What Should be our Offensive Philosophy? | Page 2 | The Boneyard

What Should be our Offensive Philosophy?

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The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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1. Recruit to your philosophy.
2. Coach to the strengths of the players you have.

We are #109 in the country in rushing yards/carry.

We are #5 in the country in completion percentage.

This suggests we should throw the damn ball more.

We have put up 5.7 points per half in the first halves of our three games (when trying to execute a power running attack).

We've scored 14.7 points per half in the second halves of games once forced to open up the passing attack.

This suggests we should throw the damn ball more.

But I would suggest to you that the disparity is partly because the QB won't throw to anyone who is even remotely covered. He will instead run, or take a loss. So his completion percentage is high, because he won't take any risks throwing the ball. And until we do that, every team will stack the box and we can't run. We need some long pass plays, and not five yard passes that go for 40. I want to see the ball in the air, 20-30 yards down field. Complete a few, and maybe we'll get space to run.
Feb 10, 2012
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Obviously, folks are pretty darn tired of our three yards and a cloud of dust (or more often, -2 yards and a cloud of dust) mentality. Watching a team who is radically run first yet simultaneously ranked 98th in the country in rushing offense is painful. The philosophy HCBD has can work, we just obviously are either not coaching it properly or don't have the personnel to implement it. This begs the question--given who we have, what system would you guys on the BY like to see our team implement?

Personally, I really wish we would become a predominantly read option offense. I loved to watch Nick Marshall at Auburn and I think that the read option would suit or offense much better than the current system. Shirreffs' primary talent is his size and ability to run the ball, and we'd better implement that in a read option system. It would also allow us to keep defensive fronts on their heels whereas our current system sort of relies on our guys overpowering opposing fronts in the trenches--that just isn't going to happen. By keeping the opposing D on their heels, we can mitigate the fact that our offensive line gets driven back on almost every play. Read option would also help us to set up big, explosive plays while still maintaining the run-first mentality and clock control that Diaco prefers. Lull them to sleep with Shirreffs and Newsome--two players who are great in space, by the way--and then sling one to the TEs or to Noel Thomas every once in a while. I'm no football expert and can't pretend to be, but this is what I wish for our offense.
what's frustrating is the inability to adjust to what's working and what's not. clearly, there are many threats on offense with another coming into his own after last game (Mayala). I don't understand why shirreff's continues to tuck and run as if he's the only threat.
I think you utilize the short passes more which can help open up the run where Newsome and Johnson could expose. instead, uconn goes with the run first approach which the defense keys on, stacks the line and the run is stopped. For some reason, and I don't know if it's the coaching or Shirreffs, we continue to go with the QB run (23 carries, 30 yards)...
But, almost anytime they've needed to move the ball, they go to Thomas and Mayala or the package of TE's and move the ball.
why not start with that, get the other team back on their heels and then hit them in the mouth with a ground and pound.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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what's frustrating is the inability to adjust to what's working and what's not. clearly, there are many threats on offense with another coming into his own after last game (Mayala). I don't understand why shirreff's continues to tuck and run as if he's the only threat.
I think you utilize the short passes more which can help open up the run where Newsome and Johnson could expose. instead, uconn goes with the run first approach which the defense keys on, stacks the line and the run is stopped. For some reason, and I don't know if it's the coaching or Shirreffs, we continue to go with the QB run (23 carries, 30 yards)...
But, almost anytime they've needed to move the ball, they go to Thomas and Mayala or the package of TE's and move the ball.
why not start with that, get the other team back on their heels and then hit them in the mouth with a ground and pound.

Both the Coach and the QB have admitted at different times that it is Shirreffs. There is no mystery. Against Maine, Shirreffs said that of his 20 rushes, only 5 had a run option. Diaco has said on numerous occasions that he doesn't want to over-coach Shirreffs' pocket presence. Shirreffs got into games his Freshman year at NC State as a Wildcat QB and a running back. He trusts his legs and given the state of last year's offensive line, he is overly sensitive to break down of the pocket. Can you blame him? No. Is it something that needs to improve? Yes. Can it? Don't know. It's instinctual.

