play. I'm shocked they made it this far this season.
Aug 27, 2011
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Here is the scenario. You are the head coach. You are down 6-9 early in the game. Your team proceeds to turn the ball over 4 straight times. Now you're down 15-6. What do you do?

If you are Dawn you do nothing. No calming words. No encouragement. No regrouping. Just a head shake and let them play. She went the entire game without calling a time out.

Late in the 4th quarter, the first team all American for UConn throws a lazy pass that is intercepted. When UConn gets the ball, the head coach calls time out and reprimands the player and team for lazy play.

That is a difference in coaching.
I couldn't believe she never called a time out. I guess she was just resigned to losing this game.
Sep 26, 2016
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Here is the scenario. You are the head coach. You are down 6-9 early in the game. Your team proceeds to turn the ball over 4 straight times. Now you're down 15-6. What do you do?

If you are Dawn you do nothing. No calming words. No encouragement. No regrouping. Just a head shake and let them play. She went the entire game without calling a time out.

Late in the 4th quarter, the first team all American for UConn throws a lazy pass that is intercepted. When UConn gets the ball, the head coach calls time out and reprimands the player and team for lazy play.

That is a difference in coaching.
Dawn was thinking why call timeout we aren’t going to win this game. Let it play out.
I’m glad SC won a championship to take heat off her but when I saw that video of Dawn in her Eagle jersey and pads on I thought I’m right, she’s a nut. The good thing is she is herself. SC’s fans in Cockytalk are pretty funny. They really didn’t expect to win. Funny comments though. Good natured group.
One player recently, I think it was the sg from Okla that transferred to UCLA a couple years ago said every basketball coach has some crazy in them.
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Sep 12, 2011
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McGraw is one of the best "in game" coaches in women's college basketball. The halftime adjustments she made (ND outscored Oregon 23-9 in the 3rd qtr) was the difference in the game.

AGREE very much, I find it sad that Dawn is going to be our national coach. With all due respect to what she did in the Olympics and her recruiting prowess, it came across as she just threw in the towel in both games against UConn. No surprise junk defense, no time outs, simply showed up to take the loss.
Jul 19, 2013
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AGREE very much, I find it sad that Dawn is going to be our national coach. With all due respect to what she did in the Olympics and her recruiting prowess, it came across as she just threw in the towel in both games against UConn. No surprise junk defense, no time outs, simply showed up to take the loss.
Maybe Muffet should be national team coach?


Et In Hoc Signo Vinces
Nov 13, 2013
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AGREE very much, I find it sad that Dawn is going to be our national coach. With all due respect to what she did in the Olympics and her recruiting prowess, it came across as she just threw in the towel in both games against UConn. No surprise junk defense, no time outs, simply showed up to take the loss.

I agree with many of the comments here and questions that Dawn’s apparent strategy raised. But we don’t really know what she told her team to do or not do before the game. If, for just one possibility, she had said “protect down low first, but run to the perimeter if they threaten there.” In this case, it really would be a “skill-set thing.” SC defenders were very late getting to the arc, and the Huskies made them pay — heavily. It might be that Staley had a plan A and even a plan B. But when neither plan worked, plan C was left back on the bus.

By the way, save her quip about “order restored in women’s basketball,” I thought Dawn was on her better behavior last night and showed class and sportsmanship. It can’t be easy to watch your team getting ripped like that for forty minutes by a rival, and then to be decent afterward in your thoughts and comments. She deserves credit for what she has achieved, and SC fans have every right to be proud of her.


Aug 27, 2011
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I think there was more to it than slowing the game down.
By running the clock and not emphasizing offensive rebounds, they attempted to
compel UConn to execute in the half-court.
In this goal, they were successful.
Unfortunately for them, UConn executed.


Aug 27, 2011
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I'm one of those that despite the national championship (lots of good players; fortunate circumstance), has the opinion that Dawn is not a first-class coach.

Her passivity yesterday, in the face of the onslaught bordered on professional neglect.

I'm not saying any single or group of moves would have changed the outcome, but it was her responsibility to try.

Where was the fiery coach; jumping up and down, challenging calls, berating officials and her own...awol.

The saddest, most incompetent performance of the night.

Seemingly, through in the towel, before the game started.


Lost patience with the garden variety UConn fan
Aug 26, 2011
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Whatever thought South Carolina had of winning that game was snuffed out by the 3 rd possession of the game. At that point, it was Dawn mitigating the disaster. Had she opened up the game, UConn wins by 40+.

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