Every two years like clockwork there's some new health crisis or disease that's going to finally be the one to wipe out the human race whether it's SARS, MERS, Ebola (twice), Bird Flu, Zika Virus, Swine Flu, Mad Cow's Disease, H1N1, then H1N3, and now Coronavirus, and the initial reaction is always the same: WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!! Then a a month or two goes by and everyone tires of hearing about it, and we just sort of forget about it and move on to the next thing. According to current numbers, ~0.0015% of the global population has this virus, and a little over 4k have died from it. To put that in perspective we lose about ten times that many people to guns every single year and no one cares. By May 1st this will be a back page story, and the NCAA will be kicking themselves for forfeiting a chunk of their $8.8 billion March Madness TV contract.