In the first half last week (I haven't watched the 2nd half as intensely as this, but I'll see if I have time later), there were at least 4 pass plays that Shirreffs tucked and ran, when he probably could have gotten a throw off. He was sack 4 other times (one didn't count, but he went down hard).

Another thing that Shirreffs is hyper-vigilant about is INTs. He doesn't seem to want to throw the ball unless his receiver is wide open, until he has to (i.e. down 10 in the 4th quarter). Here's the thing about that though: he should be developing the confidence that he can get the ball to moderately better covered receivers in the first 3 quarters based on what he does in the 4th quarter.

I don't mind the run-heavy offense, but UConn has to be able to:
1) demonstrate they can complete intermediate passes to loosen up the front 7.
2) score in the 1st quarter, if not on the first drive of the game. Neither has happened yet.
Apr 21, 2012
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I think we can be successful in a multitude of offenses with the talent we have as long as the plays are called with less predictability and the guys no exactly who to block and actually execute those blocks. Some more read option packages? Sure? Spread them out and allow them to rush less? sure. Whatever the situation calls for but we must know who we need to block and execute it. And the play calls must have some level of deception at times. One specific thing that I just recently thought of that I think is a little overlooked is I think we need to stop running too many play action calls from under center especially in predictable times. The problem is if the Dline doesn't respect or sell on the run, which with the way our interior offensive line has blocked to date there is no reason to, so the edge rushers can fly up field and put immediate pressure on BS when he turns his back. I love a great play action call more than anyone else, but it needs to come after establishing a powerful run game, after opening holes and on unpredictable downs (hello first down). I wouldn't mind seeing more play action calls from the shotgun whereas BS has his eyes down field the entire time and the play action is simply to freeze the edge rushers for a moment rather than to try and get them to completely bite on the run. But overall, we need to block better and be less predictable. Don't think there needs to be a massive shift in offensive strategy.
Sep 20, 2011
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But I would suggest to you that the disparity is partly because the QB won't throw to anyone who is even remotely covered. He will instead run, or take a loss. So his completion percentage is high, because he won't take any risks throwing the ball. And until we do that, every team will stack the box and we can't run. We need some long pass plays, and not five yard passes that go for 40. I want to see the ball in the air, 20-30 yards down field. Complete a few, and maybe we'll get space to run.

So, in conclusion, we should still throw the damn ball more.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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So, in conclusion, we should still throw the damn ball more.

Throwing it vertically...and actually throwing, not calling a passing play and then running. Until our vertical passing game scares people, they will play the run all game. Since most of our passes are WR screens, that works for them.
Aug 26, 2011
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Don't have a "set" philosophy aside from being less predictable.

Play to the strengths of the players.

Introduce tempo on specific series and earlier in the game. (would help to practice that way for the defense as well)

Stay in the shotgun except for special situations or special plays.

Reduce those slow developing runs and deep setups for the backs.

Use the tight ends more and beyond 10 yards.

Don't worry about having the tallest o-line. It probably doesn't help our QB's vision and we might be sacrificing the quickness necessary to engage faster linemen and linebackers on the blitz and downfield.

Set up a pass play for Knappe in the Red Zone. Been waiting 4 years for this.
Jan 12, 2013
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Levy is Samra-like awful (responsible in my eyes for the sack to end the half too.). Time to give Dan Oak a shot? How can he be worse?
I've watched a lot of playbacks of the three games (I have no life). Levy is often beaten by speed. He is rarely out-muscled, but Virginia, Navy, and Maine all had quick, athletic DT's or LB's that had the ability to beat Levy to the spot. His footwork is slow and he often has problems with stunts, blitzes and linemen making inside moves on him.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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I've watched a lot of playbacks of the three games (I have no life). Levy is often beaten by speed. He is rarely out-muscled, but Virginia, Navy, and Maine all had quick, athletic DT's or LB's that had the ability to beat Levy to the spot. His footwork is slow and he often has problems with stunts, blitzes and linemen making inside moves on him.

What's left?
Aug 28, 2011
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I hope that our offensive philosophy for this weekend will include going verticle a little.. If I'm not mistaken, Cuse has a few of their defensive backfield starters hurt..


