When Diaco was here??? | Page 2 | The Boneyard

When Diaco was here???

Aug 26, 2011
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We had/have so many issues like this

- Bob only recruited guys who were big. We had something like 25 DE/TE sized guys by the time he was done. The problem there is that that sized player is becoming obsolete in today's game. Either you have speed ends (230 lbs), or power 3 man line ends (290 lbs). We have a ton of tweeters (260). Those guys are more available because no one is using them anymore...so Bob could fill a class with them and say he recruited. Same idea with TE's.

- These guys were under or unrecruited because they lacked quick twitch muscles and general speed. Including the skill guys he brought in. That's the other way you fill a class to make it look like you're doing your job recruiting. It's so very hard to teach speed and quick twitch. Some of these kids will never improve to a level where they have enough speed to be D1 players.

We can feed them well, and train them like crazy. I'm sure the staff is working hard on them, and I'm sure the kids are working hard on themselves, but for many, it just isnt meant to be. Especially during the season when weight training time is more limited.
Aug 31, 2011
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Are you watching a different team than I am?

Move the ball at will?

I was trying to state the O moves the ball so much easier than we have historically. I was not trying to suggest we were UCF. We are 30th in passing O. If we didn't regularly shoot ourselves in the red zone, we might have snuck out another win or 2.
Sep 18, 2011
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I'm getting confused. Under Big Bob we went for size, but anyone at a Husky Walk, can see how small we are?? And you can only be fast if you weigh less than 185?

There is talent there. There was talent that beat UH and got the team to a bowl game. There was talent last year, up until the brain fart at Navy exposed Big Bob to his team - get in the way of my well-cultivated image, and I'll throw you under the bus. From that point forward, the season and Bobby were done.

What we need is both consistency and culture. Hopefully, this staff stays together for a few years. This decade has seen too many coaching changes - head, coordinators and position coaches (which means we have seen too many schemes). Hopefully we can get the kids to buy in to what we are selling. Finally, augment the talent that is there (for some reason, we couldn't score, but had a decent D last year; now, we can seemingly move the ball at will but can't stop anyone).

You can be fast at all sizes, but UConn has a better chance of recruiting elite speed if the kid is undersized and not recruited by big programs. According to Larry Taylor's wikipedia page, he ran a 4.3 40 yard dash, which is elite speed, but he was 5'6" and 157 lbs. It says Tennessee and Ole Miss evaluated him but passed due to his size and his only offers were Eastern Michigan, Middle Tennessee St., and UConn. Terry Caulley was 5'7" and 160 lbs. Only offer was UConn. Jasper Howard was 5'9" and 152 lbs, so the big programs passed and his only offers were UConn and Western Michigan. Darius Butler was 5'10" and 170 lbs and his only offer was UConn. Nick Williams was 5'10" and 179 lbs with an offer from Army. Blidi was 6'1" and 165 lbs and his only offer was UConn. None of these guys would have gotten a second look from Diaco, but they all ended up being great contributors at UConn. The hope is that these small guys can be developed and add size and strength as they already have elite speed.
Aug 24, 2011
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Exactly right. We’re already seeing Edsall bringing in speed. Mensah is a good example.

I never understood the prototype approach that P and Diaco attempted. If your not fast enough to get to the play, what the hell difference does it make how big you are. That we are as depleted of talent at DE and LB speaks volumes about how inept those two staffs were.
Sep 18, 2011
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Think about this. Kevin Mensah is the fastest running back UConn has recruited since Josh Marriner in 2013.

Edsall used to bring in ~1 speedy running back per year and so did PP. Diaco brought in Newsome, who is not a real speed back and no other fast RBs. After Spring practice, Edsall brought in Mensah as he knew we needed more speed at RB.
Aug 24, 2011
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Newsome was recruited by P, although Diaco kept him in the fold. Agree, Newsome is not a burner.
Aug 24, 2011
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At one point Edsall had Brown, Todman, Dixon, Frey and McClain on the roster at the same time. All ran exceptionally well. With the logjam at RB McClain was moved to CB. To say we lack that kind of depth and athleticism now would be a bit of an understatement.
Jan 2, 2017
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With overall emphasis going on spreading the field and speed players in open space on offenses in college footballs, it seems like the defensive counterpoint is also going to be to have more speed on the field to close gaps and rush to the ball in space. How long do you guys think until the first teams starts to bulk back up and run more smash mouth schemes with bigger blocking tight ends, full backs and heavier running backs to beat up on the smaller faster defenses?

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