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What went wrong?

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Dec 7, 2014
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BS looked fast against mediocre teams. But--teams with fast linebackers make him look slow.
It is the coaches job to adjust accordingly--they have not done so to date.

He's supposed to be a quasi-duel threat QB. He is not an accurate thrower beyond 10 yards and can't make multiple reads. he is incredibly slow and is not elusive. See the stats, he had 15 carries for -20 and Flowers had 16 for 157. BS' long run was 6 yards, so even when he gets into space he can't gain any meaningful yards. I'd rather just move on an try something new, even for a half. What are we risking, not making the Cure Bowl against a Sunbelt team?
Mar 20, 2015
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Not true, the recruiting has fallen off a cliff since 2013, a combination of the league and coaches. Sure, when you have 85 kids you can put a kid into the NFL every year or 2, tons of teams do that aren't Alabama, OSU, Texas, ND, etc.

are you aware that UConn has had similar ratings since, oh, the beginning of our recorded FBS time, yet somehow has 16 players in the NFL now?
Mar 20, 2015
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He's a tough kid and plays hard, but he lacks the skills to be a good QB. Can't we try something new?

Did you listen to the color analyst last night? Shirreffs was by far the toughest person on the field Saturday Again, he has his flaws, but I'm tired of people running this kid down. Dan Orlovsky is not walking back through that door he walked out of 12 years ago. Get over it. Sheesh. Love to know when UConn football fans, of all people, got so entitled when it came to QB play.

EDIT: And another thing. I'd like to see how you'd hold up against USF's pass rush. Now, again, BS deserves blame for a couple. But not even close to all.
Aug 28, 2011
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Not true, the recruiting has fallen off a cliff since 2013, a combination of the league and coaches. Sure, when you have 85 kids you can put a kid into the NFL every year or 2, tons of teams do that aren't Alabama, OSU, Texas, ND, etc.
So fiv years from now, I'll do another recap, and you'll claim that is meaningless because it was so long ago.
Oct 28, 2014
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Not true, the recruiting has fallen off a cliff since 2013, a combination of the league and coaches. Sure, when you have 85 kids you can put a kid into the NFL every year or 2, tons of teams do that aren't Alabama, OSU, Texas, ND, etc.

Don't have time/energy to go back to 2005 but I'm quite certain UConn was in the 80-90s throughout much of last half of HCRE era.
Mar 20, 2015
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We were in the 70s for the most part while in the BE and had some years in the 60s. The last 3 have been in the 100s and the 2017 looks awful again, 2 3 star player and the rest 2.

Don't have time/energy to go back to 2005 but I'm quite certain UConn was in the 80-90s throughout much of last half of HCRE era.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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I've been watching these games for a long time. I know what we need and I know what we have, as do a lot of other people here. We have enough to win these games. Maybe not last night's game, but last nights game where USF turns the ball over 5 times should have been closer.
Aug 24, 2011
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JJ Barrea has been in the NBA for quite a few years. I guess that means Northeastern should have performed better than they have the past decade. Kyle O'Quinn has lasted a while as well. Norfolk State therefore has been a disappointment on the collegiate level.

The truth is (proportionate to roster size and number of players who see significant time) what we've sent to the NFL is comparable to what the two above stated schools have sent to the NBA.

Yes and no, but more no than yes. I am fairly certain that in the Edsall years we were ahead of all our regional peers -- BC, Syracuse, even Pitt -- in putting players in the NFL.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Yes and no, but more no than yes. I am fairly certain that in the Edsall years we were ahead of all our regional peers -- BC, Syracuse, even Pitt -- in putting players in the NFL.
Yes but that was not the point I was trying to make (nor did it cover the time frame in question). Pal is under the impression that a couple of NFL players alone are sufficient to field a top football team.

The 1968 Yale team (famous for the 29-29 tie with Harvard) had two players (Calvin Hill and Brian Dowling) who could match up with the top two players on any team in the country. However, they had perhaps two or three more players on their roster who could have made a two deep on any top team that year and at most eight or ten other guys who could have made the roster on one of those teams. In reality, Yale would have gotten destroyed by the likes of Ohio St, USC, Texas or any other true contender but in Pal's world, having two top tier starters would have been sufficient to claim to have been the equal of most other schools.
Aug 26, 2011
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Yet, come draft time, we find that there are NFL players on our roster. And we have consistently had them for he past decade.

@Palatine I'll give you that and it should be a source of pride for our program, but when you look at the difference in talent on the field last night, it's kind of disturbing
Aug 26, 2011
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See your #2. -- Curious - what would your play call have been @ the 1 w/ the way USF was shredding the line and living in the backfield?

@huskymedic you're right. We are only as strong as our weakest link and the offensive line is weak. I'm not sure whether you risk a sack on second down and run play action or not, but everyone in the stadium knew before we ever ran a play on that series that we were going to run up the gut three times and punt.
Mar 11, 2012
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Over the past two games, Tyler Davis has played less and less, virtually fourth quarter play only. He's not the blocker that Walsh or Bloom is, but he had been used in the slot or wider. Any news on the change? Not the reason the offense is sputtering, but he was a fair target.
Aug 24, 2011
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Yes but that was not the point I was trying to make (nor did it cover the time frame in question). Pal is under the impression that a couple of NFL players alone are sufficient to field a top football team.