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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As a continuation of my monster post on page 1, here's the second half play-by-play and my amateur analysis. Take it for what it's worth. In an anti-Chief -like fashion, I do not hold myself to out to be a self-important insider. Also in an anti-Chief-like fashion, I do not claim that some have asked me to do this or want more of the same as on page 1. I don't care one way or the other. I just feel like procrastinating. So without further adieu:

2nd Half: 1st Drive.
  • 1st and 10 at CONN 25
    (15:00 - 3rd) Bryant Shirreffs run for 5 yds to the UConn 30
    (Planned QB draw. Knappe did well with Brown (UVa#9) . Levy held on just long enough for Shirreffs to get by him, but he was stalemated. No push.)
  • 2nd and 5 at CONN 30
  • (15:00 - 3rd) Bryant Shirreffs pass complete to Noel Thomas for 13 yds to the UConn 43 for a 1ST down
    (Quick slant that everyone is looking for. UVa ran a zone blitz picked up by RJII)
  • 1st and 10 at CONN 43
    (15:00 - 3rd) Bryant Shirreffs run for 2 yds to the UConn 45
  • (Shirreffs gave up too early. He had 4 seconds of protection before he broke containment. In that time, Mayala was open for 5 yards. After BS4 started moving in the pocket, RJII was open for 2 yds. BS4 slow to get up again. Gresh offer something valuable with #51 playing QB spy. It occurs to me that UConn may not have many timing patterns. I.e. throw to the receiver before their break. BS4 won't throw it to a receiver who is not staring him down. I'll have to pay closer attention as the half goes on.).
  • 2nd and 8 at CONN 45
  • (15:00 - 3rd) Bryant Shirreffs pass incomplete, broken up by Andrew Brown
    (Shotgun Another quick pass, but Brown is all over the place. Regardless, more quick passes please.)

  • 3rd and 8 at CONN 45
    (15:00 - 3rd) Bryant Shirreffs run for no gain to the UConn 45
    Shot Gun. BS4 rolls to the right right from the snap. It looks like a designed run at first, but 1) why do a QB sweep on 3rd & 8? and 2) receivers seem to look back at him once they break off their route. Final analysis is the throw should have gone to Tyler Davis in the flat, but RJII whiffed on chip and #13 beat Knappe pretty good. Aside from the second play of the half, I don't think RJII has made a block (let alone a good one) all game.
2nd Drive
  • 1st and 10 at CONN 38
    (10:07 - 3rd) Arkeel Newsome run for 3 yds to the UConn 41
    Shot Gun 4 wide. 6 guys in the box. Newsome lined up left start right and cut in the whole left once he saw UVa#51 waiting for him. Brown beat Levy with a swim move but it was to his outside and Brown took himself out of the play once Newsome cut left.

  • 2nd and 7 at CONN 41
    (10:07 - 3rd) Arkeel Newsome run for 14 yds to the Virg 45 for a 1ST down
    Run out of the Shotgun again. Offensive line did very well Knappe on Brown who got lost in the crowd. Levy pulled to help Rutherford. Bloom's block allows Newsome to get to the 2nd level.
  • 1st and 10 at UVA 45
    (10:07 - 3rd) Bryant Shirreffs pass complete to Tyraiq Beals for 7 yds to the Virg 38
    Wow! How 'bout that short pass strategy? Plus Beals wasn't even BS4's first look, unless he was intentionally looking him off to start the play. Newsome picked up a blitz nicely. 3 seconds S2P. Ball was in the air for 5 yards. Beals got 2 more. More of that, Please.

  • 2nd and 3 at UVA 38
    (10:07 - 3rd) Bryant Shirreffs run for a loss of 1 yard to the Virg 39
    Aaaaaand no. Did not look like a planned draw, but it did look like BS4 was looking for a reason to run. If it was a planned draw, bad call for Verducci. If not, bad decision on BS4.

  • 3rd and 4 at UVA 39
    (10:07 - 3rd) Bryant Shirreffs pass incomplete to Hergy Mayala, broken up by Juan Thornhil
    This one is on Hergy, IMO. Ball was in his bread basket. The CB jammed him but was behind him when the ball was thrown. 2 seconds S2P. Tyler Davis was the only other option. Thomas was well covered in the slot.
3rd Drive
  • 1st and 10 at CONN 46
    (6:09 - 3rd) Bryant Shirreffs run for 3 yds to the UConn 49
    Shotgun. Bad decision by BS4. Initially, looked like Shirreffs was looking for either Beals or Thomas and DBs were playing well off. Thomas broke outside when he probably had more room inside. Beals wasn't even out of his break before BS4 tucked and ran. Line held up reasonable well.

  • 2nd and 7 at CONN 49
  • (6:09 - 3rd) Ron Johnson run for 1 yd to the 50 yard line
    Stalemate on the line. Levy pulls and RJII runs up his back.

  • 3rd and 6 at 50
    (6:09 - 3rd) Bryant Shirreffs pass complete to Ron Johnson for 7 yds to the Virg 43 for a 1ST down
    1st 3rd down conversion of the game for UConn. Can you believe that? Screen pass to RJII, who would have had more, IMO if he read Peart's downfield block better.
  • 1st and 10 at UVA 43
    (6:09 - 3rd) Arkeel Newsome run for 3 yds to the Virg 40
    SNY flashed a graphic to start the play, but the line appears to be unbalanced on a toss sweep right. Peart couldn't sustain his block, whose man made the tackle.
  • 2nd and 7 at UVA 40
  • (6:09 - 3rd) Bryant Shirreffs run for 3 yds to the Virg 37
    Planned pass from the shotgun. Play action and bootleg. Peart didn't sustain his block again. BS4 fakes a toss over the DE's (Peart's assignment) hands to Tommy Myers, but he tucks it back in.
  • 3rd and 4 at UVA 37
  • (6:09 - 3rd) Bryant Shirreffs run for 2 yds to the Virg 35
    Another roll out. Tough to say if it is a designed run or pass play. Regardless, bad play call either way and BS4 is trying to do too much on his own.

  • (2:22 - 3rd) Timeout VIRGINIA, clock 02:22
  • UVa wastes a TO because they appeared to send out their return team. In hindsight, We very well may have been headed to OT or a loss if they had this in their back pocket. IMO, you always go for it in this situation. 52 yard attempt and Puyol has the boot for it, but the wind was swirling and by and large, in your face at this end of the field. Not worth the risk to give UVa the ball on the 42 yd. ln. and a Touchback nets you 15 yards. As for the play...
  • 4th and 2 at UVA 35
    (2:22 - 3rd) Bryant Shirreffs pass complete to Alec Bloom for 9 yds to the Virg 26 for a 1ST down
    Now that is how a roll out pass should look. Nearly tipped but BS4 spots it perfectly. Eric Freid informs us it is only the 3rd catch of the season for one of the Huskies' many Gronk-like TEs.
  • 1st and 10 at UVA 26
  • (2:22 - 3rd) Ron Johnson run for 2 yds to the Virg 24
    ...And then in the fashion that UConn football offense has come to be, when something works, you just have to try something else. Pitch left. I don't think it was a bad play per se, but the wrong personnel. When you have a Parade All-American with speed to burn at your disposal, why are you running a sweep with your 5'-11" 220 lb "power" back? Johnson didn't gain the edge until he was a yard from the sideline.
  • 2nd and 8 at UVA 24
  • (2:22 - 3rd) Bryant Shirreffs pass incomplete to Arkeel Newsome
    What was that? BS4 rolls right and throws back across his body left to Newsome (who was covered) in the face of pressure. Luckily BS4 had enough on it to throw it away. Thomas would have been the better read. Thomas seems to really like that hitch pattern out of the slot. I've seen it on more of a few pass plays in this game. He's relatively open most of the time too.

  • 3rd and 8 at UVA 24
    (2:22 - 3rd) Bryant Shirreffs pass intercepted, touchback. Juan Thornhill return for no gain.
  • Bad decision. Nothing else to say about this throw. He threw it into a crowd. Of all plays to tuck and run, this would have been the time. BS4 has a hole between Cozier and Knappe on the right (Pause the Youtube video at 1:40:31). Maybe he picks up the 1st, maybe not, but BS4 gave up a great shot at a minimum of 3 points with this INT. Luckily, he doesn't get gun shy for the rest of the afternoon.
4th Drive
  • 1st and 10 at CONN 20
    (14:06 - 4th) Arkeel Newsome run for 8 yds to the UConn 28
    Finally into the 4th Quarter. BS4 is 8-15 for 75 yards, an INT, and 16 rushes for 16 yards thus far. Goes to show that running should not always be the second option. Too bad UConn can't play an FCS opponent every week (Though for some, that's exactly the goal). As for the play, stalemate on the line, not much push and Knappe almost blocks Andrew Brown into a tackle.