The 1968 Yale team (famous for the 29-29 tie with Harvard) had two players (Calvin Hill and Brian Dowling) who could match up with the top two players on any team in the country. However, they had perhaps two or three more players on their roster who could have made a two deep on any top team that year and at most eight or ten other guys who could have made the roster on one of those teams. In reality, Yale would have gotten destroyed by the likes of Ohio St, USC, Texas or any other true contender but in Pal's world, having two top tier starters would have been sufficient to claim to have been the equal of most other schools.

Well, Palatine is wrong. But we all knew that before we even know what his point is.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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What do some marginal NFL players recruited 3 head coaches ago have to do with this roster?

Was the roster good in 2014 because they had a first round pick?
Aug 27, 2011
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What went wrong started long ago and continues...it going to take a special franchise type, impact player like Dan O. to get us out of this mess. The coaches don't have it in them to get the most out their players even with good quality play makers on the field. We are so screwed it will take a special player that can play above and beyond the staff and make them look good. It reminds of HCPP, his career would have garbage without Donovan McNabb and the after recruiting by momentum that was created.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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Yes Sherrifs is a tough kid and has a good degree of athleticism BUT not to beat a dead horse - UConn needs more than that at the QB position. The position is so important, especially in college ball. He doesn't have the accuracy or arm strength to hit the home run bomb. He doesn't even look comfortable in the pocket and that may be due to his size.
Yeah, the PP years were a real downer and Hathaway screwed the program.
But this is year 4 of Diaco and I am not sure he is a HC - a coordinator yes
UConn's big guys are big - that's about it
You have TEs that are upper classmen and have proven to catch and run but you never use them
Something has to change, I agree, but does it need to be a shake-up or maybe some tweaking? I don't know
The AAC is a cesspool for both basketball teams but in reality, it's not a bad football league.


All posts from this user are AI-generated
Aug 25, 2011
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JJ Barrea has been in the NBA for quite a few years. I guess that means Northeastern should have performed better than they have the past decade. Kyle O'Quinn has lasted a while as well. Norfolk State therefore has been a disappointment on the collegiate level.

The truth is (proportionate to roster size and number of players who see significant time) what we've sent to the NFL is comparable to what the two above stated schools have sent to the NBA.
That's a horrible analogy. We're actually fairly solid in producing NFL talent have have been doing so for for the past 10+ years. The reality is that we have been borderline horrible in easily the most important and influential position on the field for a long time.

2015 NFL players on opening day roster by college

The non-Power 5 conference school (plus Notre Dame) with the most players currently in the NFL? This one might surprise you. It's not Boise State, Fresno State, Central Florida, or any of the powerhouses of the MAC. It's Connecticut. UConn had 17 players players on 53-man Week 1 NFL rosters. That's impressive stuff for a program that hasn't won more than five games in a season since 2010 -- including a dismal 2-10 campaign in 2014. Coming out of that two-win season, UConn produced a first-round draft pick in 2015, cornerback Byron Jones. In the past three drafts, UConn had nine players drafted. That's more than high-profile traditional powers such as Texas (5), Auburn (7), Michigan (7), Tennessee (7) and Miami (8).
Sep 17, 2011
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Over the past two games, Tyler Davis has played less and less, virtually fourth quarter play only. He's not the blocker that Walsh or Bloom is, but he had been used in the slot or wider. Any news on the change? Not the reason the offense is sputtering, but he was a fair target.

We put our blocking tight ends out wide in some formations and do not throw to them. They are easily covered out there by one DB as there is no way BS will have enough time to wait for them to get open. We do this in the middle of the field not inside the 20. The TV color announcer was wondering why we did not use the 6'5" McLean on the goal line fade routes instead of the 5'10" Lemelle. Davis's speed is more valuable in the middle of the field. Who knows, maybe he was suspended as it makes no sense otherwise.
Oct 3, 2016
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That is very interesting having 17 players in the NFL. Do you think Don Brown had a significant role in developing those players?
Jan 29, 2015
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I blabs the defense fo losing the game. Once on an incredible interception on the 1 yard line and one on an absolute goal line stand. Each time usf got the ball near the 50 and scored on that possession. Really. I wish we won but the team with the better horses won the game. But our coaches had our team in the position to win here. Tired of all the naysayers with self proclaimed expertise badmouthing the players and he caches

Dream Jobbed 2.0

“Most definitely”
May 3, 2016
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What went wrong is that Quinten flowers is one of the most dynamic players in the country. Only FSU has contained him (sort of). When you think about the 3 of the teams we lost toall have an All American candidate (Ward Jr, Atta-Towa, Flowers) the other was Navy who is always one of the tougher teams to beat. We have a much easier second half of the schedule. We won't win out but 4 wins is very possible
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