  • 2nd and 2 at CONN 28
    (14:06 - 4th) Bryant Shirreffs pass complete to Hergy Mayala for 17 yds to the UConn 45 for a 1ST down
    What a catch by Mayala!!!! Gresh thinks it's initially incomplete, but IMO he gains possession while his his right toe is still on the ground. If that didn't cinch it, his left toe hits inbounds at the midpoint of the white sideline hash mark before his knee. That's a catch in the NFL, let alone college. The refs correctly confirmed the catch.

  • 1st and 10 at CONN 45
    (14:06 - 4th) Bryant Shirreffs pass complete to Noel Thomas for 11 yds to the Virg 44 for a 1ST down
    Quick Slant to Thomas from the slot again. It's not as if UConn was setting UVa up. This has been open all game. The Nickel had been giving Thomas 5 yards. 2 sec. S2P.

  • 1st and 10 at UVA 44
    (14:06 - 4th) SHIRREFFS, Bry. pass incomplete to MAYALA, Hergy, PENALTY VA pass interference (THORNHILL, Juan) 15 yards to the VA29, 1ST DOWN UCONN, NO PLAY.
    See, Ducch (and BS4)? You can even call a quick intermediate pass. The ball was in the air about 30 yards (thrown from UConn's 46 and landed around the 25). More of this too...and earlier in the game, please. There are teams in the NFL, and some in college, that will throw long with the exact intent of trying to draw a pass interference call. the pay off isn't as great, but it's still 15 yards and a fresh set
  • .
  • 1st and 10 at UVA 29
  • (14:06 - 4th) Bryant Shirreffs pass complete to Noel Thomas for 6 yds to the Virg 23
    Shotgun, play-action. Virtual mirror image of the last 1st down play. Why are these plays only called in the 4th quarter? Incidentally, all of these pass plays are under 3 sec., S2P. The O-line (and Levy, in particular) is a non-factor.

  • 2nd and 4 at UVA 23
    (14:06 - 4th) Arkeel Newsome run for a loss of 7 yards to the Virg 26 Arkeel Newsome fumbled, recovered by Virg Andrew Brown
  • I commented on this play in this thread already. I don't think it was a bad play call, the last 4 were passes and this was a sweep using the correct back (Rolling the tape further, Newsome may not have anywhere to run, but he had already fumbled by then so players were out of position, so you can't tell). Newsome lost his concentration and was looking to run before he had the ball. It was a skosh behind him, but there is no reason he should have fumbled.
5th Drive Drive 4 Part II, After the INT (Does that sound like an action movie title to anyone else but me?).
  • 1st and 10 at UVA 37
    (11:59 - 4th) Bryant Shirreffs pass incomplete to Noel Thomas
    No problem with this play. Go for broke after the turnover. BS4 avoids the rush, steps up and throws, like a conventional QB. It's been asked by others, but why he can't do this in the first three quarters, I have no idea. The offense cannot afford to wait until 4:30 left in the 3rd to get into a rhythm.
  • 2nd and 10 at UVA 37
  • (11:59 - 4th) Bryant Shirreffs pass incomplete to Tyler Davis
    Same as above. It's not like UVa is in a prevent, They still blitzed on this play.

  • 3rd and 10 at UVA 37
    (11:59 - 4th) Bryant Shirreffs pass complete to Noel Thomas for 22 yds to the Virg 15 for a 1ST down
    Shotgun and there's another quick pass (though a tad slower to develop than earlier. Still 3.5 sec S2P. Line is playing much better, but UConn cannot rely on the opposition getting tired. OTOH, they would get a lot more tired a lot earlier if UConn could convert a few 1st downs in the first half. UVa's defense as been on the field all quarter, but Brown still pushes Knappe around.

  • 1st and 10 at UVA 15
    (11:59 - 4th) Arkeel Newsome run for a loss of 2 yards to the Virg 17
    Line holds their blocks but no push and no one get the LB who fills the hole. Newsome retreats to try gaining ground. Nothing doing.
  • 2nd and 12 at UVA 17
    (11:59 - 4th) Bryant Shirreffs sacked by Andrew Brown for a loss of 8 yards to the Virg 25
    In order to not risk piling on Richard Levy, let's just call Brown in this game what he is (A beast) and move on.
  • 3rd and 20 at UVA 25
  • (11:59 - 4th) SHIRREFFS, Bry. pass incomplete to MAYALA, Hergy, PENALTY VA pass interference (THORNHILL, Juan) 13 yards to the VA12, 1ST DOWN UCONN, NO PLAY.
    Dumb play by CB#21. borderline uncatchable ball. C'est la vie. 1st down, good guys.

  • 1st and 10 at UVA 12
    (11:59 - 4th) Arkeel Newsome run for 2 yds to the Virg 10
    Run out of the shotgun. Line had some push, but only the 2 yards gained by Newsome. Good things happen when BS4 is in the 'gun. Seems like the passing game has made UVa. honest.

  • 2nd and 8 at UVA 10
    (11:59 - 4th) Bryant Shirreffs pass incomplete to Hergy Mayala
    Over throw, but Mayala was well covered. Could have been intentional, as in looking for another Pass Interference. Thornhill (UVA#21) defends the body, not the ball. he hasn't looked back all game.

  • 3rd and 8 at UVA 10
    (11:59 - 4th) SHIRREFFS, Bry. pass incomplete to THOMAS, Noel, PENALTY VA face mask 5 yards to the VA5, 1ST DOWN UCONN, NO PLAY.
  • Line did well, albeit vs. a minimal 4 man rush. 4 sec. S2P. Face mask was away from the play and not on the screen. I didn't see it at the game either, but I was on the other side of the blue seats and my eyes aren't what they used to be.

  • 1st and Goal at UVA 5
    (11:59 - 4th) Ron Johnson run for 4 yds to the Virg 1
  • Off tackle that turns into a sweep left. Line did well, but UVa's Defense has got to be exhausted.

  • 2nd and Goal at UVA 1
    (7:55 - 4th) Bryant Shirreffs run for 1 yd for a TD, (Bobby Puyol KICK)
  • Can't argue with a QB keeper from the 1. It's interesting though that BS4 seems to be a better QB when he plays conventional.
Drive 6 Drive 5
  • 1st and 10 at CONN 24
    (4:56 - 4th) Arkeel Newsome run for 3 yds to the UConn 27
    First off, if UVa had any sort of a kicker, UConn would potentially be down by 6 right now. UVa goes for it on 4th & 2 from the 25 in lieu of trying a 42 yarder. As for the play, I don't mind it. It was the commonplace play for the half: Run out of the 'gun. Plus, UConn has with (shocker) all 3 TOs left. In real time, if UConn runs the clock down far enough and is in range, a field goal about seals it. As it turned out, that's all they needed...just with far more drama.).
  • 2nd and 7 at CONN 27
  • (4:56 - 4th) Bryant Shirreffs run for 4 yds to the UConn 31
    QB Draw. I don't mind it only because, other than the TD, Shirreffs has been actually throwing the ball on pass plays and he has to remind UVa that he can scramble.
  • 3rd and 3 at CONN 31
    (4:56 - 4th) Bryant Shirreffs run for 20 yds to the Virg 49 for a 1ST down
    Either RJII is a sub-par blocker or Kizer was just that good this game. It might be a combo of both, but more the former, IMO. If RJII sustains any sort of block, Hergy was available up top and Bloom in the middle. Line held up pretty well, but by this time I'm guessing the UVa front 4 is spent. In real time, I'm feeling better now that UConn is just 15 yards from field goal range and has been moving the ball.
  • 1st and 10 at UVA 49
    (4:56 - 4th) Bryant Shirreffs pass complete to Noel Thomas for 23 yds to the Virg 26 for a 1ST down
    Another quick hitch off the play action from the shot gun. Seems a theme developed over the course of the second half. Quick pass plays = effective. Please, I hope they implement this earlier on vs. 'Cuse. Thomas does most of the work. Pass went for 4 yards. Thomas had 19 YAC.
  • 1st and 10 at UVA 26
  • (4:56 - 4th) Ron Johnson run for 4 yds to the Virg 22
    This is fine UConn is in field goal range, burn some clock. Run out of the 'gun, and was supposed to go left or up the middle, but Brown shoots the gap between Knappe and Levy and Knappe does a good job riding him out of the play. RJII cuts back right. Levy has inside help responsibility and initially doesn't block anyone. Gets a hand on the tackler at the end of the play. May have been the camera angle (and I'm no expert. I played a season and a half as a high school guard before converting to fullback), but it occurs to me that Levy plays very upright, negating his leverage.
  • 2nd and 6 at UVA 22
  • (4:56 - 4th) Bryant Shirreffs pass incomplete to Noel Thomas
    RJII has no interest in blocking. Honestly, would have rather a designed run play there. At worst you lose a few yards, but the clock is still ticking, instead the clock stops and...

  • 3rd and 6 at UVA 22
    (4:56 - 4th) Arkeel Newsome run for a loss of 4 yards to the Virg 26
    ...they lost the yards anyway. No hole whatsoever. Newsome tries to bounce it outside but UVa has decent pursuit, Newsome has no blockers, and he ain't Barry Sanders. Newsome just pushed the FG attempt over 40 yards.
What did we Learn
1. Shirreffs really isn't an awful conventional QB. He just needs to do it more and earlier in the game (I read an article last night that mentions 30 of 38 first quarter plays this season are in the books as rushes, when Verducci, in fact, has called a much more balanced script. BS4 is "audibling" pass plays to himself far too much.

2. RJII needs to improve his blocking or change the "1b" to a "2." As in second string.

3. Quick passes = effective = tired opponent defense = 1st downs. Eventually, 1st downs turn into Touchdowns.

4. Running plays may tend to shade left going forward, away from Levy.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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This applies too our whole O-line. It is maddening. You can't drive block with your chest.
Disagree. Peart is going to be a beast. He's just a freshman and going to experience freshman issues.
Aug 29, 2015
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Disagree. Peart is going to be a beast. He's just a freshman and going to experience freshman issues.

Peart seems to have physical tools, but you're right, mentally he's not there yet. That being said, the only thing that fixes that is reps.

His footwork is great... but he misses assignments pretty frequently just by going the wrong way


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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I would like to see the Tight Ends used more which will open up the middle and draw the safeties back where they belong. That in fact would open up the running game for both Arkel and Ron and put the defense on their heels more than they're now.

I for one like the Pro Style offense but again that means using your Tight Ends more.


Fellows, hopefully I will have some time in the next week or so to break it down for you - don't hold me to it but that's my goal :)

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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I don't want a specific philosophy, per se. I think Diaco is a smart guy (sometimes too smart for his own good but I digress)... I don't buy the argument that "he's a defensive guy he can't do offense". Defense is the yang to the offense's yin, if you will. There isn't one without the other. He should be very skilled at analyzing a defense and determining the weaknesses. I think he alluded to this concept when he was first introduced as coach. How are they set up? What are their tendencies? This should feed in to the game plan to say : based on our offensive capabilities.... when we see X, our best chance for yards is Y. Get to the line quickly. Read the D. Have a few plays to choose from. Get the play call in by (whatever aribitrary time left on the play clock) and execute. Make the required adjustments during course of play based on the results.

As noted ad nauseum, I feel Diaco has a very specific, plodding style that he wants to force until he's left with no other alternative. Tl;dr... be proactive and tailor plays/game plans to opponent weaknesses instead of trying to score the bare minimum of points.

Diaco said exactly that. Mike Anthony's article in the Courant has Diaco quoted as saying the effective 2-min drill offense is done out of necessity vice preference. He openly admits that an offense the moves freely and scores points isn't his preference.


Aug 26, 2011
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Diaco said exactly that. Mike Anthony's article in the Courant has Diaco quoted as saying the effective 2-min drill offense is done out of necessity vice preference. He openly admits that an offense the moves freely and scores points isn't his preference.
Sad! :)
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